Well its nearly over...

Well its nearly over, It sounds like you guys had a lot of fun playing Fallout 4™ for free this weekend! But now its time for you to buy Fallout 4™ and the season pass as well, who knows if enough people buy it, I might give you a Skyrim free weekend in August!

thanks based todd... i-i'll buy it when i get my next paycheck

How about a New Vegas free weekend, Todd?

Yeah I tried it... and my god was it shit. I will N E V E R buy it. I think I'll go play New Vegas again (which by the way is superior to anything that you have ever made)

excuse me, I must be mishearing things...

Do you fags have some sort of crush on Todd?

Rising storm 2 comes out tomorrow, Fuck off todd

kys Todd is handsome and I would definitely have a crush if he weren't a manlet

Nah I played your game for free why would I give you cash for it?

this, and preordering it makes it a lot cheaper. You could learn from them, Todd.

h-have mercy, todd... i just bought prey, i need to get paid first...


That doesn't sound like a Bethesda game...
Fallout 4™ Is a better bang for your buck anyway, and the season pass doubles your enjoyment and playtime

I played it for one hour Todd. It crashed to desktop twice and I gave up trying to play any more.

Hey user, why don't you show me the receipt for that Fallout 4 purchase?

Why would anyone buy Fallout 4? Everyone knows New Vegas is better...

You aren't. Get better at marketing.

Tried it, not my thing.

Free is still too much for this giant turd of a Minecraft clone dressed up as a shitty zombie shooter.

Even free it's not worth playing.

But Todd, I'm playing your games for free since forever :^)

I hope for your sake that you mean a friend gifted it to you....

Of...of course Todd! I-I would never p-pirate your game

Yeah actually. One of my best buds gifted it to me in return for some citrus fruit and a new peg leg. Weird guy.



Todd threads will never get old. Thanks for keeping us company, Todd.

Season pass is such a rip off. The only good dlc was Far Harbor. Nuka is a literally a themepark on rails and the rest are mod tier $5-$10 'dlcs' that should have been in the game from the start.

>he bought the game and the DLCs

fucking kill yourself

And don't forget to buy Skyrim on the Nintendo Switch. Even if you can't find the system in stock you should buy my game and look at it for hours of enjoyment.