>slowly getting sick of western shit
>can't get into weeb games
you can't win
Slowly getting sick of western shit
Other urls found in this thread:
>can't get into weeb games
change your hobby
What weeb games have you tried? Maybe I can recommend something you haven't tried.
i mean i'm okay with rhythm games, action games etc
i just can't get into jrpgs, SMT or MH for example
>can't get into weeb games
Nigger I could play nothing but Souls games for the rest of my life and wouldn't get bored
it's not exactly what i meant by japanese games
also i'm fine with weeb action games
Fire Emblem Fates is pretty fun.
>moderately enjoy anime/manga
>absolutely can't stand japanese gamedev
What is wrong with me
Try Nintendo? Mario, Fire Emblem, Zelda, Metroid. Close enough to Western stuff to be palatable, yet made in Japan.
>you can't win
Sounds like you're perfect for the world of korean gaming.
Enter korean games, where you can actually communicate with females.
didn't try Fire Emblem
i like Mario, Zelda and Metroid
you don't need hundreds of hours to finish them
>communicate with females
why would i
>you don't need hundreds of hours to finish them
I finished Fates in a week dude and that's while working a full time job
>why would i
Either find a western woman, or find an asian woman that'll hook you up with a free visa to travel the world
you're not....gay, are you?
you're a normal person
should i play awakening?
mfw I dont have problems and have lots of fun with TOO MANY GAMES and TOO MUCH ANIME
I can't get into JRPGs which is what makes up most of the weeb shit. It all feels like the same fucking game and they're either really easy or stupid hard artificial difficulty shit. Most western games are already shit
That's why you play old western games instead.
You know, when they were actually good
that looks really weird and i don't play mmos
>you're not....gay, are you?
i don't know anymore, i'm not interested in relationships
the worst thing about most jrpgs is that they drag on
also those neverending tutorials
i played a lot of old stuff senpai
>i don't know anymore, i'm not interested in relationships
How can you claim this? Have you ever been in one?
Fuck off cuck
no, but i don't know many happy couples
>enjoy one or two animes and manga
>get called a weeb by all of my friends even when I never talk about it and know nothing about anime besides those couple shows
do you know many couples in the first place
>no, but i don't know many happy couples
You need to have a relationship before you can have an accurate perception of relationships user
You should definitely talk to girls every day, even if it's online.
and i know people who broke up
i don't want to know how it feels
Fuck off whore
Sup Forums . I present to you, the cuck. He's so scared of having his feelings hurt that he's willingly removing himself from the genepool
what if I told you could have a girlfriend within a month if you put the time in
i wouldn't want to have kids even if by some dark magic a woman would want to love me
>Anime poster
>Cannot weeb game
And why would I want some whore eating my energy and limiting my freedom ? Why would I do so stupid thing ? Which would only last for a while ? Why would I make my source of happiness some pheromones which effect is destinated to cease after a while ? Are you like mentally challenged?
i know right
Most people who watch anime don't like many Japanese games.
If you need proof look at every weeb's profile on Steam. They have anime avatars and backgrounds but almost never play Japanese games (besides Souls, MGSV, and some Nintendo games).
*most westerners
You could try the Yakuza Series
i don't have a PS4 yet
Most games are on ps3 dingus, the first 2 are on ps2(and zero and kiwami are on ps3 if you import the japanese version)
isn't PS4 getting a remake?
Yes of the first game, but its on ps3 as well as zero if you can read japanese. The usa localization is ps4 only. Still Yakuza 3,4,5 are pretty cheap and yakuza for ps2 got a reprint.
Why not SMT and MH?
i won't buy PS3 again just to play Yakuza senpai
especially if there are remakes coming
both became overwhelming at some point
it's hard to get back into both if you stop playing for some time
Play some of the thousands upon thousands of old games you never played.
Many aren't in the style of modern western games, even if they're western games themselves.
>he got rid of his ps3
Overwhelming in how? SMT is almost like a harder Pokemon game if all battles weren't single battles.
A weeb avatar almost always means at least 2k hours into cs:go
i thought i played everything worth playing ;_;
getting lost, dying A LOT
It's not like she was pretty before.
The fact you think yourself intelligent makes you all the more pathetic.
Just from your post it shows you want it badly.
>selling consoles
Welcome to the jaded-gamer life, OP
either you abysmally lower your standards and/or sink into depression in order to enjoy weebtrash or you're bound to play Mobas/shitty FPSs, it's horrible I know
Silly user. Nobody actually PLAYS these shitty jap games, they just self-insert and masturbate to the characters constantly. They pick waifus and make their own fun.
The games themselves are always dogshit.
Try Automata.
i had to sell it
nah i won't play mobatrash or CSGO
i've seen some threads that weren't waifushit tho
pc too weak
Here we have the prime example: Awful game mechanics, easy, shallow, just a repitive hack and slash to the next cutscene and maybe some booty shots of 2b to keep you awake.
No inherant value, nothing to see worth your time, with the exception of 2b.
Nice bait
>Just from your post it shows you want it badly.
I don't.
Haven't I stated that clearly ? I am not 13yo horny teenage boy who can't control his hormones. (Which you prolly are.)
>The fact you think yourself intelligent makes you all the more pathetic.
Dam, you destroyed me there with your superior intelligence
>its an episode of a lost normalfag who can't comprehend that 3DPD whores are literally not important
>can't get into weeb games
Never happened, one can always get into weeb games
Have you played Yakuza 0 or Gravity Rush 2?
Play some entry level shit like persona 4 or something.
no, but i tried original Gravity Rush on my friend's vita
seemed really boring