Play pic related

>Play pic related
>Someone gets mad at me and tells me to go back to League
>Play League
>Someone gets mad and tells me to go back to HotS
>Play Dota
>Someone calls me a pendejo and tells me to get cancer

Why is this genre such a magnet for human trash?

>someone insults me in an online game
>I take it personally

Which MOBA do you play?

>knows the games are filled with human trash
>chooses to play them anyway

If you're too weak for insults you shouldn't play mobas.
BTW you're a waste of life, you spoiled, pathetic weakling.

>being butt hurt because people tell you something

kek I've been playing HOTS for two days and no one even talks. They just ping. The only exception to that was yesterday when I was playing Samuro and some guy asked me if it was my game with Samuro and all I replied with was "???"

>play HotS
>people get LoL salty when you dont play as they want you to play

Your fault for playing solo in team-based games. Only Dunning-Kruger'd 1t year old retards like them because they can scapegoat their failures on other people.

To be fair, the salt is worse in team oriented games, especially MOBA's.

You can like, give it your all.. You put in your blood, sweat, and tears. Sometimes, it's not even your fault for your team losing and instead you'll get a lot of mindless people who cannot see what kind of mistakes they've made themselves, so they resort to blaming their own teammates instead of themselves.

So now both you and the other person on the team is tilted and now you're basically throwing insults, and trying to figure out how you fed the enemy team.

The entire match everyone is just typing instead of playing.

You wasted entire hour of shit flinging insults. That's one precious hour of gaming lost because some fucking retard didn't know how to engage safely.

There's people out there who work very busy lives and finally when they're able to play, they get some fucking asshole just being a little turd faggot who cannot find his own mistakes.

That's why salt in MOBA's is fucking trash.

shit stats mate
and stop playing samuro, dude's low tier and enemy characters with quests can complete them by hitting your illusions

> pendejo
thanks bro i had forgotten about this word

t. low skill player


I aint' playing competitively, I'm playing the blademaster because of my wc3 fetish and it's all close as it gets

>Samuro player

Thanks for helping me finish my corruption quest faster.

next hero release when?

cia nigger

and the quests are per game right? It's not a permanent stat that carries over to other games?

>next overwatch character when?
no ty

because its like 60% third worlders playing

We need more protoss.

>free to play

free games attract poorfags who hate the world.

The community for dota 1 in wc3 was just as bad

There's your problem. Play something that requires individual skill, or at least a non-F2P game you poorfag nigger,

Yes, quests are for that game only. Having them carry over would be absolutely retarded.

>Suck at game genre that actually requires a brain (excluding hots)
>Get flamed by the people your wasting the time of by not taking the proper steps to actually learn the game

You lazy fucks need to realise that dota and league are an invenstment, like learning a language, where you constantly have to research to learn how to use each ability, when to, how to move, how to manipulate the lane. There are so many steps to playing the game properly, and if you make no effort to, than you are a nuisance and need to fuck off.

These games are only fun when played by competent human beings. The failure to see the value of a moba genre is a failure of your own brain. It's like not being able to appreciate art. That's why Sup Forums hates dota and league, they are underachievers with ADHD that need instant gratifacation.