Hey Sup Forums, recommend me a roguelite

Hey Sup Forums, recommend me a roguelite.

I did a lot o Binding of Isaac, but I feel it's kind of slow paced.

I'm looking for something I can play in small breaks throughout the day, easy to get in and get out.

I'm thinking pic related, but I would like to hear from you.

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dungeon crawl stone soup is all you need

>dungeon crawl stone soup
Isn't that a roguelike, though?


Nuclear Throne is better

Rampage Knights is awesome and a little gem.

Gungeon is shit. Just get Nuclear Throne, its way better.

Thanks anons

Plus you can get Nuclear Throne Together for better co-op and modding support.

Gungeon, Nuclear Throne, Risk of Rain, Rogue Legacy, FTL

This game was so fucking boring.

post highscore faggot

towerclimb, though it's a roguelite platformer

my favorite part of the game

where can I download?

Gungeon's pretty good. I found it hard to play since 200 hours of nuklear throne (before it got shit during the late stages of development, at least IMO there were some very questionable design choices and Rami is also a huge faggot) was too hard to unlearn in terms of dodging projectiles, but my housemate has easily put in 150 hours and all but clocked it completely. The co-op is kinda sucky because of screen space but it's a fun game if a bit random.

How about dungeons of dredmor? Or FTL if you hate yourself

>I did a lot o Binding of Isaac, but I feel it's kind of slow paced.
Wait another week user.

They're pretty different games

Literally this. The devs are kind of faggots but the gameplay is superior.

Invisible Inc.


it's on steam for 15 buckaroos, or you can just pirate it. though, it's not easy if you rush. try to take it slow, otherwise you'll get fucked hard.

Has any progress been made on that Nuclear Throne 60 FPS mod? I stopped playing the game because I no longer was interested in re-accustoming myself to 30 fps for such a fast paced game.

43000 lol

>because of screen space but it's a fun game if a bit random.
Dungeons of Dredmor doesn't look like my cup of tea. I'm thinking fast paced action, like Nuclear Throne on Gungeon (apparently).

I don't understand this "Nuclear Throne is better" thing. They look pretty different. And jesus does Nuclear Throne look like assinine clusterfuck.

What about Rogue Legacy? Anyone?

How hard is it to get used to 30fps for a top down 2d sprite shooter? Christ you're literally a faggot

Kill yourself faggot.

I can't find a torrent and 15 buckaroos is a bit too much, I'll put it on my wishlist and buy it when it goes down

Rogue legacy is boring shit. Gungeon has better GRAFIX but the gameplay is much much worse. It's a boring slog to playthrough.

I enjoyed Rogue Legacy, it's pretty fast-paced and easy to pick up a new run.
I specifically recommend AGAINST gungeon because if you don't get decent guns then your damage is shit and shooting a boss for 4 minutes is boring. If I get one decent gun then it's a battle of attrition against the game where I die on the fourth floor and I've learned nothing.

43m or 43k

Alright, I'll take your word for it.

>basketball wizard


Don't fall for the Rogue Legacy meme, it's shit. Throne is still an OK game, just wasted potential. It has less raw content than Gungeon by far too.

Dead Cells is pretty good.

There's new dlc coming for it soon actually, chapter 3 if you're interested. As for torrents, there's 1 on thepiratebay simply titled "towerclimb".


But you don't get to experience 90% of gungeons content because you are lucky if you get 2 new weapons a floor. Sometimes you don't even get a new weapon. And you have to play through it a million times to unlock the chance to find a new weapon or shitty power up. Plus all the characters feel the same to play except the special one, but even then they're not really different. NT might have less content but you get to experience more of it and more frequently as well. Plus after you loop it gets fucking insane, plus playing as the hidden character and shit.

Still in Early Access though, so wait a bit on that. Seems close to complete at least.

Nuclear Throne can be a clusterfuck. I put 500+ hours into it though. Gungeon was fucking boring to me.

Didn't they remove looping from it when they added the storyline? I suppose we'll have to agree to disagree here, but it is fair, they're quite different games in certain key aspects.

How about pic related?

There's still looping. You destroy the 4 [REDACTED] before killing the [REDACTED]
Looping is the best part though honestly. Hard mode can be pretty fun too but it's also pretty bullshit.

never heard of it, will look it up, thanks user