Dishonored 2 flops

>dishonored 2 flops
>prey bombs

how much longer do they have left bros

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Quick rundown on Prey?
I'm enjoying it so far, scratches that System Shock itch.

Their games are always just slightly above average.

I know Dishonored 2 was an unoptimized mess, but why is it considered not great?

>Both games use Denuvo
>Both sell like shit

Really tickles the ol' para nuts

>would have bought dishonored 2 if the PC port wasn't shit
>even if they fix it now, there will be no one to talk to about it so I don't even want to play it

Prey is good as a good game should be, Im having a very good time with the campaing, It remainds me so much of HL1. I like the free roam component of the space station a lot
Obviously, if you like cover-shooters, or iteractive movies, this is not for you.

>He play games to talk about it
Millenials everybody

its a good game, just doesnt have mass appeal. same with everything they make really.

wouldnt be suprised if bethesda got them to make a division/destiny style shared world shooter next time around

Bethesda are at fault not the developers.

Developers are fine, they were fully paid for both games.

>Underdeveloped characters
>Buggy bonecharms, some of which never got fixed
>Sick style videos difficult to make because the mana regen bonecharm was nerfed by accident and never fixed, and objects didn't go where the crosshair was until half a year after release
>Enemy variety replaced by gimmicky levels when we could've had both
>New Outsider is some edgy tryhard instead of best boy because voice actor had an account called "trannydestroyer" which was just a joke
>Performance fixes are all just making the game look worse so it runs better

They need to get about 10% better. All their games have at least one thing that just sucks the joy out of it. Usually it's something that doesn't control quite right.

I love Arkane but honestly the only great game in the last 10 years was Dishonored 2 and that was the B team. Prey has too many flaws from drifting to annoying sound effects. Dishonored was bloated with filler and muddy textures even for the time.

They can be great but they need to tighten up a bit. Then again the same can be said for everything Bethesda has input on. Even DOOM had a few small issues.

They've started to pander to "progressive" crowd. Serves them right.

No they didn't.

Hopefully long enough time to make Arx Fatalis 2

I've already played dishonored 2. Who are you fooling?


>Arx Fatalis 2
it would be nothing like the first one since they would have to make it work for consoles

I want Dark Messiah 2

It would be consolized

One of the main characters is a girl.

They did. So many gay couples and way too "badass i can do it all no problem" female characters in Prey

>So many gay couples
One canon gay couple.

>way too "badass i can do it all no problem" female characters
I fully except a chief of security to be a little on the tough side, ignoring the fact that she and her group were totally fucked and knew it.

They could use motion controls to help the player draw the spells.

>tfw using hand gestures in VR to cast spells

Just like Dark Messiah was consolized with "Elements"? Dumbass

>one of the writers is a literal tumblrina with no expirience in writing whatsoever, who got her job only for political reasons
>as a result, repulsive dyke characters
>female officers (in the oppressive world of dishonored there's a place for diversity hires just like in arkane studios)
>no signs of any manifestations of racism also
>half of the gang members are female


>They've started to pander to "progressive" crowd

exactly this

>don't sell game
>wonder why people don't buy it

So no actual proof.

Dishonored was never good.
Spaming IGN articles wont make it the empy soulless shit it was.

thats ok we don't have to do that, since the game is universally praised by most people

>New Outsider is some edgy tryhard instead of best boy because voice actor had an account called "trannydestroyer" which was just a joke
this had better not be true


Arx Fatalis came out on console as well.

>Comparing Mad Max to film noir

She knows nothing about writing and nothing about movies.

Somewhat. See, the English voice actor is different, but I hear the Spanish one is the same as in Dishonored 1, yet they still had the same problem of sounding a lot more erratic instead of menacing.

>For a moment I think he’s doing that thing that always happens to women at these things, which is that people try to imply you are just pretending to like video games so you can get into E3 and be hit on by gross dudes… or something. These people always have a Dark Souls t-shirt on or a smarmy grin or I assume at least two pitbulls at home. They probably drive humvees or whatever. They do stuff like ask you if you’re someone’s girlfriend (Such a personal question, what if I’m in between boyfriends right now? What if I just got dumped? What if I am asexual and came here purely to remind myself of why?), or they say “but do you really play video games” or “I bet you don’t like shooters” and they do everything under the sun to imply that you have no place here, get out, this is our world, our territory, and you are too close to my boner.

>What if I am asexual and came here purely to remind myself of why?
She's not wrong y'know

No one knows what consoles sales were like.

>>Performance fixes are all just making the game look worse so it runs better

Yeah, because that's how it works. Optimization generally means precisely that - optimizing assets so the game runs better. If you're lucky no one will notice you're using simpler models, for example. You don't really optimize code itself after launch.

People seem to think optimization means "magically making things run better " for some reason.

Well I really didn't like the story, so much so that i couldn't find a reason to play it past the first level. The first game was extremely basic but it still worked: waifu and daughterfu were handled badly in front of your eyes so of course you go on the quest of revenge/redemption/whatever.

Here a shitty ruler was fucked in two seconds and kingdom submitted instantly to it. The fact that they went all infodump with "Emily the heart is actually your mother lol" not only makes this game weak, it makes the first one retrospectively weaker.

seems a Bethesda game to me


they're working on mobile games now in Lyon.

making Emily a playable character was a waste of dev time and resources.
soon bros

Would've been better if they just picked one of them and gave that character all of the powers. So sick

Yeah, even if they'd just gone with Emily as your character for the sequel I'd have been fine than with what we got. Felt like half a game and I immediately lost interest in a replay when I rolled the other character and it was literally just a copy/paste job. If there's no real difference then why even bother? Just make a character creator and tell the people whining about representation to shut the fuck up and use the gender slider.

why did prey sell so poorly? i loved it personally, the art direction and setting were really interesting to me

Immersive sims don't sell that well anymore. The first BioShock game was an anomaly. It also had a strong demo with one of the better game openings ever.

it barely had any marketing and wasn't appealing to a large crowd

There's a lesbo couple and then there's two gay guys flirting with each other in the audio logs.

>both games arent even that bad
This is why every AAA game wants the CoD audience

This disappoints me, dishonored 2 optimization problems aside I loved the game.

Same for Prey.

Immersive sims have never been bankable. Why do you think Looking Glass, Ion Storm, and Irrational Games no longer exist? It's stupid for them to have AAA budgets anymore.

>how much longer do they have left bros
I hope not very long.

Maybe Ubishit will take them back and they make Dark Messiah II and release their third unoptimized piece of shit on release

Fucking French, great art designs and always a few original ideas but the tech and back-end stuff always gets the shaft.

I played the german version, so I couldn't care less. That was the same voice actor in both games, and he did a shitty job in 1 and was much better at it in 2


here is your problem that texas branch is may be rotten but our french bros are still okay

Really tho, comparing Dishonored 2 with something like Ultima Underworld is a big joke from you.

I honestly think some incompetent cuck fired from Arkane Studios is on the board stirring shit up about them.

Maybe not so much as think as know, considering the guy who dumped spoilers for Prey's plot admitted as much.

Both Dishonored 2 and Prey are good games, and we should be encouraging the market to make more of them.

>not being overt cashgrabber is enough for a game to be considered good by nu-Sup Forums

Dishonored 2 and Prey are two of the best games to come out in the past 12 months.

pretty much this

They aren't as good as many people make them to be. Dishonored was quite the shallow game, despite having good level design.

how the fuck does that have to do with shooting aliens with my fucking mind?

Real question here is whether Bethesda has enough sense to realize not all of their games need to compare to Bethesda proper's games like Skyrim and Fallout 4. While ideal financially you can do just fine if not every game you make is a 10+ million copies sold blockbuster.

>They aren't as good as many people make them to be

That's because they advertise here

They're 7/10's at most.

Prey fails to make a solid first impression and relies on multiple replays before it really clicks.

Dishonored 2 had two excellent levels and looks gorgeous but doesn't innovate in the least and remains incredibly easy, even on the higher difficulties. The decision to add voice actors literally gave me ear cancer.

They need to go back to their roots; medieval fantasy schlock. Arx Fatalis and Dark Messiah simply fitted them more than futuristic or whalepunk settings ever will.

>Both Dishonored 2 and Prey are good games, and we should be encouraging the market to make more of them.


>way too "badass i can do it all no problem" female characters
They've killed my men and now they've killed me. I'm holding my guts inside of me with both hands. I'm almost done... resist. This is bigger than my little life, the lives of my men and the lives of the people I was forced to kill. Resist. Humanity demands it! Resist!

It doesn't have anything to stand on it's own other than "hey guys it's like System Shock 2!"

So what it's similar to System Shock 2, does it have anything going for its own, some interesting gameplay features, are you just trying to cash in on that game's good memoirs people have?

Also that name is generic, it's the kind of name you'd put on a C level horror film. It tells you nothing about what the game is about.

I don't think so, Arkane's games just have very clear strengths and weaknesses which makes them appeal to certain groups. For example, they couldn't get storytelling right if their life depended on it, but their level design is second to none these days. Which is sadly a problem when most people will just rush from objective to objective and ignore everything in-between aka the meat of their games.

>The decision to add voice actors literally gave me ear cancer.

You crazy, homie.

They only have level design going for them, the parry instakill combat is trash, stealth makes no use of surface making different sounds, no use of different levels of light affecting your visibility. It has different elements that are shallow as fuck and good level design. That doesn't make a game great, it's still missing good gameplay at the very least.

they have been aware of that since dishonored 1. That's why they break into the semi normie scene with all the id game, quake, a resident evil wannabe and the "immersive sim" genre.

>Which is sadly a problem when most people will just rush from objective to objective and ignore everything in-between aka the meat of their games

>tfw too stupid to enjoy Arkane games

He probably means VA's for the protagonists

>(punches the air for feminism)

This is so fucking wrong that it hurts.

Why didn't they fix Dishonored 2? That's not good for a company's reputation, I wouldn't buy a new game from them if they didn't even set things right with their last product.

Do we know for a fact that Prey flopped?

I just finished it yesterday. It was good.

Nigger it was fucking amazing

From what I hear the engine they used for DH2 is beyond fucked. And at that point, it's just not possible for many reasons to go back and fix it.

God knows why they decided on that engine.

>Tom Hardy

It did make me rock hard on more than one occasion.

Dark Messiah was actually well above average.


I'm not so sure, gave it a try, the combat was horrible, and the initial scripted sequence in the fortress just bored me to no end. I gave up because I was almost falling into a coma. Definitely made me think it gets way more praise than it deserves, some other games have much, much better melee combat.

>Finding out that you can use terminals with that toy crossbow
>Using the mimic power to enter rooms you can't access normally
>Removing the neuromod DRM, so you can make them infinitely
>That ending
>That attention to detail
>You can use random heavy items as throwing weapons when you run out of ammo or psi
This fucking game is a masterpiece.

I don't understand people saying prey required multiple playthroughs to "click". I was pretty hooked on my first play through after surfing about withe GLOO and recycler charges early on.

I'll be honest, I like games such as SS1, SS2 and Deus Ex, and I have yet to see something cool-looking about Prey. All webms posted, videos I watch of its gameplay, they don't look really good.They could've made a demo but looks like they just want me to jump in without knowing what's good about it, so how about no.

You need to play it to understand it. There's so many little details, and the mechanics are deep as fuck.

I'd fully admit that every webm I've seen of it on Sup Forums was lame or a simple jump scare from a mimic.

Its not being done justice. Especially if it flopped. That would break my black heart.

damn, i wish the guy who did the doom interviews do these as well.

they have, though. game even has a three mission demo out.

What is your definition of a flop?

Bethesda is the new EA

a game made by Arkane studios

this is way too overdramatic
