I'm going to play Thief Gold.
What am I in for?
I'm going to play Thief Gold
A good time.
A great game
If you enjoy it know that Thief 2 is better. If you like the concept but don't enjoy it know that Thief 2 is better. If you don't like what it was going for then fuck you.
I suggest you play Thief 2 for definitive stealth experience and if you like it then try Thief 1, which is ridden with retarded bullshit like zombies
what about thief 3?
Thief 3 is Thief: Deadly Shadows. The gameplay is balls and nothing like the first two, but it has a few decent levels and provides a tolerable book-end to the series.
Thief 4 we shall not speak of because it does not exist
>Thief 4 we shall not speak of because it does not exist
why not
Loses most of what made the first two worth playing.
If Thief II is a 10/10 Deadly Shadows is like a 6.5, it has its moments but it's just a disappointment that missed the mark.
>Thief 4
You mean Thiaf? Did you see that Game Informer article where they said the problem with it was it adhered too closely to the series roots? I'm not joking.
Its literally the DmC of the series
currently playing the game for the first time and enjoying it quite a lot. I messed up some levels because I thought saving arrows and bombs would transfer to the next level. Also you should play on expert because it actually follows the Golden eye and Perfect dark formula with increased difficulty means more objectives to do on the level
should be a picture of a dude hitting people with a blackjack desu
If you play on the hardest difficulty some of the most ridiculous needle on a haystack bullshit ever seen in a game. Pixel hunting in old adventure games is less painful.
>Also you should play on expert because it actually follows the Golden eye and Perfect dark formula with increased difficulty means more objectives to do on the level
oh i didnt know that. i just did the first level on normal and now im in the caves being attacked by zombies. I'll restart on the hardest.
DmC is a fine game if we pretend it's an original IP
THIAF is not
>The last Thief game, which launched back in 2014, was met with mixed reviews, ranging from a 67 to 70 on Metacritic between all platforms. Our own Ben Reeves had this to say about it, "Eidos-Montreal may have adhered too closely to the series’ roots, resulting in a reboot that suffers from classic problems like simplistic combat and trial-and-error sneaking missions. However, locked behind this old-school game design is a gem that stealth fans should eye up for their collection."
Pah, couldn't pay me enough.
>tfw the vocaroo of the thi4f version of this conversation by some user expired and I didn't save it
meant to quote
Spend all your loot at the shop before each mission, your leftover money doesn't carry over next tmie
If you ever get tired of the supernatural stuff, play Thief 2 instead.
Oh shit a Thief thread
Time to post the guide.
Also some people are working on a new fan campaign.
I wonder if the Dark Mod community is as dead as ever.
i do wish there was a thief game like hitman where you plan a big heist. but thief 1/2 custom missions are pretty good since i dont like the supernatural stuff
I've given it two tries and I can't get into it. It's just tediously boring to play.
Mission X in this pic Haven't played much hitman but thats a unique mission that might be what you're looking for
I was making a sort of guide a while ago but never finished it. I'm gonna add some info on graphics options like disabling texture filtering, and a list of FM sites. What else should I add?
Try Thief 2. It's one of my favourite games and I can't stand Thief 1