When did you decide to sell your Xbox one? I'm taking mine to GAMESTOP now

When did you decide to sell your Xbox one? I'm taking mine to GAMESTOP now

Enjoy your robbery store credit. Better off selling it to someone you know so you can at least dictate the price and maybe get a few beers out of it.

If you wait until E3 the credit you get can rise up to about 15% extra. Wait a few weeks before turning it in.

No one I know wants to buy one

When I got a One S

I see that you, too, shop at newegg during sales.


enjoy your $40 for the console and 8 games

So sell it on Ebay or Amazon.

GameStop does a bunch of trade in deals every year around E3 wait for that and you'll get more for it than now

Why do people have remorse over buying a system that gets most games? Do you plan on getting Bloodborne or want a PC instead?

Ah alright I'll do that

Too much of a hazzle to ship

This. Shit, even facebook has a local marketplace now. I'm sure some horny singles in your area are looking to get their game on RIGHT NOW.

>Asking to be robbed and actually getting robbed and taking it and loving your measly store credit.



I feel so sorry for people who bought an Xbox One. Literally any other option is better, maybe except for the WiiU depending on your taste.

you'll be lucky to get 50 dollars

Wii U is way better then xbone, let's be real here. Even the vita is

the wii u is shit

Im just too dumb to build a computer and i'm american so I thought that the xbox one was the best option here.

It is the worst option, but I still don't understand the point in selling it. All his friends are on PS4 or PC? I don't have an Xbox One, I just don't understand the remorse. My cousin keeps saying he wishes he got a PS4. But he'd never play Bloodborne, his son has an Xbox One and they play together on different systems, and I and everyone he knows plays on PC, so there's literally no point in him having a PS4 anyway, but I guess the simple fact that it's considered "better" makes him wish he had it instead?

i honestly thought that was a vcr for a second

>Gets most games at 720p 25fps

It's a pathetic piece of hardware. A piece of shit PC could play multiplat games better than the Bone.

I'd let my consoles rot in a closet before trading them into Gamestop for 20 dollars

Is that what happens? I thought it was close enough to the PS4 that at worst a 1080p 60 FPS game on PS4 would be 900p 60 FPS on Xbox One. So it's kinda like the new PS3 where some games run way shittier than the other console?

You realise it has more exclusives than just Bloodborne, right?

I haven't. I bought it to be a Forza machine. Don't care if newer Forza games are gonna be on PC I haven't upgraded my PC since 2009.

All consoles are on the same tier, basically the same list of games, save for a few exclusives that aren't worth buying the console for

People associate self worth with brand identity. They feel they picked the wrong choice because the console itself doesn't feel relevant.
I don't bother with consoles anymore because I feel I throw money away with them, but when your audience is the lowest common denominator, the remorse makes sense.


When Dark Dreams Don't Die S2 and Scalebound we're cancelled. Microsoft fucked over their Jap lineup majorly this time around. They used to have so many good JRPGs on the 360

but not a single one good

None that he would ever be interested in. And that seems to be the most notable one. He pretty much just plays Rocket League, which a PS4 would do no better. Him and I already play together in that some times since there's cross-platform with PC.

It isn't? Needs that fine wood finish.

nope. i'm gearing up for those 1st party games coming this year. crackdown 3 looks mint. also i just got xbl for $1. feels good xbros

blah blah blah thinly veiled console war thread



PS4 has 17 full-retail exclusives, many of which are Japan-only. Both consoles have fuck-all for exclusive games, PS4 just managed to break double-digits, unlike Xbone which has 7 full-retail exclusives.

But that wasn't happening at all until your post, user.

My VCR didn't need a giant power brick.

Almost everyone just plays multiplats on BOTH.

Funnily enough though the xbox community seem to prefer the exclusives a lot more than the ps4 community do though.

Why do faggots like OP sell their shit for so cheap to businesses like GameStop instead of a friend? If I really don't care about something and just want to get rid of it then I will at least willingly sell it to a friend for the value GameStop is willing to give me for it. That way GameStop can't fuck someone else, I get rid of my figurative paperweight, and a buddy can enjoy a game or console for pennies on the dollar.

I'll play Crackdown 2 in 4k 60fps on my PC with free online.

nobody buys a playstation for its 1st party games.

If I came across one cheap, I would get it and hold onto it just for RDR2 down the road.

Aren't most of those exclusives not exclusive though? TLOU, Uncharted collection, Gears and Forza are all multiplat I thought

That would require that someone else he knows actually want the Xbone

Might be on older consoles but it doesn't really matter since most people will want to play them on the latest one

But Gears and Forza are on PC.

kot :3

i might sell it when the scorpio comes out. either that or just move it to a different room.

Nah that guy is just exaggerating. Xbone games run fine
Hell, FFXV runs better on xbone than on base PS4

Lol, I have a PC but nobody whose going to buy a console will buy a PC. It's why so many games on both are "console exclusives"

>being over the age of 18 and selling anything to retailers
how retarded can you be?
you can get 3x more if you sold it on eBay
I plan on selling mine but I think I will wait until E3 to get disappointed first

>playing W10 games
Lmao. Better off getting those games on then bone where online communities actually last and you have the option of getting a physical copy

Well they're just not exclusive by definition, that's all.

Uncharted 4 is the only exclusive on PS4's list and I think Halo 5 and maybe one of the Forza games are the only actual Xbone exclusives. Wii U was the only console with any real amount of exclusive software and even then it was just a handful relative to what we've had in the past.

None of those communities were worth the time investment anyways.
>paying for online

Sold mine with about 6 or 7 games for $350 on Kijiji.
Used the money to buy a Switch.

I haven't sold my Xbox because the exclusives it does have are way too good to abandon. I still play Halo 5 daily. I play Gears 4 a bit less, but I recently got Horizon 3 which is actually really good.

GameStop is offering only 80 in cash, and 100 in credit. If he's so desperate to get rid of it that he's willing to sell it for that much, you don't think he can't find a person willing to pay only 80 to 100 bucks? I'd get if someone can't take care of their shit so it's unsellable, but otherwise it's a good deal for buyers.


Again, he can't do that if he doesn't have any friends or relatives who want to buy an Xbone at that moment. I personally wouldn't want one for $100, I'd tell him to just take it to fucking Gamestop if he wants the money immediately or sell it on ebay or something if he doesn't.

You don't need friends or relatives when theres literally thousands of avenues in terms of local internet marketplaces.

>Telling anyone to trade in anything to gamestop, ever

you're a terrible friend, might as well just rob him yourself