Why do we hate her again?
Why do we hate her again?
She's not Etna.
She's not Fetna.
They killed Beastmaster for her to exist
Shes not Beryl
This. Fucking trashy 2 cent whore is nothing but a knockoff of delicious flat chest Etna.
She's fugly.
You're fugly.
Because Sup Forums is a bunch of pedophile losers who can't handle the fact that there's a female character in the game who doesn't look like a fucking child.
In my honest opinion, shes probably the best character in 5, although it's not really that big of an accomplishment.
she's not fuuka
She's not Laharl.
no u
She's not Rozalin.
I like Prier, I don't like Seraphine. What does that make me?
There's plenty of big boob characters in the games, including generics, and people like some of them. Also fem Laharl.
Personally I'm not really fond of Seraphina because I met someone irl with that same kind of "all men are my slaves" personality and she was annoying. Looks wise she's alright.
The director of the Disgaea series was pretty much out the door at that point. NIS combined Rozalin and Etna to make a generic female lead for Disgaea 5. We hate her because she is predictable, along with the entire story from Disgaea 5.
i love persona 3
Etna is garbage.
A man with shit-taste, I suppose.
Please apologize.
McRee pls go it's midnight, not noon
She's not Marona.