Battlestation thread

got ssds running on both of these babies

Other urls found in this thread:

fire in the hole

My lazystation. Plz no bully, haven't invested in doing it up because I don't plan on being here within the next year.

whats that obama certificate?

It's nothing special. Friend used to work in the white house and got it for me on my birthday a few years back.

Is your monitor hovering?

lmao how poor do you have to be to brag about having an SSD

Is it addressed to you? If so, that's fucking wicked.

>Is it addressed to you? If so, that's fucking wicked.
It is, yup. He worked in correspondents so the access was there, albeit not directly.

r8 pls

You seem like you have a great personality, user.

I'm a NEET

>inb4 that faggot with the battlestation with the tv screens above and the shitty "retro" basement

Go raise your son you deadbeat.

I remember you and your disability funbux, user.

Oh boy, here we go.

Wow surprised someone actually remembered that discussion, how's things? I just got my Logitech g290 in the mail today.

Why so little storagre space?

Being lazy as fuck today, user. How do you like it?

You talking about on top of the PC or under the desk? If on top then that is just where I throw shit and forget about it, underneath not so much because this corner used to be a built in wardrobe until I done some DIY to make it what it is now.

I am being lazy too seeing as I have not set it up yet, just unboxed it and checked it out, I will probably get around to testing it tomorrow before I lose my self in Rising Storm 2 Vietnam.


My room looks like hell though.

>fat american cat

>17 deg

Do you live in an igloo or something?

Do you live in the desert?

He lives at a patrician temperature.


now get one from the cooler president

nintendo kids always just give off a very faggy vibe
like this isn't even your battlestation. it's a computer that you littered with a bunch of garbage for a picture

sir wat r u doing


Not living in an igloo clearly




Le Australian XDD

I've had it like that for years.
I didn't make it like that just for a picture.
It's comfy to me.

you put all that shit on your bed, the bed you sleep in every night and leave it there all the time?

The Isabelle hug pillow is the only thing on my bed. The other stuff is next to my bed.
I have a lot of things I don't have room for, so I just pile them on top of each other.


Sup Forums doesn't do bst threads. rarely make it past 100.

I'm depressed Sup Forums

not at all

I have been a lots than have went over 300 stfu fag.


A couple of recent ones have been pretty nice. Better than Sup Forums to be honest.

I wouldn't mind some air conditioning right about now

Genuinely bleak. Is that a vault behind the screens?

Eternal virgin-space

>watching a face cammer


>Eternal virgin-space

Sorry to disappoint, friend. It's happened in that room in front of those figures multiple times.

Parts should be coming in a few days. Here's my build
Here's a picture of my office also.

what's the specs on that pc user?

>screen pointing to door


Nothing special. Came here for ideas desu


this. you will regret that decision if living with anyone else.

>living with other people

>Screen pointing to door

You are fucking dense aren't you?

screen is visible if anyone walks up behind him..

lmao shenmue


Why would that matter? Don't you lock your doors?

if your mousepad is smaller than this, then you are a filthy casual.

i7 4790k
gtx 980 ti

I use two mousepads


that sounds inefficient

one for each mouse, works great

>that cable management

>one for each mouse

so i can swap hands if one gets tired

spank me with buttery visuals

>so i can swap hands

You're such a bullshitter. Don't reply to me again

It's alright

Holy shit. I do the same thing and I have the same monitor. Although I have a keyboard attached so my laptop is basically a desktop but used for a second monitor.

He said "president," not angry loser.

I want to build a gaming pc so bad. I'm kinda a "tired gamer" but I want a pc to play co op and online games with my friend.
I can't decide if I should just go mid tier and cheap and use my 24" 60 hz TN monitor and build around that.

Why is picking parts for a pc so daunting and hard for me..

Cheap collage student here
the desk is small and uncomfortable but it was free
putting the case that way to hide the cables and dust

I only really play EUIV and sessions can be like 16+ hours usually.
Game can be played with one hand

Give me your budget and I'll assemble something for you. What games do you want to play? Multiplayer games are pretty non-demanding for the most part.


That money is being put to use

What, the cat and the xbone?

This would be great if not for the lame as fuck lighting, the terrible decorations, and the waifu posters on the wall.

yeah i know im proud of my education so far but the battlestation feels shit compared to the other guys
at least i wont be a neet i guess

This would be great if it wasn't in your kitchen.

I swear, seeing where some of you live is fucking depressing.

Only recently moved it here.

>Women: stay away

I'm and I have a better battlestation than you and I can fucking spell, get off your high horse future wageslave.

That would be really nice of you.
Im willing to spend $1200.
I want to play Terraria again. Skyrim again. The souls series... Again.
Shit, I can't think of stuff I haven't played. Maybe try out that players unknown battleground game. Friend wants me to try leage out, I'm doubting I will enjoy it.

Basically I don't want to be limited in terms of quality if there was a newer game out I wanted to Play.

I'm not particular about the case, just need something practical.

Also I'm debating if I should bump my budget up and go with an 144hz monitor. I already have a 60hz panel...

Nice. Needs plastic thing under the chair to avoid damaging the floor.


That's a shitload of money for a gaming pc. Give me a minute.

This would be great if you toned it down a little. GEt rid of those retarded mouse pads and other crap under your keyboard. Replace with just a solid colour. Get an actual stand for your monitor and ditch the Horde symbol on your wall.


It's a lot? I was originally thinking $1500



These tend to pop up fairly frequently in these threads. Do you guys sing or something? Youtubers?

Speakers larger than the TV never looks good. And you're one skinny looking fuck.

Why did you delete this?

whoops haha


whats wrong with that?
asking cause thats what i want when i live alone
a room and a bathroom
