Have a 14 day old son

>have a 14 day old son
>can't play vidya because every 3 hours you need to drop whatever the fuck you're doing and tend to him
>can't get engrossed in a videogame in such short bursts

any other dad gamers here?

>falling for the vaginal Jew

Try the Elite Dangerous general.

>Having to raise another Man's son
It's your fucking fault

Why did you even have a kid if all you're going to do is complain about the lack of free time.
Did it come as a surprise that you couldn't just do what you wanted all the time, or are you really just that retarded?

Maybe you should tell your wife to stop sucking off Jamal so she can do her job.


lol no

Try some match 3 games. They usually have turn-oriented modes and the game state is small enough that you can pick up context after dealing with your IRL stuff.
Congratulations on your offspring tho.

Just ignore the kid who gives a fuck. It can sit in shit for a few hours to a day or doesn't fucking matter. Might teach it not to shit itself so often.

I wanted to get more into 4X games since time is limited for me. They seem good to play in short bursts. Problem is the tutorials often take too long: I need to absorb it all in one go and I just can't. Tried Endless Legend and got like 1/2 through tutorial before I got sidetracked.

>3 hours
>short bursts
this is how i know you don't have kids


>ever having sex
>not wanting to be a wizard

What a fucking loser, hope you have fun playing with your parasite while your lady gets fucked by chad and darnell

Newborns need to feed every 3 to 3.5 hours. He only gets changed after he feeds. Takes like 20 minutes to feed then another 20 minutes to get him to calm down enough to get back into the bassinet.

>saying 14 days instead of 2 weeks
typical redditposter

How black is your wife's son?

Why are you complaining? You chose this path.

Those lazy days playing vidya are long gone now. Fatherhood is a 24/7 job.

Oh, and have fun with the inevitable divorce user!

17 years, 50 weeks left to go OP

But 2 weeks implies 2 weeks while 14 days is just that.

>it's been 8 1/2 months since mine came to the world
>got no help from family as they are in different countries
>pc in storage
>sold desk and monitors
>only got PS4 left with a few games but even then I only got time or energy for some quick 10 minute YouTube videos

I'm sorry brah. We need to wait a few years

Babies are extraordinary shitty and people barely pretend taking care of them is pleasant.
They get better after 1 year or two.

Every single time I see this image, this monkey looking bitch in the back makes my dick go absolutely wild for some reason.

Love your child

>three straight hours is too short
kill the kid

What is the appeal of children?
I just don't get it.


>whats the appeal of genetic progression

Prop your newborn right next to you and make funny faces at him while you play vidya, it aint that difficult. You think its hard now? wait until he starts walking and talking and you need to keep a constant eye on him so he doesnt kill himself

Haha wow, I read that as "14 year old son" and that changes the context quite a bit lol

Let him play only on the weekends for at least 5 hours.

this, Bejeweld 2 is godly

passing on your genes, keeping humanity alive.
JP has a small crisis with negative birth rates right now. They are trying in subtle ways and unsubtle ways to make couples have children

theyre cute and love you unconditionally if you raise them decently

They don't want your smelly NEET ass either lol

why the fuck would you reproduce you mong

Stop playing video games until he's old enough to play with you, you fucking autist.

To be honest I don't feel like my genes are valuable (kinda the opposite) so I would feel bad if I transmitted them when "better" people can have children.

in retrospect "raising them decently" is a condition but that seems like a given if you decided to have a kid in the first place

>keeping humanity alive.
that's what you want to think, but you're actually doing the opposite.

>loving 3dpd
well done OP

eat shit an die

I bet you think the age of fire is great

Your countdown is wrong mate.


>no friends
>no girls
Well done on your life

Father of 3 here, you're just going to have to man the fuck up and find another hobby, or play games that have a pause button, no MMO's or retarded online shit like that. but rejoice, you have a life now, which is more than half the fucking scumbag virgin losers here can ever say for themselves. This is a milestone in your life. Just don't raise your kid to be a fucking nigger.

>What is the appeal of children?
Meaning, beating the nihilism (me, me, me!) ways of Sup Forumsirgins, seeing the eyes through the world of a child again, responsibility, forming strong bonds, shaping a better human being than yourself etc.

Most people here though won't even talk to a girl, then go play video games all day on welfare, then kill themselves because their lives have no meaning.

Nowadays, there is none.

In the old days, it was neat being able to have a stable family of your own with a woman who you love unconditionally and will love you back unconditionally. But now, thanks to feminism, your wife will turn into (if she wasn't one already) a horrible bitch who will cheat on you and divorce you, taking all your stuff along with your kids. And that's assuming she doesn't get your thrown in jail and registered as a sex offender on false rape charges.

>I got some slag pregnant and can't talk her out of it even though were going to be financially ruined therefore I have achieved a life everyone else is a scumbag no exceptions.

You really need to take a long break from the internet, it has completely brainwashed you.

Yeah man, half the population are all lying backstabbing cunts.
No exceptions.

is that his natural hair color?
i want mine exactly that shade.

>He fell for the procreation meme
Ahaha enjoy having your life cucked by an entitled millennial piece of shit.

Find a game where your babby can watch so it wouldn't act like you every 3 hours or so.

I'm not a baby expert so I don't know if 14 day old babies have the attention span to do so.

you are hanging out with the wrong people. Please leave Sup Forums. Please leave reddit.


>financially ruined
>I have achieved a life everyone else is a scumbag no exceptions.
the jealousy is real haha

more like Elite Dadgerous

get ready to not play games for like 4 or 5 years

Stay off the Sup Forums and /r9k/ koolaid for a few months, half the population of Earth can't all be like that you sheep.

It's the ultimate ego-trip. Nothing more, nothing less.

Get fucked normie. Reddit is the other way.

Infants technically age at a much faster rate than a toddler, so you generally measure age in days or months. Once they hit a certain point (although I can't remember what that point is) you move on to years because development has significantly slowed.

Think of a puppy; German shepherds get big af when they're only 5 months old compared to when they were born


There's nothing I would want less tho

>egoistical generation refuses to have children, kills of humanity

1) Get a DNA test to ensure it is actually yours
2) You should be more concerned with your kid than your games (if it is your kid)

Sup Forums - cuckoldry general

You probably watch cartoons and play video games all day, with a dead end wal-mart job. Any woman would do this easily to you because you have nothing to offer anyone. In fact, I'd use your sorry ass too, not that you have much to take.

It is quite thrilling seeing video game nerds using natural selection on themselves. Your brain KNOWS you're such a loser, and forms some kind of superiority complex from not reproducing, and then the other losers come and circle jerk around it. Ex, MGTOW etc.

Why would I be jealous of somebody who only gets to live vicariously, who does everything for someone other than himself?

leave Sup Forums you brainwashed moron

Got a 10 month year old, that with studies is making it near impossible to find time to play games nevermind trying to get immersed.

How did my obvious sarcasm not reach you?

Not half the population on Earth. Just half the population in the west.

We only need 1% of the population to procreate.

>month year old

I am fucking retarded, I hope my child doesnt inherit that.

Play with your fucking kid instead of games. A kid isn't some chore to feed and sleep and leave alone all day, give him/her attention and love instead of bitching on Sup Forums how responsibilities are hard. Can some mod just fucking ban OP for a year so he gets his shit together please?

Did you really just type that? Haha what a fucking loser, holy shit. You only proved my point.

Lol that's not what he's saying silly
He's saying if you think 3 hour seshs are short bursts than you need to reevaluate something
I can't even sit with a game for an hour before I have to "reset" my brain by doing something else

>that seems like a given if you decided to have a kid in the first place

not really. most people's idea of raising a kid is taking it to school, giving it food and screaming at it when it doesn't do homework.

then they get surprised the kid becomes rebellous. because they didn't put a minimum effort of actually raising a kid. the kid was raised by the school and computer or TV.

you're just like my father was to me at that age.
dont get children if you cant properly raise them.imo there should be a law that forces people to take a test to see if they're going to be decent parents.

Nice argument you presented there.

Sure but at an individual level?


Nigger tend to your child. As soon as that kid starts walking and talking, you're their best friend. It's fucking baller as hell being a dad. It's hard, sure but if have basic human empathy and can genuinely enjoy seeing someone you care about grow and succeed as a person, it's the best. Who am I kidding, this is Sup Forums.

Play short arcade games or roguelites.

>All these people telling OP to get his shit together and devote everything to his new born

Tell me Sup Forums did your parents give you 100% of their attention?

No one's life has any meaning, it's just that some are dumb and desperate enough to try and fill the void with creating another human being who will live another meaningless life.

>he has basic human empathy
lmao look at this wimp, bet you couldn't even carry out a mass shooting

>babysitting 3 year old niece
>playing some vidya in the morning before she wakes up
>hear her stirring behind me
>wakes up, smiles after seeing me then starts jumping on my bed
>jumps down and comes and climbs in my lap and asks if we can play the fish game
>load up subnautica and explore and show her all the fishies and build a seabase by her directions

It gets better when they get older.

no and look where we are

Wrong. 1~% of people have a meaningful life, history's greatest artists and scientists for example.

>dad never played video games with me

When I was a newborn, yes. Because newborns and young babies are literally sacks of meat entirely incapable of caring for themselves. By 3 or 4 months he can set the kid down in the floor or his lap and play Vidya decently but before then, no. That's how long it took for me. Now I mostly play when she visits her grandmother or cousins because we play all day or I'm teaching her stuff. I sorta lost interest in modern games though.

You never presented one to begin with. Shitposting is not an argument and if you really believe doing things for someone is "living vicariously" then you really are a complete idiot and I don't argue with idiots.

You should have stuck to anime girls instead of real ones.

play turn based games like pokemon or some shit

If I ever become a dad I specifically have a bunch of single player games that I can easily pause in reserve to deal with the kid trying to kill himself every 10 minutes.

Yes, turbodads are your pick