Be at a convention

>be at a convention
>see Street Fighter V set up in a naomi arcade machine
>don't even own or play SFV
>decide to play as Chun Li
>play against winner of match before, who clearly plays the game
>win 2:0, one of which was PKO
>play against 5 other people
>win all matches, closest to losing being a 2:1 match against a Japanese guy
>big buff black guy comes into the room
>"I hear you're tough shit. Let's do this!"
>beat him 3:2
>I get up because I'm getting bored
>he grabs my arm
>beat him 3:1, last match being finishing him off with a super move
>he smacks the buttons and walks off

I seem to be good at this. Should I invest in the SFV competitive scene?

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literally never happened. fuck off

What makes you think that, user? Are you just assuming that because you never stepped outside your house before?

>who clearly plays the game
My sister used to play MK3 also, doesn't mean she was good, user.
>convention floor competition
pic related

You forgot the part where the hot Chun-Li cosplayer came up to you and gave you her number after watching you be so good at video games

But I didn't put that down, because my story is actually real

I do remember a Cammy and Ryu cosplayer watching the matches I played though.

not him but you worded everything like you've only ever even heard of the concept of fighting games

It's shit but you can try.

btw there's no arcade sfv

No you don't.
>actually happy that convention nobodies are paying attention to you
Some of the most insufferable people i've ever come across were convention attendees.

The Naomi set up was just a PS4 inside a Naomi machine, since there was an extra button added for home menu and playstation button prompts on menu screen.

Thanks for advice though. If I do invest in playing fighters competitively, should I invest in a fighter stick controller?

Not necesarily, its preference and sf5 is so easy any theoretical advantage it might give you ends up being redundant

and then the entire bus clapped

no it is garbage compared to every other game 3rd strike and ultra IV are the best and everything else is kaka zulu.
V is a really slow game that wishes it was KOF or a mid 90's sf ripoff it is really bad everything about it is a failure...



good game

Wow OP I hat ass cat ass shit piss

Where do I subsribe?

lamest RP ive ever seen. go back to deviantart fag

>never played before
>doesn't even know the moves
>literally doesn't know anything
>win 2:0 anyway for the first time
you smell of every type of shit that this universe produces and you're the god-king of homosexuals

Nah. Pad is enough for SFV. I felt that I need to use fightstick only when i tried GGXrd for the first time.

SFV is so easy even blind people can compete, so can you

I've played previous Street Fighters, and played as Chun Li often. I just never played 5 before, nor do I play competitive.