>Work full time
>Buy every game I want
>Too tired to play them when I get home
>Weekend is spent catching up on shit that's required for living, such as cleaning, laundry and the like
>Only thing I find myself playing is a dumb mobile games on my breaks at work and when I'm lying in bed half watching shit before I go to sleep
How the fuck do people still get through their games when they work? I'm still not out of the first fucking dungeon in Persona 5 and there are more games coming out I want to experience.
Work full time
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I live with my parents, it's the best life.
same situation but with young kids my pc is peppa and mr bean machine i got nieR and Prey and shit ton of other games and just got cheap ps3 with loads games
have no time
thats life
>Work two jobs
>Play vidya before work
>Bring my 3DS to work
>Play vidya on the weekends provided the gf doesn't want to go out
I need to catch up on Xenoverse 2 though. Haven't become a Super Saiyan yet.
>tfw rich NEET
>tfw have $3,000 gaming pc and ps4
>tfw live in a big luxurious home for free.
>tfw have zero expenses, stress, and unlimited free time for my hobbies.
Pic related is my savings account (:
I still pirate games just so normie developers get mad (:
I think I'll relax in my big pool today (^:
Why all the unibrows?
I'm so glad I work first thing when I wake up so when its done i am free. Weekends are the best cause I dont need sleep
White privilege was a mistake.
>Only 150k in savings
Should've went part time while you're still young. Full time is for people that gave up on hobbies and life in general.
>pirate every game, comic, book, movie, album, manga I want
Who said you could talk, shitskin? Get back to mowing my lawn or I'm making a complaint about you to your boss.
I'm one of the Residence Life Directors at a university. Sometimes it gets a bit dead and people hardly come in my office anyway.
Same situation user. Just hit halfway point on FFXV been playing since launch.
Lack of free time pretty much means I have to stick with games in series I like and I can't explore other games.
Did you even proofread that fucking sentence, you dyslexic kike?
150k in savings is considered wealthy. Especially for a young NEET. Majority of people have no where near that saved.
>Residence Life Director
You mean a janitor?
>rich NEET
it doesn't work that way, user.
also good for you being loaded. if I had your amount of cash, the last thing I would spend my time on is play escapism trash like video games.
Ah go shoot up a school and blame it on "muh autism".
>have no time
>thats life
But it doesn't have to be
I feel bad for your parents. Unless you are contributing to family business or something.
I wonder if the parasites who don't want to work and live with their parents will just kill themselves when the parents die.
Nope, I'm legit in charge of various reslife activities. Working on planning a domestic abuse siminar.
>play Siege before work
>work 9 hours and close at my job
>friends are still playing Siege and we play again
I never ask if it's all they've been doing since I left, but I don't question it.
>need experience to get a job
>need a job to get experience
>endless cycle of unemployment
>have to resort to thug shit to live on
Baby boomers were a mistake.
Same but I live in glorious leftist Europe where I get paychecks just for existing if I have no other income.
You don't need experience to get an entry level job you stupid sack of shit.
Nigga i can't even get a shitty cleaners job at a restaurant without experience
I mean I'll just inherit a bunch of money
Thieving can be considered a job since you receive pay for your services
>No income
>Just emulate old games on my laptop for free
Entry level doesn't have the same meaning anymore. Entry level now means "two years experience".
No it doesn't, apply at a store or a fast food joint, you'll get in.
Still need connections, I'd imagine.
>He thinks 154 thousand is being rich.
>escapism trash like video games
Why are you on Sup Forums?
Yes you do. At least in my country. There's always someone with at least SOME experience and they will take that guy over you. Only in a situation where someone needs a worker and literally nobody else is applying can you get the job. And that never happens in a country with more unemployed citizens than open jobs.
I usually work 40-50 hours a week and I still have plenty of time to play games.
it really wont be if your parents do/did everything for you to sit back and relax, or you did everything early and now youre no longer a young adult
To be fair for a NEET that's pretty rich.
I have about 1000 dollars to my NEET name for comparison.
Nigger thinks rich kids go to school, oh am I laughing
>fast food joint, you'll get in.
With experience yeah
This being said the best way to get a job is just apply EVERYWHERE and maybe you'll hit up some place who were like "we were just thinking we needed someone but didn't announce we are looking for employees yet" and will like your enthusiasm. That's what happened to me and I broke the cycle.
What said. Stop making excuses and make an effort. Don't be one of the many that feel they're entitled to high paying jobs with no effort. Work your way up, and apply yourself. You'll make it.
>Living in filth
>Eating instant meals and takeout every day
>Not sleeping
Which is it? You sure as fuck aren't playing plenty of games and also living well, living well costs time. I fucking hate how much time I spend on tasks that are just maintenance and never actually finished, maintaining my body, maintaining my house, maintaining ny personal relationships. It's so monotonous.
>Personal phone number
Unprofessional as fuck. Get it together Emma.
not the user you replied to but I always find it hilarious when some roody poo tries to insult whites, but there literally is nothing you could insult a white with
>Working that hard
>No time for fun
Christ, how stupid must you be to be a wage slave in a broken free-shit economy? I used to resell shit on ebay in the mornings and play all day afterwards. Got bored of it, took leatherworking lessons to sell fancy purses and gadget covers to locals. Got bored of that too, still have enough money to learn coding, currently 50% progress on my mobile game. Welcome to 2017.
Just get off your ass and look at all the money and time being thrown at you from every corner of this post-scarcity, post-modern belle époque.
>apply for entry level with no experience needed for a job in my field
>don't get the job citing lack of experience
>have family that works for same company
>the position went to a boomer who retired form another job that get pension, social security, and now has a full time job because he is bored.
Not him but I've been applying to burger joints, grocery stores, restaurants and shit like that for years.
Nobody wants to hire a 24 year old who has done fuck all since leaving high school.
Nigga I would eat takeout every day too if I had a job that paid enough for that. It's such a time saver plus getting from good restaurants means you also get better food than anything you can make yourself.
Especially when other niggas with experience always apply
What have you been doing since high school? I applied two years ago during my junior year and now I'm a manager.
Not to be a dick, but if you're not applying to 5 different places a week. You're not really trying.
Full time is a meme.
Doesn't mean you can't apply
>Good restaurants
>entire weekend spent doing chores
>6 hours for laundry
>4 hours for cleaning
>5 hours for cooking
you must be retarded, OP
This. Some places will train you if they need to.
cleaning a house shouldnt take much more than 2-3 hours per week including shit like vacuuming, loading dishwasher etc.
If you are a poor scum who buys shit tools then things will take you longer.
>work full time
>buy one game
>enjoy it or not
>if not, trade it in/throw it away
>find a game you enjoy and stick to it until you stop enjoying it
>then and only then get a new game
Trying to find a job more or less. Though I will admit there have been stretches of not applying, you tend to get a bit demoted after sending out 300 applications without a single callback you know.
I have nothing that would make anyone want to hire me.
literally tens of millions of youths have gotten entry level jobs without experience in the last two decades
the world just must be out to get you, though
Living the dream comrade
>been unemployed for about 2 years since leaving HS
>friend says he can get me a summer job where he works
>absolutely botch the interview
>manage to get the job anyways
>friend says the boss was really hesitant but he just said "nah, he's good" and that was it, job get
And that's when I found out contacts is more important than anything when it comes to finding a job, which sucks because I have no contacts.
Hacked. ;)
Volunteer work is the best way to get experience, whilst still getting welfare.
There's zero excuse for your apparent laziness.
Anyone can get a job at a fast food place, but that experience counts as nothing when trying to go for a career.
No one can live on fast food part time work and to equate it to anything valuable is insane.
Haha, he's in jail.
>all these excuses for not having a job
>all these bitch niggas saying they're "too tired" after a full week of work
I work 12 hour shifts, roughly 50 to 60 hours a week on average. Part of my job involves hiring people (big surprise; for the entry level spots I never look into work experience or shit like that. It usually boils down to "show up for the interview, answer questions, get hired, so long as you're not an autistic fuck [bad luck with these types]"). The other part involves a lot of manual labor.
Yet I still have time to video games, as well as some other hobbies like my weekly tabletop game. I even played FFXIV regularly for a few months, despite my time constraints (rolling healer sped things along though).
This generation is just as bad as the Boomers. Yes, the Boomers got their shit handed to them on a silver platter, and continue to be leeches to society now that they're in retirement. But this generation is a group raised by fucking machines, lazy pieces of shit who never took a beating as a child and who developed made up mental illnesses because social anxiety (something everyone experiences) is now considered some sort of retard spectrum.
Get off your fucking asses. Make your ancestors -- those fucking dudes who went down into coal mines for 15 hours a day -- proud.
search for a jobs when no one wants them
at the end of summer for example
Got my first job as general staff to a local sandwich shop at 24. No experience or anything, Four years later and I'm now a manager and they want me to run the new place they're opening up across town.
this place is absolute hell and working with the owner's kid is a nightmare
I literally brought my Switch to work and played for 40 minutes after my boss left the other day.
>so long as you're not an autistic fuck
where do you think you are
Not really. Whites get flustered and confused if you're racist to them. They never encounter racism so they don't know how to handle it.
I would honestly do this if one my state had livable welfare and two if doing volunteer work didn't invalidate me for welfare because "I'm capable of work"
I'd love to give time for the good of humanity, but that doesn't feed me or keep a roof over my head.
Im in the military and have a pretty good amount of time for games
>People toiled in mines and worked thenselves to death or got lung diseases and died early so you should get a shit job and enjoy it
Those people had no other option and knew not the delights we know. It was a totally different frame of reference.
Jelly. I don't even have many stores and restaurants around me since I live in the countryside and I doubt they want to hire a guy who lives 2 hours away rather than the guy who lives just around the corner.
Controlling drones doesn't count as gaming
>dark souls
>heavy rain
>beyond: two souls
>last of us
>mgs hd collection
Huh, my ps3 collection is a little bit more than that size and half those games. Nice choices.
Work is the ultimate meme.
Can it really be called living to wake up, eat, go to work, sleep, repeat? It can barely be called life support.
Someday we will achieve full automation and a standard universal income. Never again will someone be forced to waste their life to 'live'. People will be able to pursue their interests and own personal goals. Be it arts, sports or research.
As long as we purge masochist workfags like
What kind of games to armymen play when they aren't fucking each other in the ass (no homo) or getting /fit/? I can't imagine some dude in the barracks settling down to play some Neptunia.
>tfw decent games
>nice choices
Man Sup Forums really is the new facebook isn't it?
>work for free for some company that probably treats you like shit
>decide to quit one day after you've gotten enough experience
>put your volunteer work on your resume
>potential employers notice that the experience you listed wasn't actually a 'real' job and it's hardly worth shit to them
Keep sucking corporate dick, boyo. The system is fucked.
Meanwhile saying nigger automatically triggers every black within a hundred yard radius to kill anything that isn't them.
>A man's chosen pursuit is the joy of a certain routine, that his toil might earn him satisfaction while helping the cogs of the world turn
That is his art, and he should be as free to pursue it as anyone else.
How do you break the NEET cycle Sup Forums?
Hello OP, I find myself in the same boat like, all the time. When I'm at work I have either my 3DS or my Switch with me to play. In some of the places (my job moves around a lot so not at the office a whole bunch), I get people who get rangry that I'm playing a game instead of doing social media (like an adult) but I pretty much ignore them. This weekend I had 2 11hr shifts, tied to a trainee on each, and surrounded by foreign folk. They were pretty cool though, once I hooked them up with some file-sharing.
Also, rediscovered MH4U, forgot how awesome that game was.
I dropped out if hs in 9th grade and just went full neet for like almost 8 years, barely leaving the house. I played video games nonstop but I was always depressed. Now, I work and live with my gf. I treasure the short bursts of gaming I get to have.
Im probably a little older than your average guy here. My only words of wisdom are to not waste time playing/completing shit games and stay in school.
Not him, but you either live in a closet or don't do the detail stuff. My five bedroom house (all told about 1350 square feet) took untold man-hours to keep clean, especially with fucking dogs who had a dog door.
Living like a regular person takes a FUCK LOAD of time.
You're a retard for underestimating how useful referees are. 9/10 companies wouldn't hire a person without a referee, 6/10 actually check the referees for insurance purposes.
Ain't saying hobbyist farmers can't exist.
Air Force
I've been playing vidya for like 4 days straight since were on an extended weekend
and now you know why most people are casuals who only play one or two games at a time.
>Now, I work and live with my gf.
How user, how?
Not all of us get triggered by that. Some of us blacks don't want any trabble. It's the militant "chip on their shoulder" blacks that act like that.