Post moments when you'have dropped a game

post moments when you'have dropped a game

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That entire S-link segment was painful. She insults his appearance, and MC has the option of saying Savage.


why is that brown girl so CUTE

Fuck the third area in general.

Hey OP, recommend me which game I should start with. I played a little bit of the first game, and due to other priorities wasn't able to stick with it for too long. Should I start with the first game, or do later ones have better mechanics?

>Playing Jet Force Gemini as a kid
>Really like it
>Beat final boss, he runs away and the game opens up where all characters can go to each other's levels
>In order to get to the true final boss you have to find pieces of a space ship
>In order to get the final piece you HAVE to rescue all 250+ fucking alien bears, 20% of which are hidden in absolutely obtuse areas that aren't even remotely fucking fun to find
>The game ends with a joke ending anyway

And people shit on Donkey Kong 64 for being Rare's worst collectathon

Later ones have quailty of life improvements that make it difficult to go back.
That said, EO1U and EO2U improve so much on their original games that they are basically made redundant.

4 is a good place to start, if you have a 3DS.

Thanks user, will check out some videos on 4 and see how it is


good taste

everyone recommends 4 because its the easiest to not fuck up party composition.

Before making a team, you should look at all the skills and focus on certain builds. Making jack of trades is really shit compared to focused builds. Sometimes just putting one skill point in a skill is good enough depending on what it does.

In the end of the day, you dont have to stress too much since you can "rest" chatacters which is losing 2 levels and all skills points reset so you can reallocate when needed.

post full pic

best way to describe it is, JRPG without all the bullshit non-game stuff like Story. It's really light on the story but the gameplay mechanics are great because it's actually challenging and shit like buffs & status ailments matter.

117-123 & 485-491 if you were specifically looking for shilleka.

>turn based game
when you can google your way to certain flawless victory it isn't challenging, it's just tedium and noob traps

Does anyone know what she actually says at this moment in JP?

That doesn't make it non-challenging.

Turn-based can be challenging if there are lots of variables to keep in mind during battles, and EO has that. Every little thing matters and can lead to you dying, even in random battles quite often.

I would take issue with this if the characters weren't supposed to be huge nerds. I knew plenty of weird people in my computer science classes that used memes and leetspeak IRL, and P5 really captures that personality with these characters. It would only be out of place if the other normalfag characters were doing it.

much appreiated user

Unfortunately my keyboard doesn't have a start button

Yup. She says 케케케케케케케케케케케케

So she's just laughing?

probably same shit but wwww instead kek

>when you can google your way to certain flawless victory it isn't challenging
hahahaha holy shit

>puzzle games aren't challenging, just google the solutions
>tests aren't hard, just look up the answers
>shooters aren't hard, just use god mode

don't shoot up a school kid

Castlevania Lord of whatever (the first ps3)

Ground attacks hit you midair

>JRPG without all the bullshit non-game stuff like Story.

This game's dialogue and story is truly fucking awful

He's right you know.

You might as well kys yourself if "JRPG without all the bullshit non-game stuff like Story" sounds appealing to you

i said it was light on the story, not that there was nothing.

Sorry I prefer real dungeons and real gameplay to
>Walk forward, cutscene, walk forward, cutscene

"Woah, I never heard anyone say that out loud... 케케"

JRPGs that put gameplay first and foremost are the most fun to play.

So you don't like JRPGs then, it's that simple.

Dunno if it's really that accurate. There's plenty of story but it doesn't bog you down with it. When shit gets real it hits you like a truck because it has so much restraint compared to other JRPGs.
That and if you aren't making up your own details for your party and imagining them hanging out at a campfire in the middle of a dungeon you are literally playing it wrong.

I thought the translation was supposed to be good? Why are they throwing memes in

>When she said she was actually a he


I like JRPGs with good gameplay, like this guy EO is JRPG with no bullshit, so of course I'd like it.

Because memes were in the original script. They used comparable English language memes.

What, you thought le gorirous nihon didn't stoop so low as le funny internet jokes?

Mishima is a massive beta faggot and the second he talked to a girl that mentioned using the internet he tries to impress her with memes.

>Even after so much destruction... it warms my heart to see we are still such an excellent team. It warms my heart to see we are still... Overwatch.
>*Credits roll*

Fucking Blizzard

It most certainly is not good.

To be honest I find her hypocritical.

You mean it's one on nintendo which once again proves that it is a console for kids and families, not adults who like to play real video games. You guys never cease to amaze me with your shit taste.

That was you can empathise with him

After spending 10 hours with this annoying fuck collecting 50 scrap an hour.

4 is always on sale.
Super cheap.

There is a demo too.

What the fuck is that page? holy shit, people don't have anything better to do?

>Azura saying Kamui's line

demons souls reference?

No way. Atlus USA isn't full of memelords.


Untolds inflate numericals values, and replace the unbalence of the old games by new unbalenced mechanics.

I also can't remember any QoL improvements other than a few news icons added on the second game.

I mean the second game added more icons. Then the other did too but I don't remember anything amazing.

Untold adds a lot of new content and makes the game not nearly as broken as it was. Yes, some of the new shit is busted too, but you can't just Immunize yourself to be immortal or kill the final boss at lv15. The balance is a hell of a lot better in general.

Is this your first time on the internet? Of course they don't.

As autistic as it is, it still proves P5's translation is far from good.

but wasn't that site made by people who defend THIS translation?

When I looked upon your post, I knew right then, that you were my nigga.

I too, understand your frustration with that shit game.

>Untold adds a lot of new content
Yeah but it changes a lot of stuff so might as well play the first games for those sweets twists and 2D sprites before going into infalted Grimoire bullshit.

>you can't just Immunize yourself to be immortal
Immunize was a mistake but you can just not use it or not max it. Hell, this also give you the option to forego a tank, immunize alone isn't going to make you immortal. EO3 is just as broken as 1 if not more and yet it is held in higher regard concerning the balance.

>or kill the final boss at lv15.

What ? We're talking Etreant there ? Even if it happened this is usually min maxed party that could do this. I'm pretty sure you can also wreck EOU boss alone or at low level if you're willing to spend enought time cooming up with the strategy and farming.

that's awful

>Immunize was a mistake but you can just not use it or not max it.
But clearly you need to use everything that Untold offers.

The editor said it was flawed though, and the TL doesn't play FE

are you me?

That is exactly the reason I didn't finish that game and I LOVED it.

but that support perfectly fits their characters. why would two people who hate talking just randomly have a huge conversation? either way it doesn't matter because that support is only in revelations which is already poopoo

Wow, he just started deciding to gay-rape? I always thought he seemed like a decent guy

Immunize is a fucking bug, if you're playing blind you probably won't stumble upon it because elemental resistance is useless, unless you're taking on a boss.

>he doesn't have a PC controller

Wow, you couldn't even git gud enough to beat the title screen...

>Works in a school full of disabled people
>Doesn't take advantage

You'd have to be stupid

I'll get grinding eventually

Just gets the password of low level demons who reflect everything dude.

It still feels like the most forced thing to be upset over ever, and the fact it's only really small time localization people who havent done a single good project seems to suggest that it's complete bullshit outrage to get clickbait bux.

there's nothing wrong with this. Mishima is supposed to be a pathetic redditor and you're supposed to dislike him.

Shilleka is 10/10 top tier hotness

Don't like to be reminded of how you sound?

Wrong thread?

Final Boss. Didn't want to grind.



Just poison him 3 times and keep yourself alive, poison kills him really quick

Final Boss for FF13. Didn't want to grind. Kind of wasted 80 hours.

>The creators are wrong for making their characters this way.
Kill yourself.


Sazh is shit, replace him with Fang and you're golden.



>That slip

Poison him, he loses about 2 million hp every time he gets poisoned. Poison him 3 times and keep yourself alive and you win

It's a first-person turn-based WRPG from the 80s with lolis

Golden Lain in EO4. I dunno, I just got bored with that place. I must admit that I don't really play dungeon crawler games like this, though EO4 was really fun until that dungeon.

link's broken, user, just shows a panda

Yeah man I'll probably end up doing that. They weren't joking when they said staying neutral would be hard.

Are you using buffs/debuffs? Unlike other FFs they actually matter in 13

Gore is watching you man.

A true hero

pffffhahaha what is this

Shit loads of this are wrong, granted I'm not sticking up for the translation errors, but I do see how a game with that much fucking dialogue translated from an esoteric language like Japanese might come off as awkward at times, and honestly some of the shit like "I feel a murderous intent," really cements the game as a Japanese or Anime inspired thing. It's like how if you were watching a dubbed Kung-Fu movie, you wouldn't want them speaking like Hemmingway wrote them.

For Example:
"Me Near, OK"
This wasn't some strange fuckup like it implies, it is literally in a scene where a shut-in sperglord is stammering and mixing up words, hence how awkward it sounds.

What troublemakers that bother King Kamoshida with trifle matters!

The critic states that "trifle" only refers to the dessert, which goes to show how little he fucking looked into this. Fitting with the Medieval King theme, he uses the older form of trifle, i.e. frivolous or trite. Granted trite would work too, but it is perfectly fine.

He's nitpicking, some of it is real shitty, sure, but I'm sure he would bitch when they scrap the attempts of being faithful and write everyone like overly verbose 40 year old translators.

Also "Abominous" should be a word because it sounds fresh to death.

I can't remember. This was like 5 years ago, and I don't even have it anymore.