Aha user, I actually like this prank. Very funny, kinda. Can you open the door now ?
Aha user, I actually like this prank. Very funny, kinda. Can you open the door now ?
go away todd, I'm not letting you in
user I just want to make sure you're having fun. LET ME IN !
Fuck off Todd im not buying fallout 4
Okay sure Todd.
Thank you, now show me the recepe of Skyrim™ and Fallout 4™. Nice and easy.
I'm having a lot of fun.
I had to install the lock todd. It was to protect all my pirated bethesda games. I hope you understand! We need to protect what is rightfully ours after all!
yea i am
while pirating your shitty games
Whats keeping him from just pushing the chain up?
The person who drew that thing doesn't know how those locks work, you're not supposed to be able to grab the chain from the outside
Oops Todd, mist have locked you pit by mistake. Hey, check this out *turns computer screen over, with screen showing a download in progress of a pirated Skyrim*
why didn't you just shoot off the lock. And does my currently seeding Fallout 4 on utorrent that's open on my desktop count as a "recepe?"
Oh look, a free Fallout 4 disc
That's it. I'm not fucking around anymore, buy my games now or everything's gonna blow up.
do it
at least i didn't live as a manlet
do it motherfucker I fucking dare you Todd
Do it, do us all a favor
you won;t do it you fucking pussy manlet, fuck you. If you kill us, that's 5 less people that will buy any future games you make
I'm better than you are, so I should make the games.
Does anyone know what this dog face edit thing is called. I see them all the time
fallout 4 is an ok game
Chain locks are supposed to be horizontal. With it vertical like that you can move it from the fucking outside. What a waste.
I expected no different from Bethesda
>tfw todd memes are actually starting to spook me a little
Todd get out of my house im calling the police
Come on now user,iv been standing out here all night..its cold
Am I the only one surprised at just how real some of them look, as if there were no editing involved and he was actually making those faces
I think its the blur tool
If I let you in do you promise me that you won't try to sell me anything?
I'd wish I knew
That's it Todd, I'm calling the police.
[Speech 10/35]Me? Why I would never do such a thing! Now let me in so we can discuss about my gam- I mean your favorite game!
If the door is open like that, the chain won't reach to top so it could be unlocked.
Aggressive Defence System
i never heard of no chain that can stretch like that
HEY, TODDLET. I pirated all elder scroll games.
It's funny how you always find where I moved in and try to break into my apartment. I'm still not buying Fallout 4.
>Todd posting has devolved into posting the same 4 pictures
>no OC
What game is Todd shilling at E3 this year?
>The whole distribution system is corrupt!
>Just buy it!
>Just buy it all up!
>It's the only sane solution!
Wolfenstein: The Newer Order
You better watch your fucking mouth right now. My trigger finger is little twitchy from all that Fallout 4 gaming session.
is this a cry of the cicadas reference?
>no one plays along
>everyone just instantly yells NO
Toddposting has become Sup Forums
It's okay user, you can still do the right thing.
You don't want to end up like the last guy who pirated my games.
Calm down Todd, I already bought your game, just none of the DLC
No you can totally open it like that, they drew the chain too long and the gap too big.
Todd's aware of Toddposting, right?
he is toddaly aware of it
I've actually bought a couple of Bethesda games because of toddposting.
pretty funny if you think about it
>Be named Todd
>todd posting is extra funny
feels good mang
That it is, user, that it is. Who knew such a handsome and humble developer could be a wellspring for these epic meems.
it says here that you haven't bought the special edition of Fallout 4 including all DLCs, what is the meaning of this user? do I have to teach you a lesson?
I already bought Fallout 4 for the PS4 and Skyrim for the PS3
if I bought Fallout 4 on a keysite does Todd still get the money for his cancer treatments?
to buy fallout 4
or not to buy
what do you think i should do todd
You know user, that hurts. I slave away on a computer all day and night to bring all of you the latest and greatest from Bethesda and I don't even get the slightest bit of thanks. But that's ok, I do it because I love you all from the bottom of my hearts, the only thing I could possibly love more is if you would give our games a chance.
No wonder you got backtraced by Todd
Doom 2
I played in the free weekend and it wasnt really nothing special, and the performance was all over the place while the game didnt even look that great.
Oh and your games cost 3 times what they used too. Might wanna have a talk with your jew overlords before they go around ruining the economy of entire countries.
very good my friend, but it seems you could upgrade your Skyrim(tm) copy for the new Skyrim Remastered(tm) now available in PS4!
no thanks.
I don't buy remasters, even for games I liked.
you played the game and you liked it, you loved it, you will be assimilated, do not oppose resistance