ITT: Cancer ruining video games
I don't even know what that is
its normalfag casuals
they like the progression and the anticipation of the possibility of maybe getting some rare 1's and 0's
Explain how this has ruined the gameplay in any way whatsoever.
I have a solution, don't buy it.
That's the best thing ever, i have more fun opening them then playing the actual game
Exploding crates?
It's the Kaaba.
The biggest problem I have with Overwatch is how blatantly catering it is to ADHD kids. Every single thing you do in the game warrants some flashy pop up notifications and reinforcing how good of a goy you are for playing the game normally.
>100% cosmetic items that do nothing
At least you don't need a key to open it.
The gameplay is a treadmill, it is designed to incentivize the purchase of lootboxes rather than designed to be a well-balanced, engaging and deep game.
Look at literally any mobile game with mirotransactions, its a simple loop to keep players chasing the carrot on the stick. Why is it so fucking hard for the millions of people playing this garbage to realize they're literally playing mobile games on consoles now?
its less about people looking shiny more of they would prefer to get more shiny instead of more content
it's okay as long as you don't buy them and whatever the contents are, you can't trade or sell them for real money
But user, nothing in the lootboxes gives you an advantage over your opponents.
I normally hate loot boxes and the very concept of them, but Blizzard's style isn't bad. You get a steady stream just by playing and the random nature is kinda fun. They also don't require money.
On the flip side, noone seems to give Valve enough shit. All of their boxes require money to open and are useless otherwise. They aren't a steady stream. The entire system is gambling and encourages a sketchy as fuck aftermarket.
But that's not the problem. The problem is the game is designed to sell lootboxes, not to be a good game. Instead of getting game modes and gameplay balanced and designed around actually being strategic, you get gameplay designed to incentivize the purchase of lootboxes, like a mobile game.
Looks like Someone's a little bit mad because they spent $50+ and didn't get there favorite waifu's skin.
This perception only exists in the mind of casual monkeys who are used to playing games purely for progression and that has no effect on reasonable people who play the game for fun.
I bet there is even better loot there than the fucking overwatch boxes
>3 grays and 1 blue in the last 10 boxes
>ITT: triggered quake hipsters
>Completely optional and nongameplay affecting cosmetics
Oh my god the horror.
That's exactly why it's cancer you fucking retard. It has literally fucking nothing to do with video games. It's a blatant gambling shit with real money. Why haven't anyone sued those fuckers.
What's inside that thing?
F2P shit, paid online, indieshit, early access, kikestarter,censorship, politics in vidya and western games in general.
i wouldnt consider this cancer. if it allows the game to get free updates, maps, characters, etc. i think its a great trade off.
fuck off faggot op.
The game is completely optional, fagtron. People pay to not play the fucking game, just to get some more retarded pixels.
Storyfags and graphicwhores.
Oh, and Overwatch players. How people still haven't caught on to blizzards treadmill game design scheme is beyond me. With every IP they have, it's the same autistic shitshow.
That' has nothing to do with what I said.
You can work within the system to get around paying real money, but the system itself is flawed and inherently designed not to be "good" but to push those lootboxes. Sure, you can earn some of the skins by playing, but the act of playing is colored by the fact that the lootboxes exist, the gameplay is there to push the lootboxes, not because its good. You can ignore the lootboxes but they're still there and they're still affecting game design.
This guy has another good point that supports what I'm saying, almost everything about the game is designed to appeal to these people who will spend real money on stuff. It's about that instant gratification, hooking those people who love those pats in the back and collecting things.
The only reason you guys are getting free content is because of the lootboxes
Game development costs money
Woah there
People play exclusively to unlock crates, so you tell me how having a team of people only caring about the next crate doesn't affect gameplay.
>Sup Forums hates Overwatch's 100% cosmetic boxes
>completely OK with TF2's weapon shop that completely change how the game is played and are required for all characters
>big anniversary patch
>its just skins and fun dancing
i wouldn't mind if they actually made some more actual maps instead of the arena ones
or they could make the game fun
Wins bring more exp so they try to win which is fine by me.
ITT babies that paid for boxes and got buttmad they didn't got the skin they wanted
Literally only faggots care about this shit when it's only cosmetic. I played this game for 500 hours and never spent a single cent. I don't have the skin I want and like but who fucking cares.
>The game is completely optional, fagtron
>cancerous game attracts all the mouth breathers, becomes popular and sells well
>becomes the benchmark for new games
>cancer trickles down to rest of industry
But those are the people giing Blizzard money, so why would Blizzard do anything ubut cater to that?
Again, sure, you can ignore the lootboxes in games like these, but that doesn't change the fact that the games are designed and balanced around them being there and are incentivizing their purchase.
The game exists to sell lootboxes, not to be a well-balanced competitive shooter. Its already doing exactly what Blizzard wanted it to do, they wanted a new revenue stream.
>How people still haven't caught on to blizzards treadmill game design scheme is beyond me
See, this guy gets it. Blizzard's last three major games are all riddled with micropurchases and Blizzard is making hundreds of millions. These games exist to make money through micro-purchases.
I don't want free fucking content
I want to buy a game and then have the finished game and play it with no further changes
why is that such a no-no in current year
>completely changed how the game was played
Why are you lying? Didn't your mother teach you better than that?
This. And it's Blizzard. The events wil return soonet or later and until then you have enough ingame money to buy whatever you want.
But be glad that there are cucks that pay 50$ or more per event. Those are the people ensuring that all the new content is always free. Sombra would've been paid DLC if it wasn't for dumb fucks like them. They're useful idiots
They just got done making a hero, so most likely another big map is up next
they really just need to release map tools and have people make maps for them
>game adding on content = game not being complete
>Overmeme boxes
>ruining video games
>Valve manstore boxes
>Totally fine
>game adding on content = game not being complete
go ahead and point to where I said that, I'll wait
>The only reason you guys are getting free content is because of the lootboxes
Overwatch made $565 million in 2016.
That's the mindset publishers want you to have, they never outright say
>Money from DLC/micro-purchses funds further content development
They just vaguely imply it's a possible reality so customers are more willing to accept micro-purchases.
>shitty cosmetic items are ruining a game for you
Whats your point?
Overwatch isn't balanced (at all haha) around lootboxes because boxes have no ingame effect. You gain exp by playing the game and by doing good. That's not affecting mechanics or balance in any way and encourages people to play good and much. What's the problem with that?
And if idiots want to waste their money then so be it. It has no game play effect
i have every skin from every event just by playing the game
>Cosmetic treadmills are ruining core game design
Pcbros are the worst. I hate Blizzard but the lootbox model is the best.
i swear the drop rates in these are trash.
Everyone realized that you can make tons of money by adding gambling to your games. Just look at games like FGO or FEH.
>still no ISIS D.Va skin
sigh.. when will you grou up?
Congratulations on either having no job and no social life or commitments whatsoever, or getting outlandishly lucky. Or both. Probably both.
Damn this some real bogeyman shit right here
Overwatch is a FULLY priced game with a shitty f2p gambling system that's even banned in China because of how shitty it is.
I don't defend Valve, but their game is free(dota 2) and you can actually sell and trade the shit you get from boxes there, the items have value. And you can even buy the item you want from the market without having to gamble.
While in Overwatch they're bound to you and you can't trade/sell them at all because Blizzard want you to spend a lot of cash getting that 1 skin when they release an event.
What did he mean by this?
This, literaly should be outlawed as its designed to atract kids and make them gamble, no amout of "muh virtual currency" and "muh virtual objects" will change that, I still can't begin to hunderstand how this shit is still happening; at the very least force a mandatory ID/ social security number check before being able to play thoose games.
because people want new content for games they like
>Overwatch isn't balanced (at all haha) around lootboxes because boxes have no ingame effect
You're still missing the point. It's not about whether they have an in-game effect, the game itself, at its fundamental core level, is designed to incentivize their purchase.
Not by affecting in-game performance, but by creating a "treadmill" akin to what most mobile games use to hook that small percentage of players who will get obsessed and pay real money for the cosmetics.
it's the Internet.
But in over 1year all we've gotten is 3heroes and 2map. And they've made like 5-6 events with A LOT and lot of works on the cosmetic stuff.
So even tho they make millions and millions of dollars they don't give anything back to the players in term of content, it's just like WoW.
What happened to 2006-6 2006-5 2006-4 etc.
>all the new load out changed nothing
TF2 autists are the worst
Well honestly for most classes the vanilla loadout is the best one.
you don't need cosmetics, m8.
>Simple market trends are a magic boogeyman
Nigger, not even Quake is safe for loot crates.
i played that shitty beta it wasn't quake
it's a good thing this event barely has any good skins in that case
But that doesn't matter when the treadmill itself is entertaining enough. When you can enjoy the game and have no downside by ignoring lootboxes then they are not harmful.
No one's completely okay with TF2's market and loot system, but at the very least there's an actual fucking market for it that gives it meaning and value within its own context. Even if it kind of shat all over the core game itself.
It's actually mind-baffling that because Valve could utilize Steam as a direct method of managing their stupid market economy for a single game, it blew up into a massive thing altogether while everyone else is still doing the basic lootbox methods.
a rock containing all evil
The launch day spy update was a pretty big game changer
I remember spies fighting people head on with the ambassador and dead ringer which is something that was really difficult to do without those items
dead ringer was especially broken that's why they gutted it
The weapons are all sidegrades, usually worse than the starter weapons, and can be earned for free through normal gameplay. The more "essential" weapons(sandwich, jarate, wrangler, etc) are also usually the ones you get from completing class achievements.
I wouldn't even hate it if they did it better.
>Only way to get loot box is to level up or arcade (and you can only get 3 a week)
>Awful drop rapes (Loot boxes mainly consist of 3 whites and 1 blue)
>Rare and fucking epic Gold
I would have no problem if they gave you a choice to just buy the skin you want outright with real money rather than buying loot boxes until you got lucky or use all that fucking gold I have to buy loot boxes.
Achievement Items, you get them by making some easy feats. Trading, most do 2:1, back in the day many did 1:1. Crafting, there are specific recipes for each of those "game changing" weapons.
Now the ugly part, Mann Co. Store, pay some money for the weapons, Steam Market, same thing but the weapons come with a cosmetic change ot kill counters.
a vagina rock
Wow tokens
No watch the wow defense-force get emotional while they scramble to defend their P2W game.
You dont know what quake is.
As someone who had a brother addicted to WoW for years until Cataclysm but never really bothered myself, what sort of insanely stupid shit do WoW Tokens do?
It was even better with the broken ambassador letting you just aim in the general direction of people to hit them
>having to pay extra for cosmetics and cheats
I fucking hate this. Its better than P2W after paying for a game but its so sickening they now milk everything that isnt core to the game.
selling a game with full price + also selling lootboxes in game should count as a mortal sin
How autistic are you that you cant see why people enjoy something like that?
I love WoW and always have but the market is one of the worst things to ever happen to the game, from literally buying in-game currency and levels to mounts and pets blatantly higher quality than ones earned by hard legit grindan
You pay real money to get in game money.
So everyone is now obsessed with farming in wow.
It's also done a pretty good job of fucking the in game economy.
Why are they called loot boxes if you're going to pay for them? Might as well be called giftboxes.
Overwatch is shit, everything is basically designed to remind you you're not special if you don't have that epic play of the game animation with your cool skin.
>there are like 4 games that people farm lootcrates in seriously
>this is somehow ruining video games
its not free to play though you fucking faggot.
>The gameplay is a treadmill, it is designed to incentivize the purchase of lootboxes rather than designed to be a well-balanced, engaging and deep game.
Alright. Let's hear the big theory about how the gameplay incentivizes the purchase of 100% cosmetic items that don't affect gameplay. I'll wait.
Never played Overwatch. What does the Loot box do/give? Only cosmetic items or something that can truly affect your performance like in the cancerous gacha mobages?