>Joined Sega without knowing anything about video games.
>Did not have a engineering or management degree or whatever, just one in liberal studies (philosophy)
>Was not good doing art either way, just wanted to assist someone who is creating something.
>She learned through trial and error
>Pushed for arcade games that can played by couples
>Actually got married through knowing someone at her dev team, who was a lead programmer who taught her alot about games
>More than 30 couples got married throughout the history at Sega.
The arcade woman of Japan
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Thats dope, is there any doc or her some mentioning her?
>liberal studies
>>Pushed for arcade games that can played by couples
>>Actually got married through knowing someone at her dev team, who was a lead programmer who taught her alot about games
desu. I dont know about this, I just adopted the Sup Forums slang
What the fuck is with Red Bull and all the nerd pop culture things they do
>Sup Forums slang
>putting liberal studies and philosophy on the same level
Calm down philosophy is a joke major anyways lol
ignore shitposters, newfag
getting married is piss easy, now post how many of those couples are still together
Anyone here know Japanese to see if 30 couples got married at Sega?
phil major here
we study lots of history, political policy, and logic (math without numbers if you aren't familiar)
it's anything but a joke major and I'm working my fucking ass off for my metaphysics class right now
Tetsuya Takahashi and his wife, although she is a fujoshit
Virtua Tennis was the bomb dot com
Did it have a feminine touch...I say yes. Tough it is just a sports game
What's your job going to be once you graduate? And don't pick from the special snowflake tier of jobs. Pick the average job tier.
>you will never flip burgers with a philosopher and a historian
Oh wait, I actually can.
I already manage a grocery store and make websites on the side, it can only go up from here.
Preferrably I'll start my own businesses in the organic food industry since I have experience and it prints cash from all the gmo-hating hippies.
After that I just want to chill in a diy workshop and make cool gadgets/develop vidya games for another 30 years before I become a teacher.
But has she made anything good? We talk about people like Rieko Kodama because they've actually made good games.
are you retarded? philosophy doesn't give you any marketable job skills, it is one of the concrete subjects that falls under liberal arts
or maybe you're another dumb Sup Forumsster who gets triggered by the word "liberal"
Not that user, but studying philosophy has a lot more to do with personal fulfillment than making money. It makes you a better person and hones your critical thinking skills. It's not the most profitable course of study, but it's valuable for its own sake.
He's right tho, I won't mix philosophy with some meme shit like women studies.
the wrong kid died
Fuck off with your eceleb shit
What word filters into desu?
nobody died. she was doing arcade stuff for sega, the area where sega always succeeds.
dusu :^)
So Virtua Tennis and Astroboy GBA
Dopeness. Keep it up my friend
As long as you don't think philosophy is a ship you can sail on its own strength you'll be fine. Seeing as how you're already working in two fields aside from that degree I'd say you're good to go. Philosophy is a great enhancer of ability and thought but it should never be expected to pull a living from
All of her arcade games are great if you actually get to play them.
Derby Owners Club especially.
I ain't that guy. Actually, I'm Still, philosophy is a discipline that deserves respect, not to be lumped my inane shit.
Oh great a discussion about Sega and the Japanese gaming industry.
The problem with philosophy as a degree program: Many schools water it down, and it's possible to graduate without being exposed to most of the pre-20th century greats (Aquinas, Hobbes, Locke, Spinoza, Hume, Kant, etc). I have immense respect for philosophy as a subject, but far too many schools watered down their curricula in an attempt to placate the radicals of the 70s and 80s (predecessors of today's SJWs). Literature and history went down the same path, too.
>derby owners club
I hope you have a giant notebook of the exact times to spur your horse for everything.
Guess it depends of the country. Here not studying the old Greeks, then some medieval and renacentist ones, like Saint Thomas, Descartes and others and then, Hobbes, Kant, Russell etc would be unthinkable. Specially since you already study them (superficially) in HS.
You're right. This shit is absolute cancer. We need mroe Farcry 5 threads instead.
They bother with liberal studies over there? Figured they wouldnt even offer it if it wasn't medicine or engineering.
this, even if they are exposed to the classics, it's not for long and many of the people will just disregard them as bullshit for one reason or another (over reliance on religion, metaphysics, whatever) many of these kids already have their minds made up and often think they understand a particular philosopher after reading (or perhaps not even reading just discussing in class) one segment of their writing from one of their works. To truly study philosophy requires dedication that many college students have no interest in offering.
t. philosophy minor
Yes this happens all the time in nip companies. They always try to pair off people. It makes it easier to control that family when they are completely reliant on the company. Don't want to disappoint your daim... er ceo.
Again this is why we need better credits in videogames. Film/books/music already has people properly credited, videogames are the ones who think its weird the Kojima puts his name on the name, if anything that should be the standard.
She redeemed herself though.
nah. sega is just obscure outside of sonic desu
That face reminds me of le two scoops man.
>>More than 30 couples got married throughout the history at Sega.
This is not even remotely unusual. Around 50% of people date a co-worker and around 30% marry a co-worker. Your co-workers are the people you spend 5 or 6 days a week with, you are going to develop a relationship be it good or bad. Being surprised by this is like being shocked that highschool students date classmates. Of course they fucking do.
Man I miss the arcades. Forget about playing at home because the graphics were as good.
It should be just as common as going to the movie theatre.
>arcade related thread
>"sega is just obscure"
I ain't even bother to post a fish pic.
most Philosophy firms are $100k starting
did you even read the text infront of you loser lmao
even in arcades, americans don't remember sega all that well.
its all about dat pong, pac man, frogger, street fighter and donkey kong. all 70's and 80's stuff
In the mid 80's was when Sega got really good at their arcade games. But that is also the year when the NES arrived
So you literally wasted your time and money majoring in philosophy when you could've majored in biology or engineering help you in the organic food industry.
>even in arcades, americans don't remember sega all that well.
Americans have pleb taste when it comes to arcade games anyway. See the unwarranted popularity of the Mortal Kombat series.
Well, I don't know about America, but here games like Golden Ax or Altered beast were popular as fuck.