So what are you using videogames to run away from?

So what are you using videogames to run away from?

Other urls found in this thread:

Reggrive thoughts about HER

the EU

Oh shit, it's THAT comic

Some job or project that I'm VERY close to finishing it and then I just get this compulsion to play lots of videogames instead

> There's a patreon for this shit

I don't get it, how was that ignorant?
Does it have a dick or not?

>being ignorant for asking if you're pre or post op

>le ebul DRUMPF is ruining the world and not bullshit identity politics

Ivory towers etc etc

foreverially tied up jessica fully fucking trans and loving it

Women rights was a mistake

i hope it makes no money

I use video games to run away from gender dysphoria, exactly as in your comic

Is it gay to date a pre-op tranny if you know she'll cut off her dick later?

but this aint even a woman

doesn't matter, answer is yes
a mangled dick is still a dick

>Is it gay to date another guy if you know he's gonna cut his dick off?

Photoshop that shit NOW

What the fuck?

Gender dysphoria.
Professional failure.

Excuse me, but what?

A question about gayness before 404
I've been in love with a girl for the past 5 years, but she's wanted to be a guy since childhood. She doesn't really seem mental, other than honestly wanting to undergo procedure. Hypothetically, would it be immoral to hit that if I can't agree with those life choices?

What am I listening to?

Sticking your dick into the insides of a penis is way gayer than fucking a trap in the ass.

>do you love me or not
Alright I'm closing that, jeez.


Muppet rights were a mistake.


23 stress


have you guys never heard of the fucking disgusting abomination that is shmorky?

the """"girl""" in that voice clip is apparently his trans fuccboi. Shmroky made him/her stop taking their medication to cause this episode so he could record it. He's also a weird diaper furry or something

If what you're implying is that you want to have sex with her before she undergoes the procedure, you aren't actually in "love" with her, you're fucking infatuated and horny

And no it's not fucking immoral, sex is just a thing to fucking feel good. Stop treating it as some holy act

I really need some context. What is this character he's playing. Please don't tell me he's just a trans dude.

I fucking knew what this shit was before I opened it. Did he an hero yet after being outed as a pedo?

>That voice

>So what are you using videogames to run away from?
I've been developing a bunch of weid moles since a couple of months ago, vidya helps me keep that crap out of my mind

Im burger so the treatment for skin cancer will cost me no less than 200k

Really big trucks.

The fact that I can't find a job and any day now mummy will ask when I'm getting one

Trump nuking everything is the latest joke running around with the usual web communities. I was having dinner with friends and they kept mentioning nukes every 30 seconds and I couldn't tell where it was coming from.

Is Shmorky a tranny now? Guess he's over his ripping on furries phase and wants to shit up some other community then.


What is the first creature's gender and what is the gender of the dude with the weird ass voice?

Your post has only confused me further.

Right? I don't get it. Trump's agenda seems to be peace-oriented more or less. If anything North Korea is the most trigger-happy nation right now.


>t. everyone at work and family

>Trump's agenda seems to be peace-oriented more or less
Trump's not gonna nuke anything but he directly continued Obama's legacy of working with the Saudis and Israelis.

What episode of portlandia is this from?


Ukraine gave up its nuclear arms and the world stood by and watched while Russia swallowed a chunk of it. Getting nukes is just prudent if the international community isn't worth shit.

Man, I miss old gaming garbage

Is getting offended when a potential romantic interest wants to know what's below the belt an actual thing with these people or is it just something for the whiniest of the bunch to go on about online? Given the fact that you're a transformer and trying to date people one thinks that you'd have to expect the question to come up eventually.

A depressing 11 year relationship in its death throws.

Turns out vidya is a pretty good distraction. Monster hunter particularly.

It's gay to date someone with a mutilated crotch. Seriously, wanting to stick your dick in a surgeon's fantasy.

I kinda like this comic, at least it's self-aware about the protag being an always sarcastic tumblr bitch.

>click play
>"do you love me or not"
>blah blah blah tumblr drama shit
>30 seconds in

>"pleez dont tuch me"
>my fucking face when

It's a very personal question but the vast majority of people don't think it's out of bounds for potential romantic interests. Just don't expect people to be okay with telling you if you ask out of the blue.

>Then how do I initiate?
You're basically fucked famalan trans dating is nightmare mode you basically have to let the tranny initiate if you care about equipment because then it's reasonable to ask.

>Is it gay to date

Sounds like a bad jerma's shpee impression
What the fuck am I listening to


SomethingAwful pedo trans diaperfag and his tranny psycho fuckcompanion in a mental episode due to the pedofag taking away it's psych meds

Yeah I'm gonna need a lot of context for this and who this "shmorky" person is

be optimistic. maybe you get to die

what the shit is this

holy fuck, how did I never recognize shmorky's artstyle?
it really is the ol' diaper wearing pedo tranny isn't it?
I guess it didn't really click because shmorky already had that androgynous blue persona thing

Someone with imagination update this to include trannies


But futa isn't gay you faggot


This comic can't be for real. It reminds me of that other stupid comic where an adult self-inserts himself into a child who thinks their viewpoint is at all valid and non-ironically repeatedly roasts his own like-minded people because he thinks he's making a point.
You know the one. I know these people are fucked in the head, but they could at least try not to advertise the fact.

But what the hell is going on about the cops and shit? I understand the medication, but what the shit is happening?

>Reggrive thoughts about HER


Is this the moment when >they realize the sjw crowd are terrible and they only want you to repeat their agenda over and over again, but they continue to do so because they get 2 bucks a month in patreon?

Read the chart faggot



Pick two.

>$306 per month

>that's his real fucking voice

I thought he only did that voice for the cartoon characters in his animations. Jesus fucking Christ.

how can he be so little self aware? He is making comic about being a trannie, and excpects people to appreciate him even if he doesn't provide any other trait. All he does is yell "i'm a trans, why do you people look at me like a trans?"

They do realize they draw just like shmorky right


imagine the garfield artist complains in a comic about only making comics about a cat


thanks doc

i'm having a hard time trying to understand what is this image implying

I just really cant stand when somebody is being neurosexist around me so I totally get it

It wants you to stop criticising the ctrl-left.

To distract me from the constant feeling of emptiness inside.

In games I can also feel like I'm the hero, I'm special and people know I exist. Kinda feels like I actually matter.


It's everything I ever wanted. Thanks user.

It's implying science is problematic.

this comic never fails to amaze me

When you can't win an argument, the next best thing is to shame people into not arguing at all.
>listen and believe, don't doubt what we say, don't even think too much about it, just accept it

Futa is mathematically less gay than straight porn.
Straight porn has a masculine body, a feminine body, a dick and a vagina.
There is a equal split of male and female elements so it's 50% gay
Futa on female instead has 2 feminine bodies, a vagina and a dick, out of 4 elements only one is male, so it's only 25% gay
Futa is literally straighter than straight


>not understanding math

The amount of justification you people go through is kinda sad to me


>You can't say anything against me because I'm oppressed so I know what is and isn't problematic.

So if you raise "Stephie" male, he will grow up normal?