Chrono Trigger remake when

>We will never EVER get a Chrono Trigger remake with DQH II level graphics

Why is Squenix so fucking shit bros?
Why do they hate money?

Look at the assets they already have because to the DQH games, just colour that guy's hair red and boom Chrono's model is done!

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the series needs to be revived before it can have any remakes

What if a remake revives it


why exactly would I want a remake? the game is perfect as is

Come to think of it CT doesn't get that much love from Square.

Chrono doesn't even get to cameo in any games like Kingdom Hearts or Dissidia.

Why the hell would this need a remake? It's perfect as is. Virtual console is all it needs. If you want modern graphics ask for a sequel, not a remake.

It isn't just the graphics that are dated in old games, it's the gameplay
They'd have to remake the whole game to make it appeal to modern audiences, which would turn off fans who just want a visual facelift

If you want to play the old games, go play them. There's nothing wrong with pixel graphics

I'd say not appearing in KH is a win for Crono

Doesn't need a remake desu

Come on the game is great but let's not pretend that it being remade in current gen graphics wouldn't be amazing.

Imagine the insane level of detail they could put into all the different time periods. It would be beautiful.

Speak for yourself I'd pay good money to have a large boss fight with Lynx or to team up with Kid

Chrono Trigger is actually a pretty small game, it could be remade easily if they don't add any content & keep the art style simple like DQ

But Square likes to pretend Chrono franchise doesn't exist & Akira Toriyama probably can't even remember working on it

>We will never EVER get a Chrono Trigger remake with DQH II level graphics

>Akira Toriyama probably can't even remember working on it
Considering it's just recolored DBZ I don't see why not

Toriyama would see Crono & actually think it's SSJ4 Gogeta, his memory is famously bad

they won't touch that series because Triggeredfags are some of the biggest autists in all of games, whom literally killed the series in the first place


That's a port & not a good one

>one on the right looks pretty decent for 2D
>lots of bright colors
>good contrast
>good detail

>one on the left looks pretty cheap and flat for 3D

>"We will never EVER get a Chrono Trigger remake with DQH II level graphics"


DQH 2 doesn't even look good

Apart from the re-translation, it's fine.


Pretty crap game to be honest anyway. Old RPG's had a hard time making compelling characters which is the only reason anyone would play an RPG because the gameplay isn't very fun so without a good cast to draw you in there's not really any reason to play it. Early Final Fantasy suffers from this too. And final fantasy after seven too

>remember chrono resurrection
>remember how happy i was it got C&D because some twats thought it was a good idea to port a perfect 2D game to 3D.

>& not a good one
compared to what, the PS1 version?

and what video games would you say have compelling characters my friend of epically good tastes?

I hope you are not implying the trails series has good compeling characters or else i'm gonna deck you in the gabber m8.

Trails in the Sky, Phoenix Wright, hmmmm, I'm not sure what else off the top of my head.

Fuck off your underage moron.

You're why video games are dying.

>not a good one

this is false it is fine

>Trails in the sky
>Phoenix Wright
That's not an RPG you dumb cock snatcher.

>video games
sorry, but it's growing. It may not be in the direction you want, but you are old and the industry doesn't care about you. It needs new blood to keep it thriving, you are just a relic of a bygone era. A mindless consumer, that's already been hooked on the electronic crack and willing to eat up anything your good masters spit out, even if it's shit.

I knew you were epic, but didn't know you were that epic user. haha.

Trails in the Sky is shit. I played 8 hours in and it still isn't good. If a game takes >10 hours to get good, it's a bad game.

Toriyama can't remember Launch. Or the Ox King. Or most of the characters from Dragon Ball, even.

Chrono Cross being shit and the fanbase hating it doesn't mean the fanbase is bad. Do you also say Metroid, Paper Mario, and Star Fox have bad fanbases because they reject the shit games? What about Mega Man? Street Fighter? Castlevania?

The retranslation is fine bro. I don't need magus cracking disney tier jokes at frog because it was the SNES era and translators were shit

It's alright, really. Don't listen to this assfagot.

I'm sure as hell he meant the entire video-game franchise is going down the drain in terms of quality only to appeal morons like you.

Lost Sanctum is shit, though.

It's not FF
SE doesn't care

SE cares more about DQ than FF.

>content created by Square Enix

Serves you right for expecting anything than shit from them.

Why would you want this? The original is still fantastic
DQH looks like ass anyway

If they cared more about DQ than FF they would've already confirmed the translation of dq11

They did

>It needs new blood
>wants remakes
Fucking moron

Asking for remakes of classics...

What you are basically asking for is this. Presumably a company that you love to take some of it's talented individuals, time, and money- waste at least a year and a half, most likely more- then dump money into marketing, for a game, that's already been made, that is almost universally agreed to be amazing.

Seriously? Why would you not just want that group to work on something that'd be a new experience?

Also, spoiler alert. Say they do make a remake of it, you're just going to come back here and shitpost about how the original was better.

People who plead for remakes are fucking bottom feeder monkeys.

This is the exact reason it shouldn't be remade in 3D. It looks so stupid and the animations drag and and it makes no sense. If they were able to give it a good HD remake that would be OK but please no 3D models and changed battle system so it looks like that turd.

Chrono Trigger had a ton of cut content & no super boss, due to the fact Square wanted to quickly move focus to PSX

A remake could improve it, but this is Square in 2017, so yeah

>due to the fact Square wanted to quickly move focus to PSX

That's bull. They used every bit of space available in a SNES cartrdige. That's why.

Nah, space wasn't the issue, time was, ironically

>no super boss
thank god


I'm really fucking tired of remakes. FFVII is a good example of what happens when you try to remake a classic RPG. You HAVE to fuck up the combat system and overall gameplay to make it presentable in 3D form and in the current generation.

>not a good one
DS version is superior to all else, fag.

>Chrono Trigger had a ton of cut content & no super boss


>not liking Frog

oh i wasn't aware you had no soul

Why? Game looks perfectly fine in 2D. I'd rather they make something new and original and actually good. Make a game with the same sense of originality and adventure as CT. Do something weird like Live-a-Live.

DQ is still ATB, Square just thinks Westerners don't like ATB
They are probably right though

I'll never forgive Square for killing the fan-made Chrono Trigger game. Stupid motherfuckers.

Fucking ass backwards nips.

But Chrono Trigger already has good graphics

shit, that and the soundtrack are the only parts of CT that hold up

CT doesn't need a remake since it's timeless

Also no sequel either unless it's the original team

Only if Horii is involved

Legit question: why does Sup Forums hate Chrono Cross?

>>Wah no gud remak da gam
>>So stoopid no gud remak da gam

>>remak da bes game be even bests game.

Unfinished content is hardly the same as cut content though.

Every single game in the history of games has unfinished content that didn't make it in.

I imagine it would look like a bland piece of shit with 3D graphics.

You think the game looks bad graphically because you play it on a shitty LCD TV which makes low res 240p games look much worse than they actually do.
Play it on a good CRT(a BVM/PVM preferably) from an original SNES with RGB and you'll be stunned by how great the game still looks

>Wanting multiple remakes

This is one of the many reasons video games as a hobby and Industry is utter shit.

Kill your collective selves

Here's all the cut material
Not a lot of stuff really

I would like a Secret Magus boss-fight 2bh
I'm sick and tired of Momma's boy Sephiroth

Quite a few dungeons, Forest Ruins, Singing Mountain, A Mountain in 12,000 BC (Toriyama based his cover art on this) Schala's Dungeon, Coliseum

Plus other things planned like Schala & Flea joining the party

>female naruto

Ugly characters and/or they didn't play it.

Or maybe they hate it because it killed the franchise by not being as good as the first one, and not fostering a sequel.

Remakes are cancer.
What's stopping you from playing it now?

Why would you remake the game that represents the peak of 2D RPGs? I can at least understand why people wanted FF7R since the original used crude early 3D technology.

DS version is the best and I'm a faggot who has nostalgia toward the snes version and I have to fight it to admit the DS version is the best.

This. It's almost always some early storyboards that ended up not going anywhere rather than actual cut content.

Singing Mountain is in the DS version at least.

Some games need remakes because they came out on the NES for example and their mechanics are very wonky and unfun
Or on the PS1 generation and its primitive 3D graphics make the game look like puke today
CT is not one of those games

I wouldn't want a remake no matter what

But a Chrono Trigger 2 with the original dream team + Cuphead-tier 2D graphics and most importantly NO FUCKING VOICE ACTING would be fucking amazing

KH3 better not have Sephiroth again for fuck sake & yeah a boss from Secret of Mana or Chrono Trigger would be sick

All they can do is tear others down instead of building themselves up. How very typical.

The new content is dogshit but everything else is fine and you can ignore that.

It was actually in production as a fan-made remake but SE shut it down. Can't have fans making free 3D remakes of your ancient shit.

Wouldn't you want DQ11 grafics?

Radical Dreamers needs a remake more than anything. It is just a visual novel.

This always looked bad, I'm glad they got shut down.

The song is i think but not the dungeon

That's what pisses me off about the DS version, instead of adding in any cut content, they add utter shit & try to connect it to Cross

>shit, that and the soundtrack are the only parts of CT that hold up
Fuck off with this b8
Go back to /vg/ you fucking cancer

Not that guy but I admit the second game is much worse than the first because it literally turns into female naruto with the runaway ninja guy, a super sekrit evil organization and then they fight god with 99% of the game being pointless. The first was great on its own though.

Because it's not even remotely tied into Chrono Trigger in any way. They used the name because Trigger was tremendously successful.

If is correct, it really doesn't look like much was dropped.
>Plus other things planned like Schala & Flea joining the party
This definitely sounds like dropped idea rather than cut.

>Or maybe they hate it because it killed the franchise by not being as good as the first one
Like that ever stopped Square from ever making a game.

Frog has a pretty solid character arc. He goes from being a wannabe hero without courage, to being cursed and watching his friend die, to eventually becoming a hero to avenge his friend and help his new pals.

>shitty tsundere #1223939431312
I bet you think visual novels are games too

>Chrono Trigger remake when
pls no,just let the dead stay dead

You always looked bad. I'm glad you got shut down.

>they add utter shit & try to connect it to Cross
Blame that bitter cunt Masato Kato

dropped ideas is just trying to whitewash it, some games just run out of time & have to cut heaps of shit (FFXV being a recent example)

There is a reason CT is so short & is padded with so much backtracking post Zeal

Well the snowy mountain where you fight a Heckran looking guy exists.