What did he mean by this?
How does this have anything to do with video games?
He meant see you in 3 days.
>doesn't make a video in almost half a year
What did he mean by this?
>Waaa waa video games!!
Why does every cuck say this?
>Emboar plush in the background
Is Jontron into gfur bara? :3c
prove him wrong
>Youtube videos
He probably has a job, you know, work.
When your middle name is literally Aryan, you can't not be a white supremacist.
they yookad his laylee
>tfw rewatching old game grumps
It was special. It wasn't a lets play, they weren't just being unfunny faggots fake-raging at old games. They were doing improv while playing vidya. I miss jongrumps bros.
>Compares white imperialism of South Africa to Mexicans immigrating to the US
>(Destiny) "Do you think that it's okay for a country to stifle its growth to maintain a homogeneous cultural identity?" (JonTron) "Yeah, I think it's fine."
>Yeah, but if they assimilated, they would enter the gene pool eventually.
>We have gotten rid of discrimination in western countries, if you don't believe it's gone, you're living in a fantasy land.
>People like me are supposed to listen to people like you chatter on about this oppression in America that doesn't exist
This is not Sup Forumstard level shit, but it is "redpilled" level stuff. Jontron was brainwashed by sites like Breitbart.
This isn't Sup Forums you faggot, this is Sup Forums - video games.
OP's post has nothing to do with video games, just retarded modern american politics.
You need to go back to
>yeah i thought i was progressive too
>im center right
What did jonmean by this
Nope, his parents are "they could support him all his life and pay him a good appart in a city" rich.
because his videos are scripted, staged and edited, unlike 99% of youtubers improvising with the latest SO RANDUMBXD game
but what about the fact they dominate in sports.
source on that? Pretty sure his parents fucking abused him according to his own post on yahoo
Jontron has been lazy for years.
All e-celebs are cancer. Quarantine board when?
Put down the children's toys for one second you fucking manchild. Not being educated could end in genocide yet you can't stop consuming propoganda for one second.
Well, he's not wrong.
is this pic supposed to kill me or something?
>parents are rich and take care of his basic needs
>parents are abusive
not mutually exclusive things
strong people build things for smart people
Strength isn't much of a thing to compare to brain power. Sure they're strong but what do sports even matter
he meant it's wrong to fuck your sister
Stating facts is not "being brainwashed" by one of the very few conservative leaning media outlets that exist in a piss sea of far left propaganda.
anyone else go back and watch old jontron videos and realize they were really never funny? i can still laugh my ass off at old game grumps but holy shit his solo videos are so awkward and try hard
I know but it would be weird and probably stupid to say that if they give you money.
But to be honest he could have a case of first world problems, saying they abused him for no true reasons and they don't care because they are more lelvelheaded than him
When did he say this? The only thing I heard him say about blacks is that they commit more crimes than whites. (Which is statistically correct)
discuss it on Sup Forums, theres a thing called 'tabs' in a web browser and you can post and read multiple threads on multiple boards. open another Sup Forums tab and close your Sup Forums one and never come back
lmao he talked directly out of his ass and looked dumb as fuck because he couldn't coherently argue his points. I like jon but there's no defending that. He went in with a hot edgy take and 0 facts to back up his debate.
Mexicans can never assimilate because they can't leave their culture behind.
Other immigrants homelands were an ocean away. Over time, the South will effectively become Mexico again.
This isn't just pol stuff, it's stuff intelligence agencies are predicting. Read the next 100 years and go to the chapter on Mexico
Discrimination in western countries still exists. It's not something out of a fantasy land.
Your the one spreading propaganda you god damn neo comie
No. We're talking about a video game celebrity. If you hate Sup Forums so much, go to Tumblr.
I get it, because he didn't actually say it!
personally my parents took care of every physical need I have, but they also didnt give two shits about me, left me to be raised by TV and my abusive brother.
This kind of thing isnt uncommon, just because your basic physical needs are taken care of doesnt mean people cant take damage some other way
he has a really idealistic view of the world, almost like the middle of america doesn't exist. he thinks hillbillies and the KKK are make believe and only in cartoons and family guy cutaway gags.
That's honestly really pathetic and sad when you realize that nothing he's made is funnier than his unscripted content with Arin.
>Stating facts is not "being brainwashed"
this is about a youtube celebrity who has had nothing to do with games outside of voicing grunts which were later redacted from the game since 2014
>they would enter the gene pool eventually
Isn't he the son of a nonwhite immigrant?
The fuck are you even talking about
It does, but it's not very common. I live in the city and the only time I've seen racism is when some old guy told a passing by Asian to "go back were he came from, you f****** chink"
can you tell me what i said that has anything to do with hating Sup Forums?
Of course.
For example, white and Asian males have to score significantly higher on the SAT for college admissions, while blacks and Hispanics can get into Harvard by merely taking the SAT.
But that's not the kind of institutionalized discrimination you're referring to, is it? You need mo money fo dem programs, rite?
>porn thread gone in two seconds
>this has been up for roughly 15 minutes
Goddamn it, do your fucking jobs.
thats a great high school yearbook qoute
>Mexicans can never assimilate because they can't leave their culture behind.
Yes they can, hell their are children of immigrants that can't speak Spanish. What the fuck are you talking about.
Mods need to seriously ban the faggots that start Jontron threads it just invites the scum from Sup Forums here
Either ways, you're admitting that Jontron is a fucking moron and that discrimination does in fact exist
>those evil KKK white republicans lurking behind every corner in flyover shitty Amerikkka!!!
>last time the KKK verify-ably laid a hand on someone was in the 1930s
>get your skull bashed open by leftists in California, Oregon, and New York for walking down the street in the current year
Most of the staff seem to allow gaming youtuber threads. Whoever's on duty now probably saw Jon's face and kept scrolling.
nice videogames you have here
don´t mind me, I´m just posting videogames too until this thread ends
and what evidence do you have to provide us to back up your claim? you do know what "burden of evidence" means do you?
Have you ever been to Texas none of them consider themselves American
Again there's no point arguing with you when the current reality is the way it is
>i don't see it so it doesn't exist
go to alabama
i bet you didnt even report it
I did the exact same this week.
Literally rewatched every episode with Jon.
Even the entirity of Sonic 06.
This keeps happening.
Yet you don't bat an eye at calling poor, disadvantaged white families with little hope for economic mobility "hillbillies", have no sympathy for their condition, and despite the fact that they don't tend to bother anyone but themselves, hate them more than minority groups who have turned decent cities into literal war zones with their gang violence.
What has the KKK even done in the last 20 years? Held a small parade or two?
see now you're just twisting my words. i didn't say a god damn thing about white republicans. there are white republicans who are great people. the literal KKK are not great people. you don't have to be violent to be a piece of shit.
KKK ARE a fucking joke though. They're not active in a dangerous capacity so who the fuck cares.
ANTIFA and Trump people who go to protests are the real scum. Just going to start fights and be monkeys throwing shit at eachother
>this week
pretty sure theres more jontron content on GG than there is time in a week, they did like 2-3 10-30 minute videos a day for over a year
Woah, someone who isn't a Sup Forumstard or a commie
I forgot being so ugly and pathetic that you can't fuck counts as genocide
he is just stating the facts
>Whoever's on duty now probably saw Jon's face and kept scrolling.
Then that retard's not moderating.
>implying I didn't
I hand out reports like class is in session.
Foul mouthed as always, my little liberal. Can't make a point without resorting to fuck, shit, and having children say these words in front of a camera because it somehow makes a point. The age of being a foul mouthed liberal as representing the pinnacle of being like, so, above it all and enlightened is over.
I didn't say that it didn't exist. I just said it's not as common as everyone says it is.
>>get your skull bashed open by leftists in California, Oregon, and New York for walking down the street in the current year
>current year, autistic neck beards are leaving their basement think their god emperor will give them a freepass on killing "degenerates"
he voted for bernie though
>the literal KKK are not great people.
You can't judge a whole group by the actions of a few violent radicals, you hateful bigot.
what the literal fuck are you talking about? why are you projecting all of these things at me? i didn't say a fucking thing about any of that, or their situations you fucking reactionary idiot. all I said was that in his mind intolerance is a thing that is in cartoons and doesn't exist in the real world. this isn't about who has it worse, it's about the fact that jon thinks everyone is unbiased and innocent in real life, and he's said lots of very naive things in the past that show that line of thinking. You have a really pathetic victim complex
KKK was just an example my man. I'm just saying he thinks that racists don't exist in real life because it's 2017 and that was an old timey thing and people dont actually act like that in real life.
But he was a Sanders supporter, just like the rest of the ANTIFA commies.
an unfortunate fact is that everything blacks did is because of whites.
blacks were bred for slave activity, like work animals are bred for work or food is for ease of consumption/flavor.
you rarely congratulate a potato for tasting good, you congratulate the farmer instead.
Guess Jontron never assimilated either, because he's the son of a Persian immigrant.
we get it, you think "egalitarianism" can be achieved
go back to neogaf faggot
wtf I love Jontron now
First things first, this isn't gaming.
Second, I'm pretty sure he said they were more predisposed to commit murder regardless of their financial status.
I live in Texas nigger, I have an uncle that primarily spends more time with his wife (white)side of the family than ours. I half the Hispanics i knew in highschool just adopted hip-hop/black culture over their own.
You're full of shit.
>ignoring his point because some swear words hurt your fee fees
I'm not liberal but okay keep setting up these fake people who don't exist to take down in your arguments
The guy was a Bern victim lmao.
Alt-rights have more extreme opinions than the right guy though.
That's not what he said.
He said rich black people are commit more crimes than poor white people, which is not statistically correct.
Not in big cities because they tend to be ultra-liberal and they're places that lots of immigrants go. You're not going to see it in NY or Cali. Middle america is where it still happens.
>the "alt right" is a single group
when does your next article come out on Huffington?
That's not quite fair.
ANTIFA have been violently stopping anyone from speaking who is further to the right of "literal Communist". After this happened multiple times, everyone else on the political spectrum got together to hold free speech rallies.
They came expecting violence, because ANTIFA has a constant track record of violence. That doesn't make the other side "just as bad", it means they have pattern recognition.
Jontron's girlfriend is a white woman, even though he's not white.
This sandnigger is a hypocrite
99% of the episodes are just 10 minutes long.
You can easily watch every episode with Jon in less than a week.