Now that the dust has settled

Now that the dust has settled...
What went wrong Sup Forums?

Other urls found in this thread:

Nintendo doesn't make good games. Everything went wrong. The world was fun to explore but literally everything else about the game, including the world itself was shit.

>Voice acting
>4 dungeons
smaller and more simple than older Zelda dungeons, and less of them. shit
>Enemy variety and competency

The game isn't horrible, but it's plagued with flaws. But you're not allowed to discuss them because le salt meme.

>reviews and praise Zelda hasn't seen since OoT
>Sales projection higher than any other past game

Yeah, I don't think anyone's opinion who matters at Nintendo will see an issue here. And if do think there are issues. You might wanna stop playing and leave.

once you've played for a couple hours you realize that the game is really exceptionally easy and doesn't have much to offer besides more of what you've already seen. once you ignore that on the surface level the game seems "large" it feels like a very rushed development.

minecraft is the best videogame ever made then.

>Weapons break after 5 swings

That already frustrates me enough, and I haven't even played 10 hours yet.

Gaming industry is a businesses first and foremost. The sooner you figure this out the better.

it BTFO shitposters on Sup Forums so hard they're desperate to present nitpicks as game breaking flaws

>On a video games discussion board
Other guy proved you wrong, accept it, you're not above anyone here.

This. Faggot's btfo

How did he prove me wrong? This game has great praise and sales. That's all Nintendo wants and is looking for. They will continue in the direction this game started.

see, I predicted this from the second post.

>dude salt lmao


Nigga, that is 2 hours long. And the list in the beginning is still subjective and, in my opinion, nitpicks

Fuck off, Joseph. I'm not giving that any views.

Why do all these reviewers go to such long winded reviews and try to sound intelligent?

Joseph Anderson is literally the physical manifestation of nitpicking and misunderstanding.

been playing it for the first time the last... week or so. Got 25 hours put to it right now.

And honestly speaking, fucking nothing went wrong. Yeah, it's barely a "Zelda game", but it's a fucking amazing game.



>What went wrong Sup Forums?
well near as I can tell your dad's condom broke

You can't hate this game by design without also hating Original NES Zelda

Shocking it's the best console game of this generation so far with it being so shit. What a horrible generation

I didn't click the video at all, did he hate it or like it?

The original Zelda had a soundtrack and dungeons

>What went wrong Sup Forums?
you haven't played it

From the first few seconds, liked the exploration but hated stuff like combat, shrines, and side quests.

This meme

>Best rated game this decade
>Loved by fans and critics
>Niggers on Sup Forums who didnt play it hate it

You mean like BoTW? Dungeons are also basically the same pallettes too

>The combat falls insanely short of its potential and is buggy

>The Shrines are full stop some of the laziest game design to go into AAA game development

>"Side-quests" which consist of almost entirely short and shallow instances or extremely shallow and lazy fetch quests

>The 4 "dungeons" of the game are shorter and more simple than previous Zelda titles, and there's only FOUR

The meme about Zelda fags being delusional isn't a meme after all. I just want you to know that if you watched that entire video, which no on expects of course, but if you DID, you would get completely BTFO.

He doesn't hate or love it. He knows it had potential and loves the exploration, but is disappointed because it fell very short in almost every element.

He claims he liked it overall, but it doesn't matter because his complaints were fucking retarded.

BotW's 4 """dungeons""" are a joke

And I think I heard music for a total of 20 minutes in my 100 hour playthrough

How so


>arguing that the combat is "buggy" or that dungeons are any simpler than the mind-numbingly bland push block puzzles and shoot-the-arrow puzzles in other Zelda games
>forgetting about the GOAT tier shrine quests

You're not fooling anyone, Anderson. Again, fuck off.

So in response to those OPINIONS, here are my OPINIONS.

Combat was fun and really stood out on eventide isle, shrines had some decent challenge and puzzle and never took too much time away from exploring. Some side quests were just fetch but the ones that led to shrines or some cool shit were actually fun. And the dungeons had to be made in a way that let you do them in any order so they had to be on the easier end. They were probably a challenge for those new to Zelda though

nothing much, the game is pretty great. got a good 80 hours from it, which is a lot for a single player game from me.

Or how about critics aren't paid off anywhere nearly to the same degree that people believe they are and that both TLOU and BotW are genuinely fantastic games?

>Or how about critics aren't paid off

>forgetting about the GOAT tier shrine quests
First off I feel genuinely bad for you if you believe the like, 3 or 4 or whatever it was shrine quests that actually had some content to them were GOAT tier. They were acceptable tier. They were the only acceptable shrines in the game.

And no, he didn't forget about them. He spends like 25 minutes going over every aspect of every shrine in the game and how 90% of them belong in the trash, 10% are disappointing, and 10% are acceptable.

This game doesn't give you a leg to stand on. It's trash.

>opinions meme
First off, thinking that you can only critique games from a subjective perspective is the reason why the majority of games stagnate and we keep getting trash. Either study good game design so that you can objectively critique them, and realize that there is plenty of OBJECTIVELY terrible game design in BotW, or just keep your "opinions" to yourself because they're meaningless.

>Combat was fun and really stood out on eventide isle
Combat was DECENT for like 10% of the game. Wow what a masterpiece.

>shrines had some decent challenge and puzzle and never took too much time away from exploring
They were also all the same template/music/assets and all followed the same formula. You see water? Use ice. You see something moving or that you can move? Use stasis. See something metal? Use magnets etc. It's actually disgusting.

You explore and in your exploration you find a shrine. What are you rewarded with? A shitty experience that you've experienced 100 times in a row.

>the ones that led to shrines or some cool shit were actually fun
There are like 5 in the entire game. That is insane. That is not acceptable. And even then, they were only okay. The fact that THAT is what sticks out about the game says it all.

>Can do them in any order so they had to be easy shallow and small
You're fucking kidding.

oh look, at the heart of it all, it's the same "the open world is empty and has nothing to do in it"

Sup Forums says that about every open world game, why should anyone take you seriously?

I will begrudgingly use Witcher 3 as an example here, even though that game has it's fair share of flaws as well. Witcher 3 had a huge open world, but if it got one thing right, it was that there were unique and always at least decent hidden little quests and stories around the world that you could stumble upon. That's a pillar of open world design. BotW on the other hand rewards your exploration with shrines that are the same thing 120x, and the same collectible 900x that has no story or depth or anything to it.

stop shitposting faggot, shrines are not the same and shitcher 3 has a horrendous "open world", everyone gets that Nintendo making another instant classic left you with massive butthurt but stop the act, you're making a fool out of yourself.

>everyone gets that Nintendo making another instant classic
But they didn't. They made another normie pandering casual game. Look at the metacritic score.

So to sum it up:

The "experts" who did world exploration (Monolithsoft) don't match up with the shitlords who fucked up the actual game (Nintendo)

REALLY kneads the ol' noodle!

>it's bad because too many people liked it
Every fucking time

>First off I feel genuinely bad for you if you believe the like, 3 or 4 or whatever it was shrine quests that actually had some content to them were GOAT tier.

>Stranded on Eventide
>The Serpent's Jaw
>Stolen Heirloom
>The Three Giant Brothers
>The Silent Swordswomen
>Shrouded Shrine
>Master of the Wind
>The Spring of Wisdom
>all of the fun smaller shrine quests such as the Rito song one, the labyrinths, the sun dial, etc.

If you don't think these were infinitely better than the boring ass fetch quests in other open world games or arbitrary "talk to this NPC" quests in other Zelda games, I feel sorry for you, actually.

Ganon was waaaaay the fuck too easy. Especially his final form. Needed a second form that was the actual final boss fight and then finish off with the "going through the motions" form

I'm not but he's right about the game being a pandering casual piece of trash. I'm the guy you replied to.

>shrines are not the same
Watch that timestamp for about 15-20 minutes and come back and try to tell me that again. I swear it's like you didn't even play the god damn game.

>shitcher 3 has a horrendous "open world"
I told you the game has its own slew of problems, but it did open world a hell of a lot better than BotW. It did just about everything better actually, and Witcher 3 is still overrated.

>Nintendo making another instant classic
>Nintendo making another instant classic
>Nintendo making another instant classic
>Nintendo making another instant classic
>Nintendo making another instant classic
>Nintendo making another instant classic
>Nintendo making another instant classic
>Nintendo making another instant classic
>Nintendo making another instant classic
>Nintendo making another instant classic
>Nintendo making another instant classic
>Nintendo making another instant classic
>Nintendo making another instant classic
>Nintendo making another instant classic
>Nintendo making another instant classic
>Nintendo making another instant classic

Holy shit, you really are Joseph Anderson aren't you?


shrines are not the same you fucking moron, stop shitposting or thinking that you know the game because you watched some bullshit on youtube


it will destroy eastern vidya in 5 years time

>it's bad because too many people liked it

yes, and?

>Voice acting
>4 dungeons
>Enemy variety and competency

your argument just got BTFO'd

I spent almost 100hrs in that fucking game. I'm giving you a timestamp on a youtube video because 2000 character limit isn't enough to thoroughly explain how fucking retarded you are. If you want to educate yourself or at the very least see the perspective of someone who's more educated on game design than you then watch the video. If you want to stay an ignorant normie who contributes to the cycle of bad game design then just sit here on Sup Forums and spew nonsense that you refuse to educate yourself on.

I'm starting to believe it's always the same guy, his circular logic is exhausting
>zelda is shit because I say so
>the entire industry disagrees
>if too many people liked it it's a bad game
>that makes no sense
>[TLoU comparison]
>those are different scenarios, one was praised for its production values, story and mocap, the other was praised for its gameplay and world design

>open world meme
>lack of good interior environments
>weapon durability
>shit weapon variety with most being redundant
>shit enemy variety with most being recolored mooks or 1 HP trash
>only four runes/items
>cooking is poorly implemented and breaks the game
>Hard mode is half assed despite being DLC
>Champ powers and the Master Sword don't recharge until entirely depleted
>final boss is absolute shit

Witcher is garbage and is worse than botw in every way

>Joseph Anderson
>knowing more than anyone about game design
stop shilling your shitty videos Joseph, and if you're not him that's even more pathetic, come up with your own nitpicks instead of regurgitating others'

>everybody's talking about how Ganon is about to break out and regain his full power
>meanwhile you're dicking around taking back the Divine Beasts
>doing so rewards you with making Ganon even easier

Yeah I know that's exactly what the game promised, but damn that was still a letdown. What they really should have done is to give Ganon a more difficult fight if you take the time to complete all other main quests. For the entire game, he's trying to fix his destroyed body so he can reincarnate properly, so if you collect all memories and free all the Beasts, Ganon succeeds in making his magical Terminator body, just in time for when Link shows up in the throne room.

>diversified appeal leads to an unfocused and lackluster game

>still trying to shill his own video

>this rationalization for a great game getting critical acclaim
shitposters are DESPERATE tbqh

>Nintendo doesn't make good games

>Zelda fags actually believe 'save the princess from the bad guy for the 20th time' is great writing
>fewer dungeons is an improvement
>combat isn't baby's first hack and slash
Is there actually a fanbase dumber than JRPGfags?

yes, Sup Forums contrarians.

>those are different scenarios, one was praised for its production values, story and mocap

STOP. TLOU was also praised for its gameplay, shitposter. Did you even read the metacritic reviews?

I read a hundred reviews or more. few praised the gameplay as extraordinary

Then perhaps you need to look closer.

I'm about 15 hours into it on cemu and it's alright. I've spent more time hunting down shrines than completing quests so I can't really comment on much, but the voice acting (english) is atrocious. Story is generic as fuck. Combat is nice though, as are all the little secrets on the map.

>not allowed to discuss all the supposed flaws
>this same fucking thread is posted every hour

yeah, ok kiddo

>Core gameplay (Combat, Puzzles) is mediocre
>Enemy variety (lack thereof) and the terrible puzzle design for approximately 95% of them doesn't help
>Exploration is fine in terms of how it's accomplished, but the world isn't particularly interesting or worth exploring
>Atmosphere/Tone is drastically different from the "optional" cutscenes/memories and the in-game world, so they're both rendered moot
>Story/Storytelling/Characters are garbage anyway, so fuck atmosphere I guess
>Enemies are almost completely optional; There is no challenge to overcome
>Bosses are slow retards, as are pretty much every enemy in the game
>Framerate is fucked still, at least on the Wii U. The only time the combat is even remotely fun is when it's frantic, and it's only frantic when 4+ enemies are on your ass, but when 4+ enemies are on the screen the framerate tanks. Even it the FPS was stable, this particular context is never mandatory and will rarely occur unless you instigate it
>Bullet time
>Flurry rush
>Blood moon as a cutscene that ironically makes the game easier

Idk, I could go on but who even cares? The concept art and some of the music were the best parts.

it is probably the most important game made in the last 10 years

Oh yeah nobody else uses good guy saves damsel formula at all. Are you retarded?

Look mate, let me explain since that guy probably didn't explain it thoroughly: the "hero saves damsel" formula works when you don't want to fill your game with a bunch of cinematic garbage. Which is fine, I like that approach. Games don't need to be movies.

Zelda's problem is that it's disgusting in how many cutscenes they devote to trying to flesh out these boring, bland characters. 2+ hours of memory cinematics can NEVER be justified, no matter how much gameplay you try to bring to the table. Even 1 million hours would not be enough. Get rid of the memories, get rid of the cutscenes, and stop trying to make me care for these bland cardboard cutouts, and then we'd have a better game.

I remember Human Revolution used it. It had an overarching story though, and some twists. Made for a good time.

There's nothing inherently wrong with it, it's just not written well. Especially in BotW's case.

>Link has no character
>Ganon has no character and isn't even antagonistic on screen
>Zelda is a ditz
And there's less to be said about every other actor on the stage. The game is clearly all about exploring Hyrule like you never have (and maybe never wanted) to before and being a tech demo for Chemistry.

The ironic part is when the MM to BotW's Ocarina releases it will be significantly better in most regards, but receive a lukewarm reception. And it will still be vapidly inferior to other Action-Adventure/ARPGs on the market

You guys make pretty valid arguments and I now understand where you are all coming from.

Praise for storytelling vs praise for gameplay. Depends what kind of 10 you value more.

seeTLOU also got unanimous praise for its gameplay.

but it didn't, two cherrypicked reviews mean nothing.

Why can't Nintendo make a game as fun to play as pic related is to watch?

I could list at least 30 of those reviews that praise the gameplay. The point is that they bring it up constantly. You cannot say that their opinion doesn't matter, only to jerk off said opinion when they say something you agree with.

When you realize all the secrets are either Korok Seeds or Shrines the game really starts to feel lacking.

>everything is shit
Why would I want to be a part of that discussion?

Game is fun, of course Sup Forums hates it.

>he's still complaining about GOTY


seeMake up your mind. You can't have it both ways.

>Sup Forums hates it, it's shit
>Sup Forums hates it, it's obviuously bribing reviewers for a good score

>rains in front of you
Wastes 5 minutes doing nothing waiting to climb a wet ledge the moment the rain stops

I can jump on snowing cliffs just fine but Link can't grab a slightly wet rock

*drinks potion and continues climbing*

hehe....nothing personal

how can you be too casual for zelda?

>make stamina replenishing food/potion
>wear climber set
>upgrade stamina
>don't mindlessly mash x during the rain
>go around the fucking mountain during the rain
>find a cave or tree to sit under and make a campfire to quickly pass time

the game gives you a great opportunity to actually use your fucking brain and you just cry about it

How did they get it so wrong with XCX though? The game itself was tight, but the exploration is much more fun in Zelda

why can't that line of thinking be applied everywhere, in the combat specifically? You can button mash and beat any encounter without a single thought, especially since the game poops out weapons left and right, so you never worry about running out.

>b-but I totally was challenged

Yeah, that doesn't mean a damn thing. When even kotaku can beat your game, then you've made nothing more than a terrible cinematic trashheap.


ACfag confirmed, do not reply

>Nintendo essentially promised that we're never seeing another 3D Zelda in the "old" style
>Future 3D games will all follow BotW from now on
>3D Zelda is now just another generic Ubisoft open-world clone

At least there's still the 2D games.