I want it

I want it

West when

Needs more Palico stuff.

Why? This looks like a shit collectors edition. Normal collector editions are cancer, but this is ebola and aids at the same time

Remove styles, and I'll buy it

For the love of God why does the Switch version look like complete shit?

All people want is a beautiful Monster Hunter game but that is the one thing Capcom has vowed to never deliver

That keychain is CUTE

Monster hunter 5 will look great. The game will be announced at E3 as a Playstation exclusive
Sony always win

>Monster Hunter
>Ever on Sony again
Nintendo would never allow it

region free

I can't read moonspeak

you gon learn today

I like how people say this without realizing Frontier is still being updated and going strong on Sony's platforms. Frontier Z was just released several months ago on PS4

Now go ahead and respond with >frontier lol you console war shitposting fake mh fan

You need to learn moonspeak

Grey quest means capture
red quest means kill
green quest means gather

if you played MH once, you know what items are just by their icon

sony bro pleaseee
nobody here fucking understand moon shit
stop defending sony!

see You fake monster hunter fan.

what the fuck, is that a sonichu keychain?

Alright so let's get the shitposting out of the way.

Sony never ever
Nintendo never ever
MHX is for babies/styles suck
CB was overpowered in MH4U
Monster Hunter copied Dark Souls
Relic grinding was fun
Non-leveled terrain was fun
Mounting is a great addition to monster hunter series
Swimming was good
Tama is a girl
Frontier was never good
Anime is bad for MH

Anything else?


Just wait and see

How much is it? Designer shit with MonHun collectors editions always was expensive as fuck while the game "only" costs 50 euros

I'm a simple hunter.
If it has styles, I don't buy it.

>costs 50 euros
That's your problem, what a shit currency

kind of wish that bag was bigger. I could leave it in my car for when I go impulse fishing

well that's what playasia shows me
is there a button to change for us dolllaritos?

That's the ugliest collectros edition i have ever seen.

Yes, you can change currency at the bottom of the page

It will be PS4/Switch multiplat.

>needs a monthly subscription to play on top of PS+
>even more grindier than mainline
>still stuck in the Gen 2 engine
Frontier is the black sheep of the MH series

looks like something fagbois would want.

>>needs a monthly subscription to play on top of PS+
And so will MHXX on the switch, your point?
>even more grindier than mainline
MHO is the grindiest, MHX is grinder than mainline as well, what's your point?
>Still stuck in Gen 2
Thank god mounting and uneven terrain isn't here, you say that like it's a bad thing.

You DO get that Generations/Cross titles are the "style" games in the series, right? Take out styles, and it's just MH4U with less features.

It's kind of like Ism/Groove select from capcom's fighters (those games would have SUCKED without them, which is proven by custom groove mode)

>makes you buy the same game yet again
How come this keeps happening? I've never seen a fanbase so eager to buy games multiple times as Nintendo fans. They just keep doing it.

Your analogy would be more correct if one out of the 6 grooves was the absolute best bar none that completely blows the other 5 grooves out of the water.

Frontier has its own subscription fee. You have to pay that AND PS+ to play. XX will only need the Nintendo monthly fee

I really hope the cat girl is only an X thing and doesn't get promoted to mascot of the entire series.

Didn't like MHX, so I'll pass.
Anyways, let's liven up this thread

Favorite Monster
Favorite Weapon
Favorite Location
Favorite Game
Favorite Waifu

And even then, you can always solo hunt without the subscription

wow that's the least tacky videogame bag I've ever seen actually

not bad