New Yakuza game being announced tommorow

For those that missed SEGA's April live stream Nagoshi-san revealed he’ll will announce the new Ryu Ga Gotoku game on May 30th. What are you hoping for? I would love to see a Kiwami 2 or Yakuza 7 with a new cast of characters.

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Yakuza Dead Souls 2

>ANOTHER yakuza game

remember during the dreamcast era where sega would pump out a new ip every other week?

PC ports soon

>ANOTHER yakuza game
Why are you so surprised? We've had a Yakuza game every year since 2010

what makes you think im surprised?


You would have no reason to capitalize 'another' otherwise.

well im not

I wonder if it's a samurai game again. Or some spinoff.

It's probably Kiwami 2 but I want another spin off


Series pastebin for newcomers.

If there's no PC port, idgaf. Shitty game don't even sell good on the piss 4

This, stop, Yakuza series is already boring

Fuck off with your console warring you underage cunt

I remember seeing a bunch of arcade ports yeah

>le underaged xD
im just spitting out truth bombz. Yakuza would sell better on the PC because people actually buy games unlike piss 4 owners who only use it for fifa and gta 5


I just wish Yakuza kiwami had the same American voice acting.. and swearing

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>Just about to finish Yakuza 0
This game has been a blast.

go play battlegrounds and cs:go because that's apparently the only thing PCs are used for by your inane logic.
It was expensive as fuck for SEGA at the time but they did it to attract a western audience which flopped big time.

It won't be the same without the original VA cast.

Especially Mark hamil.

neck yourself tripfaggot

Those PC exclusIves sells better than ps4 exclusives

>ban evading newfag tripfag
Really makes you think

If we get Kiwami 2, it's likely going to be using the Dragon Engine (6's seamless open world) instead of 0/Kiwami's one. Nagoshi himself said it's going to take another 2 or 3 games for it to be used efficiently.

Yeah it did. But from my understanding Yakuza 0 did very well. It is my favorite game on the ps4 at this moment

Heres hoping that if it is one of the historical ones we actually get that in the west unlike Ishin and Kenzan

Kiwami 2 sounds the most likely. The inevitable 7th entry is DESPERATELY in need of a new duo of characters to focus on.


I want my boy Akiyama in Y7, but I doubt it. It'll probably be someone new.

Ishin localization when?

I hope so, a lighthearted game would be great after 6's drama.

How many more hours?

>people shitting on Yakuza
>just finished 0 as my first title in the franchise
>I have never played a game as manly as this one
>tfw those songs
>tfw those bosses
>tfw taking out your shirt to show your tatoo which is the representation of how you lead your life while fighting a boss tha does the same
>dat manliness
>dat proud and omnipotent aura tha Kiryu and Majima give
>dat voice that Kiryu and Majima have


I started playing the franchise after beating 0, I am now play Yakuza 3 and I am having a blast as well, Kiryu is just TOO based.

Who shat on it?
The series is fine but they get stale after 3 games.

if it's a new game kiryu better be fucking dead or gone, they need a new main character

Unless it's Kiwami 2, there is literally no reason to look forward to anything.

Yakuzo 0 was the pinnacle of the series and Uakuza 6 shit the bed hard.

I'd love to see a PC port of 0 because holy fuck that's a good group and more people should play it.

If this isn't a 2 remake I hope Majima is playable because he was a blast to play as in 0.

>>people shitting on Yakuza
>>just finished 0 as my first title in the franchise

fucking lol at all the retards who played 0 first and think the other games are of the same quality.

The only problem with Yakuza 0 being the best entry point in the series is that it's also the best Yakuza game.

1 was shitty.
2 was amazing but improvements needed.
3 was a bore.
4 was retarded.
5 somehow became worse.
0 was amazing.

They should make the new main games about the kid in the psp games.

Yakuza 0,1 and 2 are the only good mainline yakuza

5 final boss fights were fun though

It is not the same, I played though 1, 2 and I am currently at 3. 0 is the best without any doubt but I also loved the others, the first one not so much because of the dub but it was alright.

0 is great
1 is ok
2 is really good
3 suffers hard from being the first ps3 game but it's still pretty good
4 is great
5 is great

you need to take a while between the games though, rather than marathon them.

>mfw i enjoyed Kiwami and 6
Can't stop me

6 is the worst

>you need to take a while between the games though, rather than marathon them.
This is the most important advice. I took a 4 month break after finishing 5 in January. Playing through 0 right now and it's fucking great

5 needs a fucking break all on its own.

>tfw enjoyed 6 even though it has its fair share of flaws
I don't see why we have to pick and choose between the games. They're all worth playing.

>you will never go out with Kiryu and Goro to drink, have fun with kareoke and fight punks

Worst feel

Still haven't played 5 because of idolshit

Cancer should never be in vidya i like

>You will never sing MachineGun Kiss & Get To The Top while bitches cream themselves from the pure testosterone

Literally this.

The games are huge if you want them to be, I wasted 30 hours on Okinawa looking for Substories and suffing Haruka with candy

Listen to this and tell me it isn't the hypest shit


fuck off no one cares about you

It's fun as fuck

Yeah, this is one of the more important things I think people miss about this series. If like me you can't stand how much Persona 5 drags itself out, you appreciate how well you can just take in the story in these games.

>2 amazing but needed improvments

Oh hardly, I fucking love that game but the combat, while much better still felt clunky in places like when trying to hit enemies behind you or doing crowd control.

Yakuza 3 is where the combat because smooth.

Post OSTs

Ok, so its a Yakuza 1 reboot but nishki goes to jail and kiryu gets to run the kazuma family and silly side hi-jinks and many conflicts occur.
I fucking love the Someya fights in 6, especially the final one. Hirose was pretty good too.

>mfw nier automata wins OST of the year

I hope it's a remake of 2 with the 6 engine. I don't give a frick what anyone says, I had tons of fun with 6's combat, sure the story was insultingly bad but the fights were all great and onomichi was really comfy, not as comfy as okinawa but still pretty good. Also Kiryu is just so fucking handsome.
It also gave us some of the best OST's:

Can I start with Y3?

One thing I don't like about 3's combat is that when an enemy is in its attack animation, your attacks will most likely not work on them and pass right though even though the punch would clearly hit them. I don't remember if that also happened on 1 and 2 but it felt a bit strange at first.

If you want but you should watch the recaps at least.

Someone actually remade the Y1 recap with Kiwami's graphics on YouTube, so maybe watch that one instead.

Go for it. Yakuza 3 has recaps of the first two games in the menu.

Probably not a good idea. You'd honestly be better starting with 4 if your choices are either 3 or 4.

With that said, start with 1. Or Zero.

Yakuza 1+2 english
Yakuza Ancient Japan or whatever it's called 1-2 english

Don't do it, start with 4 then. 3 is hard to get into for first timers because of how much down time is in it.

>Onomichi was really comfy
Know any games that portray the feel of Onomichi well? It was one of my standout points when playing 6.

You didnt even choose the contending songs of zero
What's even more bullshit in 3 is the way enemies in hard just block most attacks

Basically Yakuza 3 made combat smooth, 4 intoduced alternate styles and fixed that bullshit blocking enemies and 5 made kiryu feel real fun to play as when he was maxed out. Feels better than zerobecause that secret style in zero didnt have the tiger drop.

Start with 0 if you can't stomach the first's graphics. When you beat 0 you will not care if the continuation has not aged well, that is what happened to me.

Oh, all the songs in this game are great, I meant OST of the year as in all songs from each game weighed against each other.

just wondering, can you disable the HUD in 6?

Such a good track, wasted on that retarded mini-game.

They are at least 7/10 games.

I want a spinoff called Banchou

The Secret boss is the Kiryu & Nishiki vs Kazama


Will never understand people liking 4 over 5

Since we're all fucking weeabos anyway

Could you define "banchou" for me?

The song that plays during the fight agains Shibusawa literally made me tear up during gameplay, it was the first time the hype got so high that I cried because of how beautiful and fitting the song was.

>dat clash
>dat shirt taking
>dat Dojima only needs one Dragon
>Twin dragon

I literally lost my shit at 3:15

The strongest and the leader of a group of japanese deliquents

Alright buddy, you're getting pretty autistic. The fight was hype but not the best one. That goes to Fly.

Badass. I remember some fag was in a Yakuza thread before talking about how it'd be funny to see a Ryu ga Gotoku spinoff like Issin, but with all the characters being in high school.

>Full song starts playing half way into the fight

God I love shit like that. More games need to do this kind of thing.

See you see kay

5's final boss was dumb as shit but the setting, music and the whole setpiece was fucking godly.

This also takes the cake. Even better when you mirror his movesets and finally switching to DoD in the last phase

>only time the cutscene cuts seamlessly to gameplay
>becomes a staple from then on
Hell yeah.

Thats what i want.

Japanese Bully with Kiryu and Nishiki.

>tfw beat him first time on Hard, with only 1 tauriner to my name

How likely would this be? I would love to see this setting but at the same time I think Nagoshi would want to move away from the old characters and introduce a new cast.

Yakuza 5 is great just for allowing this video to be a thing

>how likely
God knows. I don't think the setting is different enough to warrant it being a complete project. At the end of the day, it'd just end up with the same characters doing their thing but they're all 5 feet tall and mid-puberty.

Still waiting for the post-WW2 era game featuring young Shintaro & Kashiwagi