Woman wont be able to survive 5 seconds in this world yet you can play as one from start to finish

>Woman wont be able to survive 5 seconds in this world yet you can play as one from start to finish
>Woman wont be able to lift 99% of weapons and shields from this game yet you can equip her with any weapon and shield you want

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ugh, fuck off with that misoginy

It's almost like... It's a fantasy... Game...

>Woman wont be able to lift 99% of weapons
There are quite a few weapons in the souls games that no living human could possibly lift and swing around

Swords and armour aren't that heavy.

No human could swing some of the giant stone weapons in these games. You're pretty dumb user

Ah yes realism, like wielding a halberd and tower shield at the same time, that kind of realism.

Fuck it im gonna take the bait

It's almost like if a woman trained hard enough, she could go toe to toe with the best men around

t. DaS2 sotfs fag

The average strength difference between men and women is one statistical standard deviation.

This means that if an average human (male and female combined) has stats of 10 across the board then the average man has 11 strength and the average woman has 9. The difference is negligible compared to the difference from average needed to utilize heavy items in these games.

Really? That's the unrealistic bit about that game you choose to focus on?

Dark Souls 2 has clearly already set a strong precedent for none of the souls protagonists being female. At best you're some nobody genderless undead that got its hands on the soul of some random fucking woman and your character just believes in its tits so hard that it gets them.
It's why the fucking old hags laugh at you so hard. You're one of countless literally who undead that they're "helping" to "remember who they were".

Also this for an explanation that isn't 99% pure bullshit

>OP neglects that no person can come back from the dead

mad because mods keep deleting your misogynistic threads user? Did some cutie turn you down so you gotta shill your feelings here?

Its called fantasy for a reason dipshit. Also pretty sure you couldn't either in real life

>shill your feelings

There is a point where this needs to stop and we've clearly passed it


This is impossible due to the bell curve of men and women being different.

>Woman wont be able to lift 99% of weapons and shields from this game yet you can equip her with any weapon and shield you want
Use havel's ring you fgt

>become a stick thin hollow
>can still swing around all your heaviest weapons exactly the same as before, despite being leather stretched over bones.
Griping about a woman being the same statistically as a man in dark souls is silly. You're silly user.
You've got literal skeletons with no actual muscle mass swinging around whatever weapons they want without a care in the world. You're argument is envalid.

t. A fat neet who can't even bench 100lbs at the gym.

That's not how bell curves work.

Any human in the Souls series can become a demi God by munching on enough souls.

Around 18-20~ strength your character surpasses human limitations.

>universe where you can magically absorb the strength of everything you can kill

It's just pandering to closet faggots who wish they were a girl and lonely waifufags. Same as almost any other game that lets you play as a female. Nothing new user.

Why does the option to play as a woman in a fantasy game trigger you so much you have to make a thread each hour for it?

>someone talking about the extremes of human traits
>bell curve has nothing to do with it

OK user.

>Deviations from average do not exist
Exceptionally strong people are exceptional regardless of gender.

are you assuming their fucking gender you cis scum?

Wow all these subhuman sjw's fags
This place really is reddit

>implying any of those comments are serious and not ironic
Lmao, are you still on the first layer of irony? You won't even be able to follow basic threads soon


Now you're getting it

>Woman wont be able to lift 99% of weapons and shields from this game
This is objectively false. Small swords and daggers account for more than 1% of Dark Souls 3's weapons.

If a woman was trained, built muscle definition, she could definitely lift more than 1% of the weapons AND swing them around. Anything heavier than a straight sword, maybe not with one hand, but you are severely underestimating the strength potential of a woman.

Yes, I know of course that the strength/speed/everything aside from childbirth potential of women is many levels lower than that of a man.

You tried.

Haha Hahaha no. Start lifting weights, you'll understand just how weak women are pretty quick. Even the women who are advanced lifters are weak as fuck in comparison. Google strength standards.

Weapons aren't as heavy as you seem to think they are. With a bit of training, any woman could wield almost any of the "normal" weapons in the game. Even a zweihander weighs about 7 pounds max.

>Woman wont be able to lift 99% of weapons and shields
Medieval weapons were crafted in such a way that even a child could swing them with ease. Plate armor is max 15kg. Big metal shields are heavy sure, but reinforced wooden shields, maces, daggers, longswords, shortswords, shortbows, crossbows, etc. in short everything that's historically accurate could be worn by a woman without issue.

The only issue is the power of the strikes and resistance to shocks, they would fall behind in these two areas quickly.

>lifting weights

We're discussing functional strength, /fit/.

Heavy compounds = functional strength. Seriously google strength standards.

Why the fuck people like this armor so much?

>Anything heavier than a straightsword
You do know that a straightsword in real life weighs about 1 Kg, right?
A lot of the reasonable swords (Probably even the Zweihänder) will also be only be 2-3 Kg more.

There are weapons that are heavier than the wielders themselves. And you're complaining about women?

Women are pretty weak dude, even a unfit male can overpower a fit woman if he came at her hard enough. Natural upper body strength gives men an edge. Why do you think its so taboo to hit a woman? because you can put them through tables without even trying.

Yup agreed. That's why dying constantly in this game is canon, man or woman.

>hairless apes having a chance in a setting where intelligent dragons exist

u even breathe fire brah?

Is it misogyny now to point out that women are physically not capable of doing some things men are?

>all the assflustered male feminists itt

At that point I was talking about swinging them around. To swing a longer sword like that with one hand would be very tiring.

Learn your english user.

The bell curve isn't the reason, it's evidence of the reason.

It turns out that old melee weapons are pretty light and designed so any malnourished peasant could swing them around. If there's any weapon in the souls games that a woman absolutely, 100% could not wield regardless of training, then chances are a man wouldn't have that much more luck with it. It's a fucking retarded thing to get booty blasted at when you're talking about a fantasy game.

>240 pound fatass and my 150 girlfriend can life me off the ground when we play around

Granted she is an exception rather than the rule.


>character start out as fit humans and then infuse themselves with souls to gain inhuman strength and ability
>"But what if they had a vagina?"

>i've never lifted either in my life the post

I totally agree OP. I made a non Japanese character but he still died when i spammed the bloodlust weapon art, shit tier game

Which are you basing on what? The experience wielding mediaeval arms and wearing mediaeval armour that I can't tell you don't have from the fact that you think they're heavy?

Swords aren't that heavy. A decently fit man can swing one around without too much of an issue, same goes for moving around in armor.