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>it's real


Holy shit, the absolute madman is actually making the secon series. Fucking great


This'll never get finished.

jesus christ for real? IT WAS AN APRIL FOOLS JOKE
He must really need money.

>reddit's mind

Holy shit

To think that I actually used to watch this crap, Jesus.

Well yeah, he noted that fans voted with their views and that it was his most popular video in a couple years.

>man continues an extremely successful and lucrative series he's repeatedly expressed disinterest in continuing, despite the difficulty he's had making money through other projects
>everyone assumes he's doing it for the dollarydoos
what nonsense

Damn the humor has not aged well, many more cringe moments.

It was never a joke, it just happened to be uploaded on 1 April.

WTF i HATE ross now

Never watched this, is it good?
Should I start from the episode 1 and watch the whole series?

how do you guys find this stuff funny? It's just some dude screaming

He uploaded it then so people wouldn't be mad waiting nearly two months for the next one

It did get Millions of views at machinima when it first started. So trust the popularity.

Ross is too pure for you.

This shit is old as fuck. I remember I was doing college when the early episodes came out

you realize the same could be said of 90% of "lets plays"

yes I do


What is that look?
"I've seen some shit"?


Disbelief concerning Wallace and Gromit

>You don't like Wallace and Gromit?


It's the look you give someone when they tell you that they don't like Wallace and Gromit.

>he doesn't watch Game Dungeon

I haven't seen all episodes yet. Which one is that pic from?

Puzzle Agent

>Gordon shitting on Alyx and Barney
Ross you absolute madman

Alyx is a ditz
Barney is a highschool dropout
Kleiner is a murderer

its great

Did anyone else think it wasn't funny at all? Also seemed like he was rushing through every scene.

>first one is passed off as an april fool's joke
>second episode is just released without fanfare

the absolute madman

oh sorry it wasn't spouting epic memes and le so randumb humor every 10 seconds to pander to your ADHD

>"What about the helmet?"
Deepest lore

He said in his video chats it was returning.

>ross just wants to work on the movie and game dungeon but ledditards watch his freemans mind too much to make it feasible

why do you have to be such a defensive fucking cunt?

Maybe if game dungeon wasn't shit he would make enough money off of it to not need Freeman's mind

>game dungeon
zip it fagboy

No, it's more like Freeman isn't taking this shit seriously anymore because Xen brainfucked him. He's fought what he calls an Elder God and won. Still, he didn't have a suit during the chase and knew the crossfire would have killed him, and these new people are just whatever until he's seen more (except for Kleiner). Also, he simply doesn't remember Barney, so of course he's going to be compared to a dumb Black Mesa guard.

I'm not sure what this means for THE MOVIE, but maybe he's gotten enough of that done to manage it better.

Feels good knowing under age faggots are to retarded to appreciate this shit. They still have Fat-Man, Gay Gumps, and DeeEsPee dicks to suck thou.

>You're at the lab for some teleporters and chill when Kleiner gives you That Look. What do you do?

he was moving at the pace of the scene.
It's perfectly fine

Game Dungeon is better than Freeman's Mind.

freeman's mind was never funny

"I have to make this movie"

>This psychopath slaps your girls ass in front of you
What do?

ask him if he wants to play Serious Sam Co-op

Tell him I didn't really like Wallace and Gromit.

This. Game Dungeon is GOAT.

ask him why he's slapping my hand and tell him to go finish the movie

Ask him what it's like to subsist entirely on canned beans

Kill a game

Not an April's joke in the end, huh? Those "April's fools but actually not" are pretty cool in the end.

Ask him to shave and get a haircut

which will come first: hl3 or freeman's mind 2 ending

I think the problem is that it was basically a cutscene segment. There were other characters talking so he doesn't have the same creative liberty with Freeman's thought processes.

Next episode should be much better, all the way up to Black Mesa East.

I can't wait for Ravenholm in like 4 years though.


Can anyone actually name a time when a creator tried to make "the movie" and it actually turned out well?

I mean good on him for ambitions but it's way too familiar.

I just hope hes done with it soon so he can make more stuff thats fun. I think the amount of time hes putting in it is really killing it though, by the time hes done his older parts of the movie will be so aged they wont fit anymore. You get some duke nukem forever in movie form, a manylayered piece of history

Take a lock of his hair and treat it like a relic.

The AVGN film was supposedly decent, I haven't watched it though. TGWTG really poisoned the well with all the shit they pumped out

How long has he been making this movie for?

>first video posted on april 1st
>this is episode 2
>implying all this is real
I'll believe it when he makes episode 3

>First this this episode releases
>SSF2 Beta finally drops


damn its been a while since Ive seen that gif