
So it wasn't an April's fool joke


Fucking nice

Oh my god, this is incredible.

Why is Sup Forums obsessed about garbage like this why they complain about "e-celeb" threads?


So what will happen first, the end of Freemans Mind 2 ending or HL3 releasing.

hey pal
here's a dick you can suck on if you don't like it



I weep for those who are no longer with us to know such joys.

It's okay when the e-celebs we like do it

>he spends half the episode insulting barney
i love it

Hl3 could easily be announced at E3 or the valve event this October. I'd put 2:1 odds on Freeman's mind 2 ending first though

>over 2 months later
>Sup Forums acts like its the coming of messiah

I found dissing alyx more fun since you're meant to love her.

>kleiner is a murderer


oh great, another 5 years to suffer until the ending comes out

This. Cannot wait to see how Ross-Gordon reponds to Alyx's affections later in the game.

Wait what
How did i found out about this shit only now

what makes you so sure?

last time he was fucked over by machinima

now the culprit might just be THE Movie and general laziness

When will you learn that Valve never has and never will show up at E3

>oh, bonus
it's the little things

>first episode
>mfw pick up that can

>mfw contrarian faggots act like Ross is e-celeb cancer
Yeah, no. Not Fat man, Gay Gumps, or DeeEsPee

Every old-school e-celeb wants to make a film, I guess it's because it used to be the only people interested in making videos for the internet were visual art students with nothing better to do, these days people's goal is to become a Youtuber

Was just rewatching Game Dungeon. Nice.

>didn't like Alyx
>gets in fights with Barney
>is down with based Kleiner
absolutely perfect, avoided all the tropes and predictable shit

before it could have been an april fools joke

now its real

its real

Its literally perfect.

>oh god Kleiner's got that look on his face

Mad-scientist Kleiner is fantastic.

I absolutely cannot wait for him to meet Gregori in Ravenholm. I hope he finds him awesome.

>You're at the lab for some teleporters and chill when Kleiner gives you The Look, what do you do?

This trash was never funny, go back to lebbit.

ok, it felt like a retread of same ideas, but second episode actually picks up in a different pace

>post your face when it wasn't just an april fools joke after all



>when you see your 1800s fake photo from Black Mesa

It's really consistent with how Freeman turned out by the end of the first series, and that's what matters. And if Freeman does soften up to Alyx and the other characters, it'll take a long time and it's not going to get in the way of him being based.

Will be a great few episodes or so, and frantic.

Well, he said it in a videochat that it wasn't supposed to be a joke and that more is coming.

no e-celeb shit allowed

chop chop mods

Good thing Ross isn't an eceleb.



Do you have any fears for freeman's mind 2? Any direction you hope Ross DOESN'T take?

Well I'm hoping that he does the whole thing, episodes included

Well, if there's too much observational humor he'll just be repeating jokes from Concerned.

well I hope sequence breaks the game less

being that Hl2 has shit level design and is extremely linear i don't think he can sequence break.

Its just a problem of time.
Lets say he spends 1/3 on movie, 1/3 on hl2 and 1/3 on game dungeon, you're not getting hl2 episodes in a pace thats great for a series.

He really needs some partners to produce more videos.

The movie.

he said he was going to cut back on game dungeon and focus on FM and MOVIE

He'll probably roll Episode 1/2 into Freeman's Mind 2.

We also need another pirate episode

Moon Gaming already got shit on. I think he'll stick his (talented) friends on THE MOVIE and produce FM2 at an easy pace. Maybe he's also run out of picks for Game Dungeon and needs to recharge.

do you want it to be rushed and of worse quality because of it?

barneyfag btfo

>back on game dungeon
>cutting back on modern AVGN

HL3, and they will announce that Ross Scott is now the official voice of Gorden Freeman with an optional commentary track in new game plus. Experience the entire game again, but this time with Ross's witty commentary.

That's a shame, I've come to really love the Game Dungeon.
I mean, I'm looking forwards to new Freeman's Mind episodes as much as the next guy, but it's a tough choice.

Hl1 is extremely linear too, but he still managed

HL3 comes out the same day of the final episode of Freeman's mind 2

Valve and Ross are in it together.


I remember when I thought these videos were funny

Moon gaming had the absolute worst guest.
The only thing Ross cant replace is his quality writing and voice acting.
Animation is the most time consuming thing that could be given to other people.
Game dungeon should change style. It needs to rely less on Ross's personal experience and stories and be a more generalized thing. Maybe some 2 people review a game thing and they both write the script for it.

Ross is in contact with Valve, he's done an 'unofficial' voice of Gordon for Dota 2 announcer. They would be insane not to, he's pretty much the official voice for the man in all but name now. Doesn't help that he LOOKS like him.

My worry is that he won't catch onto the lore/setting and constantly mistake what's going on as he's doing in this episode.

His idle musings about his situation and chatting shit about Black Mesa were the best parts of FM1. Considering Ross's talk about cults in Game Dungeon, I imagine Freeman's criticisms, observations and suggestions of his own version of a police state would be fucking hilarious.

t. never had the dreadful wait during season 1

Damn, I do love me some Game Dungeon. He showed some games I'd like to try for myself. Hell, I'd like a remake of Quarantine

What changed, user?

I like game dungeon because it's like what an npr game review would be. Obscure as hell game with interesting bits of information leaving you wanting more but there's only a handful of episodes so you leave sad and upset.

How is he in contact?
Its unofficial because Valve screwed him over.

>less on Ross's personal experience
His tangents are hilarious. When he goes into those, me and a friend decided to buy people's souls were fantastic

This, Freeman's Mind is at it's best when Freeman is just pointing out the absurdity of the whole situation. The whole 7 minute war would be a good place to start.

Can this be a Half-Life lore thread now?

Go for it. What is there to discuss?

I think he'll definitely be cutting out some parts of Route Canal or Highway 17. There's both the reason and the oppurtinity to skip boring level parts there.

Post favorite S1 moments
>Ambassador Pineapple, you're representing me on the floor.
>stop persecuting me...stop it...you too...



>I'm not the enemy!

>Coffee, coffee, coffee. Not as strong as methamphetamine but it lets you keep your teeth.

I don't know. Stuff about the Combine fascinates me.
Also, what was Eli planning to tell Gordon before Alyx interrupted him?

I never found them funny. Still end up closing those in the middle of the video


It's been a while since I replayed it but likely something about G-man, either about him or his plans. Maybe G-man asked Eli to do something but he refused or something.

Who /XCOM voicepack/ here?

no i got the rick and morty one for xcom though

Shit, does someone has that gif where someone picks up the can, puts it in a different trash bin and it works?

i have known this was a thing since 2008 where the hell have you been?

I know that, i just wanted the webm.


well unfortunately i do not have any jiffs of it sorry

what are the chances of a blazkowitz mind with wolfenstein the new order

The game is already pretty narration heavy.

Freeman's Mind worked because the game is 100% from Freeman's POV. You're not taken out by cutscene, Gordon has no real persona.

Blazkowciz's mind could go very horribly wrong fast.

hmm what abouit doom guys mind without the weird voice? and based on the 2016 version im trying toi think of what ross could do after this is over

Ross didn't start out as an e-celeb, he just made funny videos, that's all.

Best thing about it is that he never tried to present himself. All we knew was his voice and his roleplaying of Gordon.

Freeman's mind isn't just some let's play, he's genuinely made it something like a mini comedy series,

Shit, he's an enthusiastic old-shool gamer and he has alot of cool game news and reviews on his channel about some really underground games. Unlike some paid faggot reviewer, he actually plays the games and tries hard to actually finish them too- If he can't, he tries to find the ending elsewere.

I find it hilariously dedicated that he tries to contact devs from near or over 20 year old games

Zero, if and when he finishes Half Life I doubt he'll ever do something long the lines of FM again

he still isnt much of an e-celeb and thats a good thing