3% to increase your critical hit rate by 1.4% for 2.5 seconds

>3% to increase your critical hit rate by 1.4% for 2.5 seconds

Name 1/one/unos/ein games that do this, with those exact numbers, percentages and effects

Name the game that does this with the EXACT NUMBERS WRITTEN or it didn't happen.
Even Korean pay2win MMOs don't have items that have only a % chance of another % chance. That's just retarded math coding.

>Each critical hit has a chance to be a double crit
>it keeps happening

>100% chance to double your scoops of ice cream for 1 meal



fuck off Sup Forums-samefag


>singular 4 times
Shit dude you got like 7 Int

Math is for fags. Just pick what looks coolest.

>0.1% chance of winning a presidential election for 4 years

you're unfunny

>leftists overwhelmingly lose an election they thought was a sure thing
>scramble to find anything to rally behind when there is nothing
>sink so low as to try and declare eating 2 scoops of icecream is some kind of career ending political gaffe
>they cry when they get teased about how butthurt they are and unable to let things go
guys, it's a long shot but here's how bernie can still win

i dont give a fuck about politics, 2 scoops isn't a funny joke. the colbert "haha look how funny his face is when we scrunch it up xD" meme isn't funny.

are you retarded

sorry, having trouble hearing you over the crying leftists when they found out we control all 3 branches of government

t. one scoop plebeian

>it's a 'Sup Forums ruins the thread' episode

you're missing the point of the joke obviously. Since they are being mocked for overreacting, and yes it is funny

>guy makes a joke
>thread gets detailed by faggots yelling THATS NOT FUNNYYYYYYTREEAAAAAAAAHHHHH
>guy who made the joke gets blamed

leftists everyone

The strange thing is, it hasn't made them any less smug, any less anti-white, or any less derogatory towards the same working class they pretend to represent.

They unironically believe there will be some massive "blue wave" in 2018, despite the fact that they've learned nothing and changed nothing.

>You have a flat % chance to add an extra cumulative % crit chance to the one you already have, for X amount of time
I mean, there really is nothing wrong here user. You feeling alright?


people often like to joke about the definition of insanity, but in this case they really truly are doubling down on all the behaviors that cost them the election

during the midterms the republicans can only lose 1 seat, the democrats are in danger of losing 9 more
best case scenario for the democrats is don't lose any more ground

we are 1 state away from republicans being able to make amendments to the constitution with no democrat support.

no i get the joke fully, it's not funny at all and colbert barely even fucking mentioned the two scoop thing
you're unfunny faggots

make a funny joke that's not off topic garbage next time

>1% chance on a melee critical hit to call forth the spirit of Eskhandar to protect you in battle for 2 min

>+33% to x resistance for 4 seconds
>+10% to maximum x resistance for 4 seconds
>prevents bleeding while active

i sure do love pressan buttons!

I hate it when games do this, only you have a lot of acessory/upgrade slots or whatever so you're supposed to keep stacking them until they're actually useful. I'm like BITCH just make it useful to begin with dammit, aint nobody got time for that autistic shit

politics are gay rofl

Sup Forums just mods that out of Borderlands 2, OP. They've never experienced it first hand. Of course, ALL headshots are crit, so it's a stupid buff anyhow.

>99.9% chance
Russian hackers, my man.

>3% to increase your critical hit rate by 1.4%

>+10 ice resistance armor
>you just got done with a dungeon that focuses on ice element enemies
>only one or two of them reappear later

you are being THIS triggered by coming into a thread you can avoid and not say anything.

you are keeping it relevant and getting more attention by bumping it.

stay mad faggot


>Get the best weapon in the game against the bosses enemy type after killing him
>Don't even face beyond like, 2 of that enemy afterwards
>He was literally the second hardest fight in the series

I hate this sort of thing. It's especially bad in turn-based games.
Like cases where you can either spend your turn doing:
>Attack for piss-poor damage with a tiny chance of a negligible effect, at an MP cost
>Do no damage with 50% accuracy to inflict poison, but it only works on the weakest random encounter monsters and does 5% damage for like 5 turns, at an MP cost
>Attack for normal damage with no special effects for free
There is never a reason to pick the first or second option. Ever. Why even spend the time to program them in if they're objectively worse than just a standard attack?

>x2 scoops for 30 minutes
>Aggro increased for 1 week.

World of fucking Warcraft. .05% to crit is seen as huge.

i remember diablo 3 had shit like this
i havent played it since it came out thought

>Big cooldown gets removed
>One minute CD to increase your crit rate by 10% for 10 seconds

>15% chance to apply poison that ticks for 10 damage plus 1.5% of the target's maximum HP, or if under 50% maximum HP ticks for 0.5 times the target's highest stat

>potion of minor resistance to light poisons
>reduces chances of being poisoned by 3% for 9 seconds

nig, a tomato

>health potion
>restores 10 HP
>stale bread
>restores 25 HP

>Equipped weapon has a chance to hurt it's user

>health potion
>restores 25hp
>Cooked Unicorn Demon Dragon Meat
>restores 100% hp

How long is the duration, because anything under 30s is trash and anything over a minute is broken; and how high does health usually get, because in the hundreds 10 damage is a slow killer, but in the thousands it's easily ignorable

>weapon has 100% chance to insta-kill anything it touches
>weapon breaks immediately after usage
>you keep it forever out of fear of wasting it

>weapon drains your health as you walk around

>"has a chance to instantly kill the target"
>nothing in-game tells you what the chance is, what affects it, and who's immune to it

You guys should play Paragon, like half the cards in the game are shit like this

Warrior Within had such weapon.

>100% chance to activate on crit
>0% crit chance
fucking grimdawn i can't get offensive ability without getting oneshot

>it doesn't work on bosses

>huge boost to all stats, but you die instantly if you take any damage

>double the damage you take and deal

>game rewards you for beating bosses without taking a hit
>don't use that item anyway

PSO too
it's special attack was an insta-kill that took out a chunk of your health
the accuracy in this game was bullshit though. I never hit a damn thing

>5% chance on hit to cause 8 poison damage over 10 seconds

When is that first 3% chance RNG'd?
One time when the item spawns? Then if it fails, it's essentially a different item, and writing that in the item description is adding insult to injury.
Every time a crit chance is RNG'd? Then that's mathematically equivalent to increasing crit chance by 0.042% I think. My point is any added % chance that doesn't add possible outcomes (i.e. you either crit or don't crit, no third outcome) can just multiply the normal % chance instead of being RNG'd separately and the spread of outcomes will be the same.
It's an extra step for no reason which is sloppy programming. I don't believe any game, not even Diablo 2, ever did this.

WoW has all kinds of trinkets that have a chance to activate upon attack/cast/crit and add a temporary stat boost for a short duration, whether it's spell damage, crit chance, agility, etc.