What's the hardest choice you've made in a video game?

What's the hardest choice you've made in a video game?

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left but only if she suck my dick for not doing what i asked



Wear a mini yukata instead, its sexy and not as hot.

If I knew he was going to be such a cuntback, I would rather have killed him on the spot.


Valeria or Kasumi

left. if she suffered because of the heat I would just feel sorry for her and then my night would be shit regardless

>all those betamales in the last thread getting all up in a huff over the girl not wearing the yukata

That last thread was a hoot, it was so laughably pathetic.

Pick right and keep her cool with the fan myself so she won't have to do it all the time.

>that one user that knew the only right answer
too good for this board desu.


right, a thousand times

Left one because she shows individuality and is not willing to submit.

>girl or girl
They're both wrong options

memes and anime got to them user. They really think that if a girl doesn't follow their every request that means that girl is off fucking Jamal.They're that insecure over a girl not listening to the point they get mad about it.
If I were a girl I wouldn't want to be around anyone from Sup Forums


but where's the "boy wearing a yukata" option?

I like the left one more. Forcing your girlfriend to wear some uncomfortable shit is pretty lame. The fact that the left girl said "nah, let's go with this" makes her more interesting by default.

Finna cringe dude... anime isn't real.

It isn't there, but true patricians know it's the only correct choice.

Choosing between exclusive party members.Deja vu?

sorgo monza

I want personality intact

Why would anyone want a selfish slut?

I want to smell girl on right's armpit pads

>Why would anyone want a female?
Good question. Straight people are a mystery.


Stop associating my wife with the worst fetish you absolute faggot.

I can barely dress myself. I don't tell my girlfriend what to wear


This is the right answer.

>not wanting to have hot, sweaty sex with the girl on the right after the festival

Why is she wearing those big wooly socks if she's so fucking hot?
Also I didn't spend 5 hours channeling my inner Ken-sama and wearing my own damn yukata just for her to not turn up in one.

>cure cancer
>first world people stop suffering pointless sorrows

>feed hungry
>world population becomes unsustainable within 10 years

Cure cancer.

"Sorry isn't good enough! You'll have to pay me back some other way...."

There, just taught you permavirgins a thing or too.

fuck off

Left is superior.

Post of the last thread?

pretty much what this guy said: If we fed all the hungry, niggers would never die off.

Left is a lazy piece of shit making excuses

Your Name was a great movie.

Fuck cancer.

I don't mind sorey and his husbando being gay together, but I wish fujoshi wouldn't completely disregard mikuleo's personality
Like what's the point of liking a gay paring if you change one of the guys to literally act like a girl for no reason

I just wish Summer would come to begin with..

It's practically June and it is still 50 out most of the time. I'll take 100 over this any day.

You got a link?

>hunger affects only human beings while cancer can even get them a lot of the time


3 then when during the worst part switch her personality back to 1.

>Fully furnished with with cooling...
>with with
who did this bs and who did the proof reading?

does it prevent Djikstra to betray you, Ves, Thaler and Roche after you kill Radovid?

uh, sauce me up user

Artist is nyuu.

You don't get to kill radovid if you shove him forcefully

what the fuck? im gay now

Seems like there's two situations here. One where the girl was asked to wear a yukata, and one where it was just assumed, and the girl didn't.

>Casually implying that we'll be together next year
How can other girls even compete?

english bitch

>not the scene where you play Ciri
>just wants to be nice to Skjal because we know he's going to die
>Ciri kisses him and offers him to harbor his dick in her fun-cave

Post more of these I only got this one

Unless you've already seen her naked, left is better than right. I can't count the number of times where a secret fat girl cat fished me with traditional (aka fat hiding) clothes.



oh. so you say that to all guys like it's nothing. no, its okay i'm sure you mean it this time, for real this time.

Right one.



Right is usually the better one

>has good reputation among teachers
What a slut

Girl you can groom versus left girl. Hard fucking choice senpai

The scenes where he's afraid of dogs were cute. I guess they were trying to do that, but with festival ghosts.

How retarded must you be to choose the left?

>left girl finds out

Which one is the tsundere?

All of these are retarded. They are like "Do you want a lazy/untrustworthy/uncaring girl OR a good one?"

What the fuck.

Right x Left is the only correct answer

Lazy is better

how is this even a choice

Left, no doubt
>implies you'll still be together next year
>wants to be comfortable so that she can focus on spending time with (You), instead of focusing on being hot
>others essentially get rid of the original personality
>1 maintains original personality, and can have multiple results
Cure cancer, feeding the hungry means overpopulation would become much worse especially in 3rd world shitholes
Right, she's cuter and she's not a slut.
Right again, who would choose a bitch over a decent person?

You pick the left to use the power of the dick to turn her into an innocent looking girl who is actually innocent.

The power of dick is unbeatable.

I would wear the Yukata

Hug the right one, get the meal, then give the meal to the left one and receive a second hug.

That's every girl, user. Both answers are wrong.

this, especially with can't you nigs see they are a perfect couple

Pick left and save her before it's too late

I don't think so, but i love fucking so that's just my opinion.

My wife is literally the left.

Both have their good points, don't be a bitch nigger user.

>Oh I didn't want to bathe again user. Sorry that my pussy smells like a vietname floating fishing community that crashed into the open mouth of a dying whale.

Motherfucking Professor of Huganomics up in here

I always picked Kasumi
her sanic speed + that coin rune = instant 99999999 money
also, dem pixelated bouncing tiddies

spoiler for real live
you cant save bitches, they dont want it the other way

This, I want to see her cry

Left will be the one to let her self go the moment she gets the chance, using lies that she'll better herself to keep you around.

Right will continue to try to make herself attractive to keep your attention even if she doesn't like the effort.

The best feeling.

My condolences, you married the worst kind of woman. Please don't commit suicide when your wife starts fucking around with all the free time she has being lazy around the household she doesn't maintain.

Someone give this man a Nobel prize.

Should I kill Mr House or just leave him in his chamber disconnected from his network. I chose the latter as it would give him time to think about what he did wrong.

If you choose right you have mommy issues, nothing feels better than spoiling a cutie.

Poor user

you monster
its the worst fate

They ditch your ass and hookup with each other.

Right is the only correct answer