It's a ''PS4 shill loves to flaunt exclusives as if everyone is equally interested in them just as he is'' episode

>it's a ''PS4 shill loves to flaunt exclusives as if everyone is equally interested in them just as he is'' episode

But dude! Aren't you excited beyond belief for yet another Spider-Man game?!?

fuck off paedo

>they won't be released until 2020
>none of them

uh, no

Best girl

Well he go you angry enough to make a thread about it, I think he won.

Remembers, while forgetting damn near everything else.

>Sonybro lists a million games
>99% of them aren't relevant to my interests
>90% of them aren't even out yet and we don't know if they are any good
Every time

What anime is this from?

>Persona 5

Can't name a single other exclusive that is worth buying a console for, but that's still 2 more than the Xbox.

Switch / PC is the only way to go.

Well gee, what games DO you like user?

are you only just now noticing that nyggers desperately want to believe that non-nyggers are concerned with a souls clone


Literally not one game

upvoted sonybro

>its a "PCfat pretends he isn't interested in ps4 exclusives but makes 50 threads telling others he doesn't care" episode

>it's a ''PC shill loves to flaunt PC exclusives as if everyone is equally interested in them just as he is'' episode


>It's another meaningless console war thread with neanderthals throwing shit at each other

gb2 reddit

>Games that I don't like don't count

Look IDGAF about racing games but I'm not gonna pretend Forza is not a huge thing.

>>Persona 5
Not even, can just play that on PS3

Looks like one of the bakemonogotari or something I think

Why are Switch fags quickly turning into bitter Wii U fags?


>it's a ''PC shill loves to flaunt 4k or fps as if everyone is equally interested in them just as he is'' episode

>Sonybro lists Nier Automata as exclusive


What must have is on switch that is exclusive?

I'm a weeb yet only got a PS4 for one game.
PC and Switch are my main vidya devices though.

>I didn't want them anyways

>Persona 5
It's on PS3 user. I'd argue the only two games worth buying a PS4 for would be Bloodborne and Yakuza 0. Even then, Yakuza 0 is on PS3 (albeit not localized).

>It's another sad weeb who can't handle a console he doesn't like doing well

That's still better than le frames autism in every thread where PC shill arrives.

Who is this cum plum?

>doesn't want a weeb console
Idort is still the way to go.

go back to booru comment section so you can talk about how you want to fuck an anime, mr paedo
ive been on Sup Forums for 10 years, and was on SA before that so dont you tell me to go back to wherever the fuck
all animes are for pedos, know your place, filth

how can manime even compete

>Switch / PC is the only way to go.

With what games?

For people who DON'T CARE they post a lot in PS4 games threads. Probably to show how much they DON'T CARE to everyone.


PCkek here, literally only things I want to play on ps4 is persona5 and future tone
nothing else is remotely interesting and the hardware is not worth it
I'lll wait till the console is dead and hacked, and buy it then

it's pure maiden shinobu
which I'm surprised you don't know

>implying that Steam isn't weeb central now

It can't

>it's a "half the exclusives on the list haven't released yet and the others are ports or just plain mediocre" episode

A vampire

It isn't. My pc is for western games. The majority of the good weebshit this year has come out on Sony consoles. Holding off on getting a Switch until it gets more stuff but hopefully it just as good.

It's a switch thread?

>My pc is for western games.

>Exclusives only count if they re souls rehashes
End yourself

holy fuck you are right

ps4/xbox more like

>£944 million last year from PS brand
>sony corp force to invest even more into PS
>mfw early 2017 will be the standard now


>it's a ''Nintendo shill loves to flaunt exclusives as if everyone is equally interested in them just as he is'' episode

I want Blue Reflection and Witch and the Hundred Knight 2

but ps4 is the weebs platform of choice user

>That feel when Sony has literally nothing to show at E3 so sonygros have to hype the shit that they're getting

its a good feel

little witch academia ps4 exclusive, nothing on the switch can compete with allowing me to play as my eternal waifu diana so get fucked

>Death Stranding
>Crash Bandicoot
>Everybody's Golf
>Uncharted: Lost Legacy
>Days Gone
>"literally nothing"

Shinobu is getting a PSVR game though.

>All that shit

you're pretty funny user

>Stuff they showed off last year is being shown again...This year.


Persona 5 isn't even good though

I went ahead and rewatched Sony's previous E3 conference to make a list of all the same shit they reshow.

>showed last year

PC idiots are retarded I swear.




you mean that cheap DMC knockoff that now is a cheap TLOU knockoff?

>>Death Stranding

Kojima ''''''games''''
>>Crash Bandicoot
>>Everybody's Golf
>>Uncharted: Lost Legacy

Playing movies

>>Days Gone

literally who


I'd rather have LA Noire 2

Does it comes with BIG Shinobu user?

>booru comment section
Finally a chance to post this

>its a "PC/Nintenigger thread where they shit on Sony to mask the fact they're upset because they get the best games"
Oh well

>Open world adventure with RPG elements #25548 will be a gamechanger for us

It got delayed until 2018 so who gives a shit about it now.

>Here are games they will most likely show
Firstly, RDR2, Everybody's Golf and Lost Legacy weren't shown at E3, secondly they will have new games announced but I don't know what they are, and thirdly, which is it
>Same games from last year
>Literally nothing
Pick one faggot

you can emulate persona 5 using a ps3 emulator on PC

No. It's the one from OPs pic. I think you just watch the movie with her beside you or something like that.

Wow what smart well written arguments, i hate those games now!

If you've seen one Uncharted, you've seen them all. Just more rehashes. I thought Sony fans were the ones who hates rehashes? HMMMM :thinking:

Runs and looks like shit

You can taste the salt from this post

>Sonygros have to get hyped for golf games


Oh well, thanks for the info.

>Ratchet and Clank
>Gravity Rush 2
>Uncharted 4
>Horizon: Zero Dawn

Better than be hyped for ports, amirite nintenlads?

>50+ millions PS4 sold
>literally only 1 game manages to sell more than 8 million copies because it was also bundled with the PS4
>other games can't even break 3 million copies
>meanwhile, 8 3DS games sold more than 8 million copies

I get the feeling that sonybros don't actually support their games that they brag about.

>Implying that there aren't Nintendo, PC, or Xbox shills.

>Making a thread bitching about shills while you simultaneously shill yourself

Get with the times and game on more than just one platform.

>Everybody's Golf