How do we fix Sup Forums and the shit mods?
How do we fix Sup Forums and the shit mods?
There's only been one real change here on Sup Forums
pic related, a filthy, malicious gook took over and is exploiting all of us constantly
What do you think is wrong with the current mods?
i.e., what are they doing or not doing that you think is wrong?
Talk about video games.
Sup Forums is a good board as is, if you don't like it, feel free to fuck off.
Literally nothing wrong with eceleb discussion as long as it pertains to vidya. Eceleb threads that don't pertain to vidya and are just about politics or gossip already get deleted.
it can't be solved
people actually capable of being good mods don't want the job because they know why it sucks and people who want to be mods are idiots because they have no idea why the task is miserable
what can you do?
We could talk about video games
Remove Sup Forums and anyone that ever posted on Sup Forums, observe how site quality improves overnight
That's too hard
Thread IDs
Delete Sup Forums & ban anyone who's posted there
Mods that enforce rules.
in b4 that dumbass "Nu-" picture.
>fixing the mods
Good luck with that
Post IDs
This is all Sup Forums needs.
And give us /l/ back to scare off Reddit, Neogaf and other outsiders.
Release games on all platform
Kill yourself and don't ban evade OP
>Thread IDs
>Delete Sup Forums & ban anyone who's posted there
>Mods that enforce rules.
disagree slightly
Rangeban the burgerbros
/ludo/ when?
Back to Sup Forums, faggot.
>Thread IDs
This, right now people would prefer to use Sup Forums as Sup Forums because of lack of any of this shit.
kys degenerated pedoshit
>Thread IDs
>Delete Sup Forums & ban anyone who's posted there
no, Sup Forums only place on the internet where you can discuss anything that isn't far-left
>Mods that enforce rules.
fucking this already
>Ban 90% of your user base
Lol wut?
Block all mobile IPs.
>Nooooo what will I do on the toilet?! I can't just browse Sup Forums without posting for a few minutes, that's inhuman!
You are literally underage.
>Implying Hiro will delete the second largest board because they hurt your fee-fees
They're doing ok.
>thread ID
slightly disagree, agree 100% on site ID
>delete Sup Forums and ban anyone who's posted there
STRONGLY agree, also release any position data about them
>Mods that enforce the rules
Agree, and buy/lease one of those google/microsoft AIs/deep learning programs, set it up to detect shitposting and give it moderator privileges