Any chance of this being any good?

Any chance of this being any good?

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>implying indie

They have a publisher, 505 games supporting and funding them.

It's going to have all the flaws of the DS vanias and none of the strengths. They've all been surpassed by the current indie scene and Bloodstained isn't going to update itself to keep up.

Yooka Laylee was fine. Can't believe the absolute anal ravaging racists suffered by jontron (who didn't even mean to come off as racist btw, he was just unprepared in a debate on a topic he wasn't informed about) having his "eh ehah reh ah eh erheh"'s removed from the game. Fucking retards. YL is fine.

>horrendous animations
>no blending to the environments, platforms stick out like a sore thumb
>everything except Miriam is overdesigned as hell

any kickstarter crap that has been hyped are always dog shit games.

>shenmue 3 will probably be shit

>indie/pixel automatically means bad

Also RainWorld is GotY for me so far.

What game?

Heart Forth, Alicia. It's not out yet.

from the footage thats already out? fuck no. everything is a janky looking fucking mess. play pic related if you need a fix for that type of game

>It's not out yet.
Oh well, can you recommend some sidescrollers in the vein of Castlevania or Metroid?

Well Hollow Knight came out recently, that one's pretty good.

This list is all sorts of fucked

Thanks m8

It's actually the objective one true list.

Of course it has a chance. Anything has a chance of being good, no matter what Sup Forums's hivemind says.

>Amazing Mirror
I thought that game was a little linear even when you had connecting zones

>stretch goals

surely even you can detect the danger signs by now, user.

any chance of you not making this thread every day?

Since when is that supposed to be bad? Just because your dear Inafune couldn't direct worth a shit doesn't mean they are bad, look at every other game they did, even the 3D ones

Circle of the Moon is the Dark Souls II of Castlevania.

>Since when is that supposed to be bad?

Since Mighty Number 9.

They are incompetent at 3D and Unreal engine.

great implication you got going there, but mega man zero, gunvolt, and shantae were all shit too.

And what about Gal*Gun, Blaster Master, ZXA and literally everything else? And are you going to actually give reasons for why they are shit or are you just going to be the eternally buttblasted MN9 backer?

Demo was good

They're keeping is informed. No real red flags yet, no matter what Roof-Autist thinks.

If the game is an expanded version of the demo I will be very happy with it

>Project Rap Rabbit will likely never get funded
I keep telling myself it would he a let down anyway.

Inticreates made GunVolt 2

How dare you talk shit about CotM

Why is this supposed to be bad all of a sudden

All I see is the same webm that one fuck has been posting every day but it seems like Sup Forums's hivemind opinion changed based just on that.

Does spamming your opinion like that really work?

Out of all the dumb kickstarter games i thought bloodstained would be the one that would actually be decent and succeed. Then they released their first gameplay and it was an ugly as fuck 3D game instead of the beautiful 2D pictures that were advertised so i started to have big doubts. Now just recently we've learned, all this time has past and the game is only 20% complete.

It has no hope, it's already over, the game is already a disaster. Throw it in the pile of the rest of garbage kickstarter crap.

8/10, for SotN fans, is the absolute best case scenario.

More likely is that it'll end up like the other two.

The problem with YL was that it was banking too much on nostalgia and didn't do enough to learn from the platformers which had come between BK and now.

Which seems to be a pattern among these Kickstarter projects: fueled by nostalgia and fanservice, but developed by C-rate teams with design flaws and bugs all over.

The only thing that has me hopeful for Bloodstained is Iga, because I really do believe he is a brilliant director. Even the Castlevania series had a lot of bad games, but of the ones I remember most fondly and keep playing over and over again, all of them were directed by Iga. If he can't make a good game out of Kickstarter nobody can.

>Thought game would look like concept art

Are you retarded?

The game promised to be another Banjo game and it was exactly that. It didn't promise to bring N64 platformers to the new generation and fix their flaws, it was advertised as being another N64 platformer

Well then it is evidence that N64 platformers kind of sucked, because YL kinda sucked.

That's the problem with nostalgia: EVERYTHING is better in hindsight, but just trying to recreate the same thing will never work. Worst-case scenario, it actually corrupts people's memories and reminds them how flawed the original game really was.

It's embarassing how you spend your time.

I hope not. Kickstarter is cancer and needs to die. same with patreon

Indivisible is going to be better

SotN isn't even the best Tansaku game.

>DS vanias
they're literally the best

How was he talking shit? Dark souls 2 was the best one.

I'm going to have fun with it whether it is shit or not.

Isn't that game already out? Or at least playable?

Supposedly out this Fall.

kickstarter as a video game platform hinges on blood stained being good
if this fails I legitimately believe no one will ever back a kickstarter game again

addendum: I legitimately believe a kickstarter game will never reach its funding goal again

Nah, that's stupid.

Even if this is true for a while, if Yacht Club puts up another Kickstarter, people will be tripping over themselves to throw money at it

you can only get burned so many times before you become cynical, even normal fags have a limit
EVERY major kickstarter game has been a huge piece of shit except for shovel knight

Except plenty of Kickstarted games have been great.

yeah, tiny little nothing projects that asked for 20k or some shit
not saying they're bad, just limited in scope

Except Blasphemous just made its full funding goal a few days ago.

nice so you're illiterate cool thanks for sharing

I didn't back it because after Mr.Shitface I never trusted Kikestarter ever again.
Played the free alpha of Bloodstained on a whim.
Thoroughly enjoyed it.
Biggest complain being that the levels looked ugly.
I like the weighty feel of Miriam and the way she is conventionally attractive.
I like that the boss was a titty monster.
I'll probably buy it when it comes out IF it ever actually comes out.

Didn't back it. Don't need another game ripping off a series that has been ripping itself off for decades.

Has the game even been delayed yet? It's still "2018", rightt?

it's 20% done

>1/5 after like a year
if it's released this decade I'll have a stroke

Where the Touhouvanias are listed in here?

Where does Pharoah Rebirth fall on that list?

Yooka-Laylee is not on the same level as Mighty No. 9 at all, it's just bad (like all collectathons) while MN9 was a scam.

hollow knight is mediocre


lamulana is a fucking myst-like puzzler, not a fucking metroidvania. STOP posting this list! additionally, rabiribi should be way above the rest of the games.

>Forgot all about it.
>Look it up to see how it was doing.
>About $160,000 out of 1,095,000 raised with 21 days left.

Jesus, that is pretty bad.

Yooka wasn't bad. It wasnt as good as it coulda been and it didnt mark the glorious return of 3d platformers, but it wasnt bad.

>Any chance of this being any good?

Yes, very slim, but is there.

MN9 was shit because Inafuna is a bussines man, not a developer.

YL was shit because nobody cares about collecthathons anymore.

Iga has actually made games, so this could be good.

That's not a metroidvania.

You're mediocre.

I give zero shits about JonTron one way or another. But YL was mechanically very flawed, with spotty controls, poor level design, and extremely unimaginative characters. 2.5/5 at best.

I literally went for the porn and stayed for the dash+jump+shoot+slash+bounce+cling gameplay.

>It has cryptic puzzles so it can't be a metroidvania.

>That's not a metroidvania.

Could have fooled me. It's split up by stages, but they play exactly like a typical metroid-vania. The map system even looks the same.

>It's split up by stages, but they play exactly like a typical metroid-vania.

Good recommendation but shit list.

I don't know what you're quoting.

The stage select works like a teleporter in a Metroid-vania. Just because it's not one location, doesn't make it not metroidvania.

Stage select = not a metroidvania

Let's say you took SOTN, then each area of the castle was supposedly a different building. And then you allowed you to select each one from a menu. Is it suddenly not a metroidvania?

In practice, the stage select acts the same way as teleporter rooms, so it seems even sillier to quibble.

Does portrait of ruin not count as a metroidvania then? Quit having these arbitrary double standards.

>Let's say you took SOTN, then each area of the castle was supposedly a different building. And then you allowed you to select each one from a menu. Is it suddenly not a metroidvania?

No, it's not.

please kill yourself after reading back what you just wrote

Or Order of Ecclessia for that matter.

Also, as I said, it's totally a superficial element. Whether the areas are interconnected areas in one building, or new buildings, is irrelvant from a gameplay standpoint. And teleporters already act as a "Stage select".

I actually liked Yooka-Laylee...

Shantae was a good game but they didn't make it. They just drew some of the character portrait dialogue art.

I don't remember it being linear at all. I'm pretty sure you can go to all of the areas in any order if you know how to get to them, and beat the bosses in any order too.


Okay sure it wasn't great

>Gunvolt 2

You shut your filthy whore mouth

This is good. Ignore all other indie shit and play the GOTY.

A part of me wants to stay optimistic that if it were funded the game would be good. I mean, Amplitude ended up being enjoyable but given the Kickstarter track record it makes more sense for me to just chalk it up that the game would fail to deliever anyway.