Only $6 on Steam right now

>only $6 on Steam right now

What did we think of it? Is it one of the only good MMO's right now?

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Wasn't it Free to Play?

It's not very good.
>Is it one of the only good MMO's right now?
>implying there are any good MMO's right now


delet urself

It's a shitty p2w korean grindan game with a nice, not amazing, character creator.

pick one

Who's we?

now that the dust has settled do we like it?

I'm playing it with my brother right now and it's pretty fun. There's housing, great graphics, and apparently world pvp around lvl 50 or so.

ESO and FFXIV are better. I just started playing the former

When are MMOs just gonna cut the bullshit and include sex animations and nudity?

Second Life?

Yes it's fine.

Game is decent, Daum/Kakao fucked it up

how do you have time to play MMOs at all? unfun timesinks imo

Refunded after an hour or so. Just another soulless Korean grinder with a pretty skin.

It doesn't even have Hooker Bots so...

already bought it went through 30 minutes of tutorials and refunded it

There have been a few MMO's to say fuck it and allow nudity, such as Conan.

it needs some serious optimization for sure. the pop ins are making the game look like shit

I think I'm in love with my character, bros...

She's literally a perfect asian goddess.

It had a trial, but not free.

I bought the game when it released. It's always been a grind fest. PvP is just a race to get the best drops and best gear. PvE is soulless as hell and even when you and the rest of your guild go to fight a world boss that spawned, 99% of the time another guild will have camped outside and wait for the boss to die so that they can gank you before you can pick up your loot.

The only thing that is really novel about the game is the node system, but even then that is grindy as hell. If you want to make money you have to farm for very specific ingredients and even then the road to make the items is a fucking slog. It's a seemingly endless cycle and it's boring as fuck.

Don't be tempted by the price. It's bad.

> PvP is just a race to get the best drops and best gear.

it's fun though, and still has one of the best MMO combat systems

>PvE is soulless as hell and even when you and the rest of your guild go to fight a world boss that spawned, 99% of the time another guild will have camped outside and wait for the boss to die so that they can gank you before you can pick up your loot.

It's soulless but I find it comfy, I get lost just grinding quests all day.

I got the explorer package on their site
its fucking shit and just another korean grinder

I'm not him, but I bought it.

The niggas complaints are valid.
This is one of the reason korean MMOs fail, they don't address retarded shit like this.

Waste of time, you have all these combos and moves but the only thing you'll be using them on is piss easy mobs for hours on end. The game lacks any form of dungeon or proper raid.

its one of the worst mmos ever made

Irredeemable p2w gook trash


well obliviously being as you have to buy it in order to play at all

It does some interesting things but is an otherwise soulless and infinite grind.

It would be comfy if not for the technical issues; Pop-in, fps drop / long texture load time in populated areas and reliance on good latency.

I played for 6 months straight on Orwen, was in one of the big Veritas Alliance Guilds, they were great times. However after that alliance broke up and the release of some questionable p2w cash shop items a shitload of people pitched a fit, quit, and refunded their account. The game turned to complete trash. The gear scaling at end game is insane. The amount of luck or time to grind for these items you have to have to enhance gear (mainly accessories) past PRI or getting your alchemy stone to progress at all is astronomical. There are so many no-lifers on there you will never been on a level playing field with any of the relevant guilds. Not only that but certain classes absolutely get the shaft. My main was a warrior, which was fine until they released beyond +15 gear levels, after that we were placed squarely in the trash bin. It only got better when warriors got our awakened weapons first because it finally balanced our class. However once everyone else got theirs we were immediately put back in the dumpster. If I could describe the game with one word it would be 'Despair.'

Conan Exiles + Conan Sexiles mod

>gook p2w grindan gaem waifu simulator


If you are serious about the game at all you have to buy the explorer pack anyway because of the pet and other extras that are practically required.

As f2p it's barely playable and really the game is just a complete p2w grindfest to begin with, why even bother

us gamers

One of the only few good looking, aside from that it's not a good game

It's not very good, been playing the trial for 3 days now and I'm getting bored with it already.

The economy/node system seems expansive but is hampered by arbitrary lower and upper price limits. I guess that's to force people to grind mobs.

The combat is pretty good considering this is an mmo but it's already getting repetitive after a few days. Don't really seem to be getting any new toys.

Got a lot of graphical glitches and pathfinding bugs so far too. The game also shits itself with fps dips way too often.

I'm glad I didn't pay full price on release. It's not even worth the 6$ in my opinion.

Thanks for reading my blog

can someone buy it for me? sick_shady on steam

If you're either Korean or Russian.

>any non-WoW MMO

>korean MMO
It's worthless

The fact that they haven't bothered to fix the incredibly bad lod pop-in in which if you move an inch everything changes shape - trees, rocks, shadows... People on the forums say "you get used to it!" but that's what they say about having anal sex with huge dicks too. They are selling broken product in this sense that the game looks gorgeous in screenshots but when it moves it's broken as fuck.

>bought this for $10 just for the character creator
>didn't even play the main game once
>ended up making better waifus using skyrim mods


>The fact that they haven't bothered to fix the incredibly bad lod pop-in in which if you move an inch everything changes shape - trees, rocks, shadows..

The funny part about this is pop-in is actually tied to your sight stat, so if you want less noticeable pop-in, you need to stack + sight items

The worst mmo i've ever played. Shitty action combat that is some how more boring than spamming frostbolts at rats and the rpg mechanics are absolutely bare bones so progression feels completely pointless.

the best part about it was the black spirit himself. having a psycho lead you around the world telling you NOT to do random quests for a poor farmer npc because theyre 'boring' and instead go and bash some people was pretty funny

this bucky beaver motherfucker tells you to go and kill some people because they 'look dopey'


XIV is an awful game and SB is causalizing it even more since the population apparently is too retarded for the current system.

It's complete shit and already flopped hard in Korea years ago and I'm convinced that 9 out of 10 people making daily threads about this are legit marketers.

Now fuck off.

It's pay to own. One purchase, no subscription fee. Cash shop cosmetics and minor buffs mostly, except for a few items that pretty much require you to pay in order to be competitive.

Who cares, modders do a better job of it than they ever would anyway.

>p2w korean garbage
top lel m8

>$6 to play
>Still need to buy a lot of shit for QoL
>Paid item hides your name and makes it harder to target you for PVP

Since I quit WoW in early 2012, I get an mmo itch now and again. Played GW2, Played FF14, played Tera, played Aion, played Tortanic and of them all, GW2 was the best. Mind you, I never stayed for more than a hundred hours or so in each of these.

Black Desert looks nifty but from vids I've seen, it is closer to Tera and Aion in aesthetics, where a lot of copy pasta assets are used in the environment, weapons, armors, enemies etc. For $6 at 100hrs is a lot of replay value so ignore the haters OP and just have fun.

It's dogshit. Enjoy grinding 16 hours a day to become competitive in PvP.
Only fun I had was on release before everyone went fucking insane grind mode and started one shotting you.

mmos are just for fun shit and erping not tryhard shit

love the game. have over 100 days and still live it

As a third world shitter, nothing brings me more joy than see the great MMO's falling the stairs and breaking into the usual degeneracy. That third world ip ban sure helped keep your game healthy didn't it? Incoming free2play with only thirds before the year ends.

Took this yesterday. It was even more populated today.

Pretty good but it's just a matter of time. They always sell these MMO's as the second coming of christ and sooner or later people begun to see that it will never be what they thought it would be and the numbers just plummets in a domino effect.

>They took down the standalone character creator
>Can't use it anymore because it had to connect to the game servers

I guess this is what they have to do since their gimmick is detailed character creation.


Post your steam.

Sent! :)


stop shilling this turd

Is there subscription memes?

I may not play it until until next month but 6$ is hard to beat.

I appreciate the devs trying to be ambitious. But it's too grindy and the systems are overwhelmingly obtuse in the beginning

But which one is you? Prove it please and I'll buy it for you. Not fooling.

Nah, no sub. Just up front purchase


>tfw moralfag in everything
>playing black desert and actually loving it a lot
>eventually black spirit is popping up after I receive a quest from someone to help them and telling me to fuck them over instead because I'll get better stuff out of it


Not him but maybe it's the one that's not that Aryan Fat Fuck?

That isn't the real Jontron account.

Then it's the one that's not been offline for 38 days

>mmo where you only get 5 gear varients without paying a huge amount extra

But nobody on Sup Forums plays games so that's just par for the course.

So, how likely am I to get banned for using nude mods in this shit?

It's okay, if you are willing to pay for 10 dollars for one pet / 30-40 dollars on outfits and accept the fact that the game itself okay at best but can't compare to Archeage in fun... I miss that game.. it was the only mmo i was routing for.

Then it's Human Cheesecake

I got it for 6 bucks. Its meh, i find it bland, no epic story good fighting tons of grindy quests and economy time sync.

Its pretty to look at though. My aunt was very impressed.

Who wants to be co-op butt buddies?

>MMOs keep coming close to being good but always somehow manage to fuck up and make them bland/cock up other shit

It's so incredibly frustrating.

>mfw I installed slider mods

but he loves you

What exactly does "being competitive" mean in this scenario? Not familiar with MMOs

Someone tells me how the skilling is because I don't play mmos for anything else. Are there any p2w aspects to it? I heard it's just afk central.

You can buy items that give you better chances at money and rare drops, which make it much easier to reach the best possible gear for your character.

I bought ESO recently and regret it

Is this better? Don't want to waste 6 bucks on a boring game

Oh that's pretty lame.
I guess I wouldn't care to pvp in an mmo anyway though, combat isn't nearly interesting enough.

Try it before the 2 hour mark hits.

If it requires a launcher seperate from steam than just skip it

baltics are still blocked, so whatever

Which items? I plan on playing it with some friends since we all bought it.


I played bdo from september 2016 to march 2017 and i loved it, and honestly its so cheap you should buy it, or atleast play the week trial. I love the combat and visuals and its such a huge world with alot of content for the price. Just jump in and play around, dont read guides and the subreddit for atleast a few days because it can be overwhelming, just have fun with the combat and the huge world, and if you want to be competitive with the top guilds it'll take a month or two but if you just wanna run around, kill shit, and maybe fish or cook and join some guilds and maybe do a node war or two, or even just play a bunch of different characters with different styles, then this is the game for you. I would still play it right now if i wasnt living at a place without internet.

I assume other people would need to have the mods installed as well in order to even see it.

Did that user get his game? I wanna try too but I can't pirate an MMO

Nigga itis 6 dollars I have 0 dollars and I still bought it

It's pretty good but way too easy to get burnt out on.