Rayman thread

Rayman thread

What is your favorite Rayman game and why?

Discuss Rayman

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>Lums are pronounced looms

3 because it was the first one I played

The original will always be the best Rayman.

>just like how Ubitsoft is pronounced Oobisoft

Them frenchies, amirite?

See you in Rayman 4!

>nothing but PTSD left in my memories of Rayman 1
Fuck you Pencil Pentathlon


post god-tier rayman soundtracks


3 is my favorite, like all of em though. Haven't played Origins and Legends.

>Ubisoft will never make anything as good as Rayman
why live

You should consider getting around to it, they're really good. Somehow ubisoft didn't fuck it up.

>played the shit out of Rayman 1, 2, 3 and M as a kid
>buy raving rabbids because its a rayman game
>actually kinda fun party game but hoping for more 3d semi-serious story driven rayman games
>11 years later

I appreciate the fact that they didnt go full casual on Origins and Legends but they feel like a different franchise from the original


I'll try them maybe.

>raving rabbids
Have you played the GBA game?

are you me?

Just the Wii version.
Can you emulate the GBA version well on a smartphone or is it too action heavy?

i played rayman 2 but i don't get why people praise this game

did anyone play the enhanced port of this game that actually has an overworld, story and better powerups? it seems really underated

I did, it was my first Rayman game actually
I had tons of fun with it, can't really compare it to the other versions though

and it actually has several bonus minigames for unlike the oirignal that just has one

Fucking weirdos.

>buy rayman 3D, doesn't have revolution content
wtf ubisoft

First game was Rayman 3 for me
Loved the new 2D ones

I haven't played 2 yet, but there's a bunch of ports for a bunch of systems. Which is the definitive one?

is this any good? I don't mind not having revolution content, I just want a decent portable version of rayman 2

not sure which one is the definitive version but don't play the ps1 version, it's the absolute worst one. tons of cut content and shitty graphics

rayman revolution ps2. past or future ports dont compare
eh it's just a standard port, you can get one just as good cheaper on your phone

Did anyone ever get their Rayman watch for the first game? Sent in the postcard but only thing I got was an ad for Rayman 3 a couple years later.

Why does Rayman 2 never rank in top lists of VG soundtracks? It's godly. Also
uses guitars really well. My fave: youtube.com/watch?v=RdgNtcxbVGA

short overview:
first version released, has a different ost than the other games
updates to N64, new ost, minigames, fairly consistent 60fps
levels removed, definitely worst verion, only 800 lums (compared to 1000 in other versions)
>PS2 (Revolution)
updates to Dreamcast, hub world, Rayman spends lums on upgrades, more minigames, new abilities, backtracking added: earlier levels have sections that can only be accessed with late game abilities (the rain dance), more levels and a new boss
big downside though: runs at 30fps
entirely different game, worth a try maybe?
handheld port of the N64 version, I've heard it runs like shit though
handheld port of the Dreamcast version, runs better

It was nintendohard as fuck.

>you now remember how terrifying this was

Make him write bad checks

delete this

alright guys

energy balls
throwing your fist

>tfw only played the ps1 version because it's what I had as a kid
I checked the n64 version in youtube and the final boss is completely different what is up with that? I'm guessing the ps1 version is the odd one?

>when you'd prefer to die by falling off rather than let him catch you

Anyone else who played this?
It was pretty fun.

They fucked up the audio big time, some sounds, like rayman's energy balls bouncing off of walls simply don't exist, some get cut off.

it was like a weird combination of 2 and 3 (plot enemies levels etc) it was so strange. Like I'd had a dream about Rayman and it came real.



I've never played the real Rayman 3, but I was confused why it had so much in common with Rayman 2 despite being called Rayman 3.

I enjoyed the playstation version of Rayman 2 and I don't care what anyone else thinks

>i only played the ps1 version
>wonder why everyone likes this game

same, I didn't even know about the cut content until much later. Played the pc version a few months ago and got to enjoy nostalgia mixed with "new" stuff

Rayman origins by far with legends coming in second.

energy balls because rayman 2 didnt ravage my ass as hard as rayman 1 did.

2D Rayman >>>>>>>> 3D Rayman
I couldn't even finish 3, too boring

So I marathoned Rayman 3 in one setting all the way to the final boss but had trouble with him, got sleepy, went to bed and never played it again. This was over a decade ago. Was he even difficult?

Of the original series, Rayman on the PS1 was my favorite.

Of the faster revival, Legends is just such a fucking good game. I delete my data and replay it every Summer since release.

It even takes some of the aesthetic of Rayman 1 too

Here's some more info: raymanpc.com/wiki/en/Rayman_3_(Game_Boy_Advance)#Trivia

there was a "rayman 4" on GBA that was even more surreal. it was called woodlum's revenge or somthing like that.

Word of caution, Rayman 1 is my favourite in the franchise, decided to give Origins a try and overall hated it outside of a few levels which were pretty good.

Holy shit I did this once hahaha. He can be quite difficult, but its more tedious than anything. It's just 3(?) boss phases in a row, and I ended up quitting out of boredom.

>a fucking Rayman thread on Sup Forums
>What is your favorite Rayman game and why?
Rayman Revolution. I grew up with it and I replayed it a couple of weeks ago to see if its still good (still is). I just love the atmosphere you get from the game. The music, the assets, the mobs (I used to draw the robo pirates a lot because I thought they were cool as fuck), the power-ups, the mechanics, the characters and so much more. Only thing I noticed now when I was playing was the voices were a little off-putting (PS2 version, hence Revolution) All in all, still one of my favorite games of all time.

Who else remembers this game? I think of it as a test of a 3D platformer concept by Michel Ancel before Rayman 2


I like Origins and Legends, but I really want another 3D Rayman.
Aside from Mario there's no 3D platformers anymore.

>favourite rayman game and why
Origins. I had tons of fun playing through the game with a friend.

He's not difficult at all, but holy shit the fight is like an hour long. The real difficulty is continuing to care after phase four and not just shutting the game off and doing literally anything else.

>Rayman 3 has a soundtrack that's over 8 hours long

Holy shit, did they have unique music for every enemy encounter or something?

I nearly got 100% in that game as a kid but there were two thermometers That I could never find. I tried to go back and play it again a few years ago but its really rough and unpleasant.

Looks pretty good for a first attempt

The OST is Also Eric Chevalier, the same as Rayman 2 youtube.com/watch?v=m5wMuGsXT9s