the b4nn m4n edition
TF2 thread pt. 2
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1st for vaccinator being most fun medigun
You've condemned the thread by starting with some eceleb literally who. Good job, retard.
>use cowmangler
>engineer shows up on enemy team
>teammates now start showing up out of the woodwork expecting me to destroy the sentry
>>when we have 5 spies that should be playing demo or soldier
>using mangler
why? crit rockets are far more useful than the right click
>mots succesful TF2 player in history
thats like saying michael phelps is an e-celeb
>literal who
no, but it is like saying that michael phelps is a celebrity when he's not
That is like being the most proficient fidget spinner all star. A title no one would ever care about.
>having a thread about an old bad game
Too poor to spend 30$ on OW? LOL
>most successful
I'm pretty sure some player who's made a bunch of cosmetics would be more successful though
noone said b4nny is a celebrity
Like Psyke?
reminder that if you havent tried 6v6 yet you are missing out in loads of fun
and do not click that big "competitive" button in the main menu, thats not it
I'd either rather play Actual Quake or 9v9/12v12 because 6v6 just feels gimped
Playing roamer is fun in pubs, plus I usually combo with Buff Banner or Battalion's Backup
Usually forget that m2 on this thing exists, actually.
how is it gimped
9v9 locks you to play the same class for the whole match, and quake is a different game
>9v9 locks you to play the same class for the whole match
All Highlanders are 9v9 but not all 9v9 are Highlanders.
>Really want to try gunboats out because I love rocket jumping and want to get that crazy speed
>Too dependent on my shotgun to deal with scouts, pyros, and anything that I run out of rockets for
How do I git gud?
not even gonna comment on how 12v12 is just a spamfest and not actually fun in a competitive environment besides how much of a headache it would be to have 12 player teams coordinate to play in private servers as a competitive format. 9v9 has a similar problem.
let me guess, the most experience you had in 6s is comp MM or a tf2center lobby
cl_interp 0.033
shotgun is great but mobility is even better
Aim at the feet.
Scouts are really predictable, they just do a back and forth doublejump pattern, learn that, and shoot where they're going to land, then follow up with another shot at their feet for the kill.
Pyros, same as before, shoot at the walls and floor near them so they can't reflect
Kek that image, man when will someone make a game designed entirely around surfing? Like Tribes Ascend but instead of hills and valleys it's floating skate parks.
why do people are upset when pyros use effective weapons?
>class that is designed for close range kills me when I get to close reeeeeeee
was wondering the same thing, and there are actual games based in bhopping, surfing, rocket jumping... its just that they are actually pretty shit compared to surfing and bhopping in the source engine for the most part, so it doesnt make much sense paying for them.
look up Clustertruck for an actual fun movement-based game. or Quake 3 defrag
Oh man! I tried Clustertruck's alpha demo sometime but the lack of airstrafe makes it feel really gross. I heard that's an upgrade you can purchase but I just dunno
what servers do you play on?
I used to be a weeabootique regular until it died
Used to frequent the Serious Server up until wordpad stopped hosting and got busy with real life
Now, I just FRAG on LAX valve servers
used to play in before they shut all their shit down
nowadays i literally only play 6s and jump servers
my favorite "normal" pub servers are
Steel & Stone server (check their site for IP)
i mass blacklist every cp_orange and trade servers and have over 1000 blacklisted servers because of it, makes using the server browser qutie easy (you can type a map you dont like and hold shift to select all servers with it to blacklist them)
epic fail
i know this dude haha
shit like this is why I don't use the equalizer
and melee stickies
>tfw you stall a game at last with the Scottish Resistance and everytime they dealt with sentries after uber, you blow them all up
did his wife leave him for a nigger or something?
tf2 died in 2013
its the escape plan, nobody uses post-split equalizer
>TF2 died when i stopped playing it
haha, no, you are not that important and nobody cares that you stopped playing
>you are not that important and nobody cares that you stopped playing
>miss scout twice
>get lucky shot on him
>direct hit G O D
alright what's the story here
was he cucked or something?
his gf left him for his teammate (clockwork) at LAN
he hates women ever since lol
>airshots only depend on luck
psssh, nothin personell kidd
full story