This is Pharah and Mercy.
Look at how cute and happy they are together.
This is Pharah and Mercy.
Look at how cute and happy they are together.
Me on the left
You on the right
>Like mother, like daughter.
Me on the right
This is Pharah's mom, she is straight and had cum pumped into her fertile vagina!
>fertile vagina
Maybe 15 years ago
>look how progressive she is! white people can love niggers too!
I'm the cameraman
>in a multiplayer shooter
>with the most shallow cast of characters imaginable
How is that shallow?
I'm Mercy, stop depicting me as a lesbian. I only like Japanese cock.
because every character is a lazy cliché and their 'personality' consists of spewing memes about his abilities
rp somewhere else, fag
all 3 inches i bet
>Japanese cock
Guys what's the best way to handle McCree or Soldier 76 when you're forced into a skirmish with them when playing as Pharah?
Pretty much any other character I'm fine with, but once those two are in play and I'm still in the air things get dicey.
Nobody likes your self-insert fantasies, Chu.
Shoot them until they die you fucking faggot
>Genji "I need my dick sucked!"
>Mercy "Understood!"
>Genji "Yosh!"
As cute as they look together it's never going to happen. Mercy only likes Micha- er Genji's robo dick.
I'm happy for you, girls
Liking Pharmercy is boyhood.
Realizing Gency is best ship is becoming a man.
Genji, how does it feell ike getting cuked by a girl from the middle east?
Considering the amount of shipping pharmercy gets, how come they aren't canon les? It would've been safer than Tracer x some comic-only unknown
Git gud and land rockets. If they're near a ledge bounce them off. Get into cover and try again later if you're too shit to land rockets, and if you're not near cover why the fuck did you let either of them get so close to you?
Lead writer self-inserts as Genji.
Angry gook writer is pushing his gook ship.
They would be happier licking and sucking my dick
friendly reminder that 76 fucked both Mercy and Ana
friendly reminder that Reaper, being the loser Mexican that he is, not only got cucked out of Overwatch he also got cucked because he loved Ana
Because left wing is secretly racist and cant fathom a white woman dating an Asian man, so they fall back on their lesbian ship and their argument is "b-but Mercy and Pharah make sense gameplay wise!" So did Reinhardt and Ana but there was no shipping done.
Basically lesbian ship fags are autists and should kill themselves and go back to tumblr!
This ship honestly makes zero sense seeing how Pharah doesn't seem interested in relationships at all and Mercy has fucked like half of the Overwatch men.
Keep your politics out of my video games you autistic faggot.
Because it's all stupid fanfiction?
go back to r/asianmasculinity
>Pharah doesn't seem interested in relationships
All women are. She just keeps it in. I'm sure she wants to meet the perfect girl.
>Keep the politics out of my game full of politics.
Because writers should never fucking pander to tumblr ships.
Besides it's Mercy76 not Pharmercy.
>Mercy has fucked half of OW men
only 76 and possibly Reaper. Genji is a good friend
reminder that your ship is NOT cannon
No? Just look at any other Overwatch female in comparison... Widowmaker obviously was married. Mercy has slept around. Ana is straight. Implied Sombra was in some relationship before. Tracer is lesbian confirmed.
Pharah is like the only one girl who probably doesn't have time for petty relationships.
I wonder who could be behind these posts
>Genji and Mercy
friendzoned. Zenyatta taught Genji to not be a degenerate
Frankly the team doesn't give a shit about Pharah. They rarely even talk about her. Which is a damn shame because she's mai waifu and the most interesting character on the squad.
Overwatch was created because Blizzard wanted a game with diverstiy
go back to Sup Forums
w-why do you dudes think Mercy is a whore?
>Tell user to keep his Sup Forums cancer out
Go back to English class
She's blonde.
Even less likely than pharmercy. Mercy is Genji's canon bitch.
Strong, independent white women typically sleep around more than any other race of women.
sauce me on that pic boss
yeah but she's not American.
S76 is a cuck though.
>everybody on the OW staff keeps talking about not wanting to definitively portray relationships to not step on fans' theories and interpretations on the game, except when it's Michael Chu's self-insert
It's almost as pathetic as Tameem with DmC.
uh no
Reaper is. and a loser.
Yuropoors are worse. 30 million niggers are coming in the next 10 years.
Your mother fucked a white chad you hapa freak.
European countries are still in the 90% whites. USA already fell to Mexico.
>Michael Chu's self-insert
there's nothing wrong with self inserts
doesn't mean they're fucking. muzzies are raping the white wimmin, sure, but that's it.
American blondes are whores. Mercy is not American.
Any fan art that isn't canon imo is garbage. Shipping is sonic OC tier garbage of head canon.
Mercy fucked who, Reaper and Soldier?
Pharah is just like what said. Pharah is fucking 99% confirmed to be Muslim and wouldn't date a woman anyway.
Tracer is gay but Widow and Tracer don't like each other. So no that relationship doesn't make sense.
Genji being with Mercy was apparently going to be canon but isn't.
Symmetra, Sombra, Mei, D.Va, all don't give any hints to any relationships at all.
Aren't there supposed to be producers keeping weird shit like this from happening?
Symmerta's VA said Symmetra and Genji should be shipped. I wouldn't be surprised if they go with that.
D.Va will never be shipped. She's supposed to emulate lonely virgin gamurs.
Widow and Sombra fucked Reaper too, why else would he have a team with 2 retarded women
>She's supposed to emulate lonely virgin gamurs.
>Cute korean girl
>Not some fat hambeast
So much for that.
But the most popular pairing is McCree and Hanzo and Reinhardt/Ana is very popular too.
Hell, of the popular OW pairings, the only one that isn't "technically" some kind of interracial is Widowmaker and Tracer. And Roadhog and Junkrat if you consider Roadhog white.
I want to make babies with this cute egyptian girl.
>Pharah is fucking 99% confirmed to be Muslim
She has a bedouin skin, and has a tattoo, and a tattoo of a god from another religion.
There's literally nothing that points at her being muslim.
It doesn't matter what VAs say. If Zenyatta trained Genji then it doesn't actually make sense for him to be in a relationship either being a monk and all.
>Literally one other Pharmercy pic ITT
Bad thread
Young Ana
I hate the prosthetic arms look. The game already has a bunch of characters with fake body parts, why you gotta amputate Pharah?
Tumblrinas headcanon is that she's an amputee because theyr'e ableists or whatever I don't know even though it's proven many times in the actual canon that she has all of her limbs.
reminder that both mercy and pharah love cock.
Tracer and Sombra are the best OW girls but all of them are cool, except that fat pig Mei.
Yeah but tumblr artists are also lazy and will make characters fat and things. Adding prosthetic arms seems like work.
Nothing wrong with that.
Do you think any of the producers in charge of that piece of trash give two shits about anything?
I never got this skin for Mercy and its the only one for that event I didn't get.
Any idea when the PVE thing comes back?
In a year.
This is outdated. Asians are supposed to become the largest minority group in the USA
What about motherland girl?
Zarya probably never got loved when she was younger and still has a lust for cock but she surpresses it.
Holy shit he actually does. He doesn't have a girlfreind like mercy does he?
Soldier 76 is angelas dad, or big brother. Idk pick one.
Fags like you make matches shitty
>one rando picks mercy, the other picks Pharah
>start emoting non stop til the Match starts
>Mercy only heals the Pharah the whole time
>We lose unsurprisingly
>the randos get flirty in chat and leave
Because the last time people listened to forced LGBT white girl x color girl tumblr ships we got Korrasami which people are still mad about
>girl on mic
>picks mercy
>guy picks Phara
>guy starts talking about Pharmercy
>girl ignores him and heals reinhardt instead.
Make an exotic gamer boy character whos ironically a weeaboo and is better than her at vidya, and isn't as try hard, there's the's ship. Literally her opposite, and the playerbase that likes which is a gender bent teen guy who happens to be shinji ikari.
Why is Tracer the best girl?
I refuse to believe such a thing happened.
Pharmercy is cancer
he wrote the twerking episode too
Why didn't Widowmaker & Tracer get as huge as Pharah & Mercy? It was there first and you don't even have to draw complex armor and shit.
>confirmed carpet muncher
>best girl