All video game guns should be projectiles. Hitscan sucks.
If you can't dodge a shot at medium-long distance, it's not fun to play against.
All video game guns should be projectiles. Hitscan sucks.
If you can't dodge a shot at medium-long distance, it's not fun to play against.
>longest range most accurate hitscan weapon also kills in one hit
>muh realism
You can't dodge a bullet
I don't understand the premise of this thread. So, you want the bullets to be little things flying through the game world?
Wouldn't that be complicated for little toys?
>character has gatling gun/minigun/whatever
>game crashes on use
Maybe you can't, fatty.
>it's worse than the pistol/assault rifle
I don't understand.
You can still dodge the aim even if the shot is instantaneous.
>All video game guns should be projectiles.
how does this work
do you just throw the gun at someone
Have you never heard of a bow and arrow? Same principle.
Hitscan is better.
So this?
>thinks a warzone is a bunch of people playing dodgeball with bullets
well yeah the principle is the same, you throw a bow at someone
real talk thi we need a game where nobody has any bullets and all combat is just people throwing their guns at each other
Kek nubs
The meme traced pictures kind of ruined it, but still kek.
>muh realism
Honestly most games don't just use hitscan, they use projectile bullets that travel as fast as hitscan and are all managed by a projectile controller. The thing is that bullets moving at the speed of a bullet, while still having travel time, are also moving as fast as a bullet.
Still, there are games which manage to have slow projectiles, fast ones, and hitscan weapons, like titanfall 2. To conclude, if you're getting hit by bullets at medium long distance, or by extension getting hit at all, it's because you're shit at whatever game you're playing.
This was in a more innocent time when that was somewhat less frowned upon.
I still laugh my ass off when I see this image.
>they use projectile bullets that travel as fast as hitscan
Huh what's the issue? A hitscan takes as long as the game logic needs to calculate the ray collision and modern bullets are too fast for humans to react to a shot anyway.
Simulated projectiles, dumbass. If anything gets in the way between the shot, then it can be deflected or whatever. Like how sniper bullets take time to travel in Battlefield games. If anything gets in the way, then the shot is stopped. But at closer ranges, the bullets are "instant".
>i have no fucking idea how hitscan works
>i have no fucking idea how raycasting is different from firing a projectile
Why are you greentexting your own thoughts?
I feel half and half
on one hand I like how hitscan feels when shooting other people
but on the other, shit like the sniper from tf2 and the awp from counter strike encourage aimbotting, or training until your aim is as good as an aimbot
You don't need to dodge the bullet, you're the wall. Fatty
>make this
>shoot actual gun
>projectile moves so fast it's essentially hitscan
>wasted time not making it hitscan in the first place
The speed a projectile requires to go as fast as a bullet would not only make really bugged piece of trashes that will mostly fail to hit their intended target (because distance/frame would be really fucking large), but also really fucking expensive and probably going to fry your machine as soon as someone use an automatic weapon
>projectile bullets that travel as fast as hitscan
So hitscan?
You know: most "hitscan" weapons just have verry fast projectiles
but thats wrong
You know: most "hitscan" weapons just use raytracing
>projectile moves so fast it's essentially hitscan
Or even more stupid, the projectile would travel so much distance in a single frame that it would get past your target, past the wall behind him, past the boundaries of the map and keep travelling over several frames until the game crash.
Borderlands 2 would have been better with hitscan only. You know, instead of just the CPU getting hitscan.
>encourage aimbotting
>encourages getting good
What's the problem? If he's that good he's better than you
bullets are projectiles and have drop the farther away the travel, just like throwing a rock, but at high speed.
MGSV is a good example of bullets as projectiles, you can even see the bullet drop with a curve when using sniper rifles.
>>>>>projectile aimbots are not a thing
The issue is that either you make every bullets so slow and everyone is pretty much firing automatic huntsman, or you make them so fast it's pretty much an expensive hitscan so there's not really any point to it.
You keep saying this as if it makes you sound smart but it doesn't.
>If you can't dodge a shot at medium-long distance, it's not fun to play against.
The Arma games have every bullet simulated, but you still aren't dodging shit even at long range, because bullets are fucking fast. In a whole lot of games the range is so close that the difference between hitscan and properly simulated ballistics would be absolutely negligible (see: almost everything that isn't Arma)
projectile with large aoe is fun, the rest is not, especially in multiplayer
Post some exaples of games where it would be better without hitscanning
you say this as if it doesnt happen
become better
underrated post
Aren't most FPSes in cramped urban maps with fights at distances where trajectory and drop are less important? Shooting at a dude 50 ft away is dramatically different than one at 1000.
more important question: can science do hitscan with curved trajectory, so the longer the distance, the lower hit point will be?
theoretically """yes"""
current hitscan still uses raytacing AFAIK and thats a no
>hitscan takes a game calculation frame
>bullet projectile with realistic speed goes so fast it hits the target within one frame
>nothing changes
What's your problem
Wouldn't it work if you managed to ray trace according to a function ?
Not sure how raytracing works currently.
>have laser pointer
>have nerf gun
>nerf gun shoots as fast as the laser pointer
>Aren't most FPSes in cramped urban maps with fights at distances where trajectory and drop are less important?
Yeah, most of them take places at ranges where using a 4x scope on a regular rifle would be a bit unnecessary, and a sniper rifle would nearly be a liability.
Yeah and neh, some maps can be quite large (several miles), but in general it's either cut by structures or visibility is lowered by culling to avoid calculating 500 million things
It's possible
even the lightning gun?
>lag spike happens
>suddenly shooting becomes next to impossible
No thanks.
ray tracing in its current form basically """shoots a beam of light""" from one point in space at an angle to another point in space -> if the indentation is within a players hitbox -> do dmg
its not that its not possible but the current raycast system cannot do angles and curves like that so you would need to create it from the ground up
You're retarded.
>raycast takes one frame to hit the target
>projectile of a modern gun goes so fast it takes the time of one to hit the target
The latter is just more expensive performance wise to do the same shit.
Yeah and this is why the idea that everything should be a projectile is silly. The biggest sightline in counter strike is probably less than 200m so bullet travel time/drop is negligible and you may as well use hitscan to save computation; in a game like Battlefield where it can be 1000s of metres using projectiles makes sense (if you're going for realism, that is)
But "shoots a beam of light" is just a linear function. What's stopping people from using a curved function?
That's why I'm mentioning "raytracing according to a function".
Basically instead of going along a straight line, use a function that takes the coordinates as the function's argument.
>Doesn't understand how fast bullets actually move and thinks they're as slow as foam toys.
You're pretty dumb friendo.
Even so, using projectiles would be flawed.
To catch targets in the distance between the previous and current position of the bullet, you'll need raycasting which is a straight line to cover a really really long curve, resulting in hit where it shouldn't happens (player/wall get hit by a bullet that was supposed to go over him/it for example) and vice versa (miss when it clearly hit) that would also make latency an even bigger pain in the ass during multiplayer.
He doesn't know what he's talking about, you can. Raytracing is nothing but drawing a line from point a to point b in a space, returning all objects that would collide in it's path. So yes, it is possible.
>All video game guns should be projectiles. Hitscan sucks.
Yeah, are you gonna code it then?
I unironically enjoy Planetsides gunplay, the drop and travel time feels nice.
go play overwatch
there are no hitscan weapons there.
not even the sniper class has hitscan.
Little Fighter
>2011 was 6 years ago
How times have changed
Widowmaker is hitscan and so is tracer and sombra, no idea about the others. That projectile you seeing flying is just an effect.
I don't think there any game that actually has projectiles that are actual physical objects flying through space and hitting targets, it's all just simulated
It sure as fuck doesnt feel like hitscan at all.
it has incredible delay.
Because it would require raycasting to calculate possible contact with the projectile, which is hitscan
You can add delay depending on the distance to give the illusion of bullet travelling or like most games, make an eyecandy projectile and use hitscan
Widow 76 tracer sombra mcree bastion and ana(scoped) are all hitscan. I think reaper and hog are too but doesnt really matter.
What about plasma weapons in Halo?
bullets are projectiles in general
there should always be a chance to dodge, even if the bullet is ridiculously fast
>I don't think there any game that actually has projectiles that are actual physical objects flying through space and hitting targets, it's all just simulated
Well yeah, because it's a video game. Video games aren't real.
It's called "raycast" a the reason games for a long time went with raycast detection was because it was cheaper on cpu and easier to get registered hits on fast action multiplayer, especially with things like lag on server that still persist to this day. PCs and the PS4 should handle "real-time" projection but lag and other systems may still need to rely on the raycast method
>the current raycast system cannot do angles and curves like that
you can do a curved raycast
this thread is full of people confusing instant/over-time hits with line/shape casting
Projectile lasers sound pretty cool desu
>it would get past your target, past the wall behind him, past the boundaries of the map and keep travelling over several frames until the game crash
You can delete the bullet after it reaches a certain distance
Adding up network latency, local latency and human reaction speeds, there is no way you could dodge a bullet after it has been fired. You can however dodge the other person's aim anyway.
Networks can barely handle hitscan correctly, projectiles would either need to be lag compensated or all have huge AoEs, neither of which to me are a better solution.
hog isn't, reaper is. is hitscan too
I dont get this thread, do people expect to just do a dance and dodge everything? Are people mad at getting shot in a fps?
>Single player games
Hitscan for that powerful feeling
Projectile for skill
Are there any FPS that have no hitscan?
Even Quake 3 had two hitscan weapons
Fuck off m8
The point of this function is more so that when you're sniping from long range you have to shoot slightly in front of the target because of the long bullet travel time, like in the newer battlefield games. It's not so much dodging but being missed, aside from twitch shooters.
Counter Strike
Authentic speed projectile bullets can't be dodged. It's not a matter of your opponent being able to dodge, it's a matter of you having to accomodate for gravity and bullet travel.
It's the kind of people who complain about realism but at the same time get mad when they get immediatly killed when they leave their cover
Actually Counter-Strike does have hitscan, sniper elite, battlefield, and a few other twitch shooters like quake don't use hitscan.
Counter Strike is all hitscan, what are you talking about
Play STALKER, a game where all guns shoot projectiles.
>no hitscan
The only difference is a ray of fixed length versus a ray of infinite length
Collision detection for a projectile is just a ray the length of distance traveled.
Borderlands 2
Ok so since some of you tards are already going off about stupid shit:
>a simple one-frame ray-trace from the muzzle of the gun in the direction it's pointing
>hits whatever is on the way, usually only first hit is used for damage and all that
>no gravity, wind, and all that shit
>an actual physics actor as a projectile
>spawned at the muzzle and given an impulse of correct force
>uses physics engine for movement, collision, etc
>almost never used, even for slower things like bows
>can have gravity, wind, and all that
>what games actually use
>a raytrace that traces from the current position of the bullet to where it will be next frame (velocity*frametime)
>since you have a velocity vector which determines how it moves you can simulate gravity, wind, and all that by modifying it
>since it is run per-frame, exactly the same results as an actual physics projectile except easier to manage and network
>doesn't bug the fuck out at high speeds (read: any projectile or even arrow) like rigidbody physics stuff would
>if you want to see a bullet in-flight, just set the position of a sprite/mesh to be the start position of the trace each frame
>this is what almost every single game uses if they aren't using hitscan