Games where you can change the weather?
Games where you can change the weather?
Dominions 4. You can conjure all sorts of tornadoes to ruin your enemies or help your merchant ships with favourable winds, conjure a perpetual global storm, dramatically increase the global temperatures by conjuring a second sun, summon blizzards at enemy army camp etc.
GTAV with trainer
Fallout 4 with mods
sim city cheats
I don't know if this counts but there's a shout in skyrim that creates a lightning storm.
Do you know of a good tutorial youtube series? I keep trying to get into it but I have no clue what's going on
There's also one that stops storms. It doesn't mean much to the base game apart from one part in the main quest but it's good for that hypothermia mod, whatever it was called.
What game has the most realistic tornadoes?
I want Twister the video game where you have to get in front of them and drop the sensor pod without getting sucked in.
dominions 4
Games where people don't make request threads on boards that aren't ?
Skyrim with a few of the shouts, clear skys is one of the more prominent ones. Did you know if you use that shout in an area with already cleat skys it starts snowing?
>What game has the most realistic tornadoes?
This seems pretty realistic to me.
It's prudent to read through the manual (the first hundred or so pages that goes through mechanics, the rest is just tables of units and spells that are better accessed from
You probably should also look at various guides for specific nations that you find interesting instead of trying to design pretenders completely on your own. They often tend to explain why certain choices and seeing some tried and true strategies in action will help you to design your own pretenders down the line.
As for video guides, Maerlande is a good player and he has made a video AAR aimed at newbies (
Also, feel welcome to join the /domg/ threads in /vg/, the OP has links for some resources that might be useful.
I don't understand this meme.
>don't discuss video games on the video game board, instead go to the board that moves at a snail's pace and you're lucky to get a one sentence response on
This was cool
This "meme" is called global rules. They apply to every board on Sup Forums. This thread breaks global rule 16.
Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Seasons (GBC)
Were you bullied in school?
Try reading the entirety of rule 16, you fucking idiot.
Too bad it's trash, I still used it just for the awesomeness
The following games feature changeable weather:
Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain.
Metal Gear Solid V: Death Stranding.
Saints Row 4
That's less changing the weather than changing the skybox texture & lighting effect.