Y-You would vote for him, right?
Y-You would vote for him, right?
Tora Sanders
Tora is a cuck! I'm on the Shido train!
it got to the 3rd S-link and i literally just skipped all the dialogue because it was garbage.
though when shido came along i wish i listened to the politics in this game more
I kind of liked his link, I think it was the first one I maxed out weirdly enough
Anime Bernie Sanders is too good for this world.
Also, his social link is pretty damn useful.
Isn't he part of the Liberal Democratic party?
To be honest, his views seem pretty broad, but without much depth about specific issues. He just comes off as a bit weak. So no.
The only social link I didnt even start. I went to the beef bowl place like 4 times and it wouldnt let me initiate it.
First one I maxed out too, pretty easy because he calls you and you don't have to hang out with him between those moments.
Did you fail on the orders per chance? You have to actually succeed in getting the orders right to get him to be like "You're pretty good, kid"
Looks like Sweden's prime minister
No. He has literally no policy qnd would probably due naive socialist shit cause it seems nice and helpful, and Japan would end up like Venezuela
>appeals to hope and dreams of the young
>The children are the future.jpeg
>stole money
>turns out the party was corrupt and he's a victim
checks out
>I love the establishment Sanders
>anything close to Tora
Fuck off
>Shido is literally Trump + Hillary
>Toro is literally Bernie Sanders
Makes you think, huh?
Kek, BernTurd would have never won, regardless of whether or not the DNC stepped in. They also have every right to prefer a candidate, so it ain't corruption. Even if by some miracle he did win, Trump would have steamrolled him.
But anyway, match my 2700 tendies because Bernie can still win if Trump gets impeached.
Hung out with him for months, didn't hear a single word about taxes, spending, education, heathcare, social security, police or military. Or anything else with actual subject matter, instead of just vague warm speeches that do jack and shit.
Sounds like Bernie Sanders
you damn well know that's uncalled for
but you are right
I want Tora's lips around my dick. I'm not used to feeling this way about old fatties.
Probably because the writers wanted people to like because of his character and ideology instead of letting politics get in the way.
An user told me to go for Tora first since he's time sensitive. Since it's at the end of the game anyway, it's not like it really mattered. Could've gotten max all if I did Chihaya first, fug.
But yeah Tora is a bro. Doesn't need you to change a heart and figures out who you are anyway.
Exactly the same shit for Shido. I finished the game and I still have NO CLUE what Shido's political views were, and whether they his policies were even supposed to be bad.
For a game featuring multiple politicians it sure does a shit job of portraying them properly.
Yup. I left out Shido because thread was about Tora, but same shit applies.
Shido was bad because of the way he tried to achieve his goals. Slamming politics in there would just lead to threadfuls of NOTHING WRONG fags.
Hell, even with the bits there are you still got "MAKE JAPAN GREAT AGAIN" faggotry, shit would have imploded past that.
He's a vaguely right wing populist and extreme nationalist who wants to increase Japan's presence on the world stage, whatever that may mean.
the game doesn't go deep into politics because going into the specifics of policy would be boring. Just imagine him as Shinzo Abe, or a competent Donald Trump.
>An user told me to go for Tora first since he's time sensitive.
Hell, putting time aside he's still one of the most useful confidants in early game.
>Not based senator ARMSTRONG
Focusing on Tora early is good, because you always rank him up and there aren't that many night confidants in early game.
Armstrong is a hypocrite, no wonder Sup Forums loves him
How the hell is Armstrong a hypocrite? Because he used nanomachines to make himself strong? That's perfectly fine in an anarcho-capitalist society.
Him and his associates kept talking about creating a "wealthy nation" that serves the greedy or some shit, but without the specifics that meant nothing at all.
>How the hell is Armstrong a hypocrite?
because he was exactly the sort of person he was complaining about? Not someone who crawled to the top using his strength like Raiden, but an affluent who lived comfortably, had others write all of his shit for him and had money to splurge on a nanomachine suit?
>WE ARE THE VERY BEST storylines
Yoshida, Haru, Sojiro, Igor, Yusuke, Kawakami
>TOP BRO TIER storylines
Ann, Futaba, Ryuji, Tae
>I am neither upset nor pleased tier
Mishima, Hifumi, Morgana, Makoto
>DUMPSTER FIRE storyline
Akechi, Ohya, Justine & Caroline
Iwai, Chihaya, Shinya
>TOTAL FAGGOT storyline, see me after class
>boy we should have social mobility!
>now let's use my daddy's money to get higher education, get into power and stay in that power by having access to technology nobody else can use
>also let's deny hundreds of kids a chance of that social mobility by killing them for their brains
Is Sae's just that low because you can't fuck her at the end
To be honest it was all worth it for
>Can't remember. Drugs.
>Dumpster fire
She's a terrible confidant and romance, but her storyline is great, consistently so with previous Devils
>even counting Igor and Sae's
>anti-establishment game doesn't like rich people or politicians
Who could have predicted this?
I kinda wonder how the Japs took it since it feels even more directly political towards them.
Sae asks you to turn yourself into custody to help convict Shido after the Phantom Thieves made a deal with Sae. Looks like you all forget the deal, they'll go into Shido's palace and force a change of heart, but in return they'll entrust the rest to adults.
Sae, having zero tact or shame, asks a teenager on Christmas to be incarcerated. 0/10, what a worthless character. Couldn't even WAIT for after New Years to make such a request, it's how tactless she is that really gets me.
>True Art tier
>Feels Good tier
Yoshida, Haru, Ryuji, Futaba, Iwai, Chihaya, Shinya
>Feels Sad tier
Tae, Kawakami, Sojiro, Ohya
>Indiffrence tier
Hifumi, Ann
>I hate you but your confidant perk is too good tier
>Automatic therefore I can't get invested tier
Sae, Akechi, Igor, Twins, Morgana
Japan is totally fucked up in every way. There's no point in voting because everything is corrupt.
The point of the game isn't to be a political piece retard, you like or dislike them based on their ideology and way of thinking.
Sup Forums was bitching the game was SJW bait because it had parts where the characters speak out against women being forced into a specific role or some shit
Iwai's is pretty good
No one here seems like Chihaya's but I thought it was fine
If you saw Futaba as a little sister then Shinya is the little brother equivalent of that basically
Not a Saefag but
>Couldn't even WAIT for after New Years to make such a request
She said it was urgent if I recall correctly, typically you can't just tell courts to wait because it's christmas time. Pretty sure the writers were going for a "you saved the day, but you have to suffer for it more" type ending for better or worse.
I'm near the end of November. I've been putting off picking a romance till I saw Haru but now I think I'm actually going for Chihaya after all.
Just how fucked am I on special events? Will the game even remember she exists after I finish SL?
Should I have romanced her earlier after all, or are there no significant non-party romance events before that point?
>mfw Reddit keeps saying he's like Sanders
Plus he goes up a rank everytime you hang out with him
The game ends like original PS2 Persona 4 at the end of the December deadline, you don't get January like in Persona 3.
He's a cool guy, but not mentioning any political views for a character whose entire life is politics really hurts his story.
>Couldn't even WAIT for after New Years to make such a request
How would that work?
>Your Honor, I have a key witness that'll blow the fuck out of this case once and for all but please a week, he's spending christmas with his notdad and neet notsister right now
Sae was backed into a corner because the police were in on Shido's plans and trying to cover everything up.
>not a political piece
did you even play the fucking game
I know.
So that's why I ask how fucked am I and whether I just missed everything interesting about picking a romance.
What was the dialog option about Makoto's slap? It was pretty good. It focuses a bit too much on whatsherface, should've had a little more hanging out and it'd be golden.
I actually yelled Fuck You to my screen at Ryuji since he takes my place at the restaurant with her. I need more Makoto x Joker shipping damn it, not with the only other thief who's allowed to talk besides Makoto and Futaba.
I feel sorry for Haru fans too since she gets fuck all development while I'm at it.
Yeah but that the least SJW bait part of the game, thats the thing. The far more SJW part of the game is Shido being a far-right politician who's part of what's clearly a caricature of Japan's leading right-leaning party, but that went over most of our stupid gaijin heads.
To be fair, she didn't even need you. Sae had enough on him to put him away for a few years, which would destroy his political career. Besides, his heart has changed, he won't do bad stuff anymore.
There are 3 ways of raising affection points to continue a rank in Persona 5 outside of hanging with the person directly.
1) Using Postcards purchased during Phantom Thieves fever and mailing them in your home town. Doesn't advance time.
2) Praying at the shrine. Advances time.
3) Paying Fortune to raise a bond with another person. Doesn't advance time.
You can romance in December but just need to warn you, once you reach the point where you can send a calling card, party members will refuse to hang out until you send it and go through with it. What I'm saying is if you're at the December dungeon and find people are missing from where they should be, it's because you reached the treasure but haven't sent the calling card. It's weird, I know, just giving you a heads up.
I liked Chihaya's too. Got the binbou moe thing going on. Her JP voice is fantastic too.
Now that I think about it she looks like that one girl in the fourth Digimon series.
It wouldn't be boring. It's just the devs are probably a bunch of leftys, because leftys entire arguments amount to muh feelings they would have nothing of substance to stand on.
fuck you. i now cant un-see it.
gud vad jag hatar stefan.
>once you reach the point where you can send a calling card, party members will refuse to hang out until you send it and go through with it.
That applies to all dungeons. Unless you have a special day there you have no reason not to send calling card as soon as you get to the treasure.
its a game.only kids and man-children takes it seriously
Do you get February in P3? It's been almost a decade and I can't recall. When is the event where the girls gang up on you?
I feel like I let that vague memory it was Valentine's lead me to believe this game would be longer. I don't quite get the
>this is really, really the end
feel from Shido and there's so much shit even outside confidants left to do.
You guys are getting caught up on policy. That's extremely murky territory for a video game company to be getting wrapped up in.
this. atleast we get to know were Armstrong was in the political spectrum.
So proud of Tora, fighting off his bullies and getting elected.
I'm not really low on time, I've just been intentionally putting some ranks off, and I was asking about how many romance events there even are in the game, and whether they're spread evenly or if it's mostly just the Christmas and Valentine's.
>1) Using Postcards purchased during Phantom Thieves fever and mailing them in your home town. Doesn't advance time.
Wait what. What Postcards? What home town?
That's the first time I heard about this.
> It's just the devs are probably a bunch of leftys
For the most part, though the main director also stated that he feels males and females can't just be friends and doesn't like writing platonic friendships between the two, which is a weird thing for a liberal to say.
Persona 3, FES, and Portable all end on January 31st per official free day status. However, Persona 3 advances forward in time to April and gives you roughly 1-2 days to hang about to check the conclusion of your Social Link storylines. But you can't explore Tartarus or whatever, that's why the conclusion of Persona 3 doesn't feel abrupt since it eases you into the actual ending. There was no Valentine's Day event in any version of Persona 3.
Persona 4 vanilla ends on December. Persona 4 Golden continues well into the New Years and gives you 2 extra months if I recall. You absolutely do get a Valentine's Day in Golden.
With a hypothetical Persona 5 "Crimson", Atlus wrote themselves into a corner and you still won't get January or half of February because dude Sae lmao.
I think he means they never go into the minutiae of typical liberal/conservative ideology. We get a general idea of what the writers think is good, and what is bad, but that's about it.
It's almost as if right-wing and left-wing are american terms and they don't fully apply to politics in other countries
I dunno if, as gaijins, we can say something like that at all but the idealogical line that gets crossed goes like this for me
Tora: Invest in our children's futures which is readily apparent from Japan's current state
Shido: By saving ourselves first can we hope to avoid ruin, which does seem like Abe's schtick especially with monetary policy.
still can't believe that went over people's heads when the fucking boss arena in his mindscape is shaped like the imperial rising sun, the near equivalent of fighting you on top of a giant swastika
They could easily rewrite it to have your proven innocent within a few days after, or even during, the trial instead of a few months later.
I mean we're talking about a guy who made a game harping on about social reform here (albeit in the vaguest way possible)
kinda hypocrite of him wanted to build a nation were the strong rules while his pretty much the strongest already thanks to the money he earned/given and nanomechanics.
I always find it cute when Persona 5 players are sharing new info with other people who haven't explored everything even after 100+ hours. I myself am guilty of this to, as the Church serves another hidden function outside of remembering skills or hanging out with Hifumi. I'll leave it to you or someone else to figure out what else you can get at the church. Not trying to be a dick, there's quite a lot and I don't wanna ruin the surprises you may have missed.
Anyway, the postcards are Phantom Thieves mailcards sold by the store next to the theater in Shibuya as early as September. They're free Confidant point up items, they refresh after a week like soda machines IIRC.
Tell that to that fag Goro.
The only thing an expansion needs is a
>duel me fagit
>which is a weird thing for a liberal to say.
People are human and can have liberal views on some things and "what the fuck is wrong with you japan, like what the fuck" -views in others.
>With a hypothetical Persona 5 "Crimson", Atlus wrote themselves into a corner and you still won't get January or half of February because dude Sae lmao.
They already have their out, Sae talks about it in-game. She says that if Goro were around she'd use him as the witness instead.
It's almost as if flanderizing both sides just drives a deeper wedge and makes productive, democratic discussion more and more difficult.
Wow who knew?
Did Golden ever retroactively change events in 4 to that extent? IIRC it just had an out with you coming back later.
I understand they don't want to go into politics, but this actually hurts Tora's story. His speeches have no substance to them, despite the fact they're supposed to be amazing and biting. He just speaks about how good is good and corruption is bad, which is not really a political pitch.
They should've either restructured the link to somehow get rid of the political elements entirely (and I have no idea how they would do that), or actually make him commit to something. Without this, his character just isn't as strong as he could be.
Then again, he did turn out alright, so maybe it was overall a right choice since they also avoided the controversy that political discussion naturally has. But still, this hurt the story, this hurt the message of the game, and it isn't as good as it could be because of their weird approach of political themes. And that's a fact.
>Tell that to that fag Goro.
Well after he tells about his plan you can hang out with your teammates.
I lost week and a half, because I found the treasure, but thinking that it would take days from me, didn't go do send calling card and didn't thus know about Goro's plan.
Bernie would have lost anyway because Boomers aren't going to vote for a socalist.
>productive, democratic discussion
Its a video game
All I got with Makoto was the Hawaii trip and the school festival event. So no, you don't miss much of anything.
No but 4 didn't feel like it was setting up for the future as hard as 5 does at points, I think.
Makoto and Hifumi's accessory can't be equipped on other party members. I heard Kawakami's gift can be equipped on other girls, but not Hifumi or Makoto's.
Fucking bravo ATLUS.
Tora's story isn't about the politics in the specific sense, it's about persisting in ideals and not giving in to pressure.
Shinya's SL isn't about Gun About, Tora's isn't about Politics.
So the girls gang up on you in the school festival I'm guessing?
The fucking post Valentine event screenshots made me believe it would go on a little longer here.
They always had those cut aways and portions where he's talking without any lines being delivered, I would imagine those are the portions where the player is meant to fill in whatever bullshit politics they circlejerk over. Which is good, look at murrica, everyone has turned into partisan babbies that gets triggered and has a fucking conniption when fiction gets political. The new Far Cry "controversy" is just the right wing version of nigs crying back when Resident Evil 5 was out and they had the audacity to have black enemies to mow down in Africa. You would have to be fucking insane to make political fiction with a strong stance either way in this climate, everyone is fucking retarded and far too invested in their little team.
Why are you so defensive?
I hope you are aware of the irony of this post
>wanting politics shit in vidya
way to make the game boring as fuck
You're not going to pull the retarded horseshoe theory are you?
Kek, we're in the same boat then.
Tora is Ron Paul, my dude.