Is Capcom making the right call to make their fighting games more accessible at the cost of loosing competitive player...

Is Capcom making the right call to make their fighting games more accessible at the cost of loosing competitive player interest?

MvC Infinite is looking to follow the same path as Street Fighter 5.

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smash melee is a platforming fighting game
Items and stages doing things do not make it lesser then a platforming fighting game
Sakurai just hates his fanbase.

There will be a time again when this easy bullshit will take aside to a greater video game community

oh god, please no.


I just want to talk about fighting games without you faggots bringing up this smash vs street fighter bullshit

i don't care, no one actually cares

i guess its easier to simplify the game then to teach players how to play your game


when it is in the video

Sakurai just hates nintendo fans who actually like nintendo games

That is the reason I have not supported nintendo since TP came out because they refuse to make good games.

I love street fighter

I love melee

SF is a 2d fighter

Melee is a evolution of the 2d fighter where you can move around platforming sandbox fighter

Both games can become different things.

I love melee id play a sf version of melee that is not casualized like brawl or smash 4

I love sf id play a melee version of sf which is regular fighting.

I like games where you have to think to do things.
Twitch shooters
Twitch fighters.
snes titles.
There needs to be more games where you base yourself off of reaction skill.

My ten year old nieces fucking love SFV. That alone makes it worth it. Hardcore players should just relax until they release SFV Tournament Edition ULTRA version specifically for EVO.

stop shilling your video.

That is a problem

>Children enjoying video games
>A problem
Its finally come to this.

Stop formatting your post like a fucking autist.

Not that but there should be a mixture of easy games and very hard games.

Are we going to evolve into games where you press a button and it preforms a combo for you?

Or where you hit a motherfucker and you freeze till someone hits you

Games are too politically correct now a days

With your skills of rearranging my words you can get 8 dollars an hour

moving items around over and over and over and over and over and over just for it to change 5 minutes later.

that is the perfect job for you.

take your ocd and shove it up your ass you faggot.

Why it is only a problem when Street Figther does it? . Every figthing game series in the last 5 is more casual friendly now.. you can win in Injustice 2 spamming the same proyectile whit Deadshot over and over again


NRS games were always casual as fuck

I said
all games do it

It needs to change

if you haven't noticed, competitive games are about the illusion of skill now instead of actually having skill. no one wants to put the time and effort in defending archaic mechanics, they just want to pretend that they're naturally gifted then blame "balance" when they lose

we need video games to be about skill again

guilty gear xrd did it right, sf5 is just garbage. it only has a larger playerbase because people are retarded, but eventually, they'll catch on

This. I can't believe Overwatch one best "competitive" game of the year, when it doesn't have any of the shit that makes it a competitive game. Certain characters don't even require you to aim and you just press Q at the right time to win

Go ask Blizzard how well WoW is doing.

Its either they make it more accessible or the game dies. Look at Starcraft, there is pretty much almost no amount of luck involved yet its a dead game. You have to be hardcore korean with 300 apm to be even competitive at the game.

they're dumbing down starcraft with the hd remake, they're adding hotkey rebinding support which some people are saying reduces the skill required to play


thats like trying to appease quake fags to make a pure quake game so only 1000 players can have their perfect game. Truly a great business decision.


Telling you core audience to go fuck itself to try to make a quick casual buck doesn't work

It might seem alright in the short term but it really fucks your player base in the long run.

>build up goodwill making a great game
>shit on the people that like it 15 years later to cash in that good will
>"good business"
fuck off

>this post
literally what

does capcom still release a street fighter every year or 2? If so fuck that, why do you neckbeards support that bullshit?

Any good competitive community has three tiers. Casuals that just wanna pull off a cool victory by getting that ultra combo on you, masters of technique that study every mixup and learn frame data to have as much of an edge as possible, and people in the middle that can get that infinite combo out but don't take it so seriously that they're even bothering to try to qualify at EVO or whatever. You can't put all your eggs on one basket with this, it's a careful balance. Otherwise it dies from a lack of new blood or a lack of any actual depth to build a competitive community around. I mean, let's ignore fighting games. GB Tetris is a very simple game in concept that anybody can play but in execution there's a very clear skill gap between Johnny A. Nobody dying immediately at level 9 because they can't keep up and Jimmy B. Somebody using smart T-spins to get a score well into the hundred thousands.

>tfw league of legends require more skill than street fighter V

I blame niggers

Even if SFV had tighter input SFV would still be shit. Load times, baby normals, input lag, and a very homogeneous playstyle has nothing to do with making it easier to beginners. I guess homogeneity may help newbies learn faster, but not by much and it won't be fun to learn.

The problem with these games is that they're simplifying the games, but then removing all the single player features that casual players actually like.

I freaking hate Street Fighter, but I loved the shit out of Rival Schools/Project Justice and Soul Calibur and that was mostly due to the single player content being super fucking fun.

>I can't autistically ruin games for people! WAAHHHH!!!

Go outside.

reddit called, you're needed in /r/all

>fireball spams are new

I can't believe Sup Forums has super casuals that like this shit now.

Who cares? Fighting games are trash.

Sup Forums has always hated fighting game what the fuck are you talking about? Most of Sup Forums can't do 1 frame links and have always complained about motions being overly complicated.

How did you know?


dogma was their last decent game

From a purely financial standpoint? Sure.
Dumb it down so more people can play it, so more people will buy it. Widen your consumer base.

From an enthusiast's standpoint. (i.e. the people who actually really care about the game) No it's a horrible idea. All you do is alienate people who enjoy the challenge and complexity in an effort to bring in people who probably won't care to play much or participate in any scene or community.
Fighting games should aim to better teach players and break them in slowly to all the tech, terminology and execution nuances the game has instead of just removing them. Bring the players UP to the game, don't bring the game DOWN to a demographic that probably doesn't care much in the first place.

But hey as long as you get that sale, so who's the real asshole here. Me, I guess.

hani a cute

Accessibility isnt the issue.

It's shitty netcode, server issues, focusing entirely too much on DLC, and ruining their competitive scene with freemium shit. SFV is never going to be finished, and thats the problem we're facing.

Dumbing shit down is part of the issue too


I mean shit I'm playing THPS3 right now, it's a godlike game. I wouldn't give a shit if I didn't feel like I had to earn those 50,000+ combos every time or like I wouldn't eventually learn how to get them to 100,000+ if I keep practicing.

gets it. Most important thing in the world when you want both the players and the viewers to care is to make something easy to learn but hard to master. Anybody can pick up THPS3 and understand the controls but it takes real dedication to get a high score actually worth bragging about. Being able to watch something and say "why can't I do that?" or " Someday, that'll be me." is why people care.

Before you can attack the gameplay, you must first attack what is thwarting any gameplay.

she's super tall too!! at least in the right shoes

you realise you're posting on Sup Forums right retard? Kek

SF3 was already a casualized slow-paced version of SF2 and the SF Alpha series.

>Move stick left or right
>Hit special button
>Special move comes out
This is all they need to fucking do. It only works for singleplayer, and give them a ton of single player shit to fuck around with.

That video was a fucking joke. If they keep the skill cap high there is no way for people to ever catch up to those who have played for 10+ years. Time played should be rewarded but when its some absurd amount of time like 10+ years then its time to rethink things. A player should be able to hop in and compete within a few months of play if they are actually good.

sports next

>A player should be able to hop in and compete within a few months of play if they are actually good.
lol fuck off

>A player should be able to hop in and compete within a few months of play if they are actually good.
That's actually what happens when they are actually good, actually good at fighting games.
There is no universal video game skill that applies across all genres.

No, it's not.

>make difficult game
>"wow, Capcom, I only suck because of 1frame links, take those out! Fighting games should be about minds games and strategy, not execution"
>make easy game
>"wow, Capcom, I only lose because this game is luck-based due to lack of complexity. If everybody can do the max level damage combos, how am I supposed to win?"
You made this bed throughout ALL of fucking SFIV's lifespan by bitching about it non-stop, now lie on it.

>A player should be able to hop in and compete within a few months of play if they are actually good.
And that's what happens, you fuck.
Stop deluding yourself thinking a good player can actually get stuck.

No they can't cause these fucking autists who have been playing for 20 years all expect to just keep winning all the prize money from events and when they lose the game sucks.

>. you can win in Injustice 2 spamming the same proyectile whit Deadshot over and over again
Yeah, and you could do that with Sagat too.

What they need to do is leave the mechanics deep, but create casual content like single player experiences.

The problem is they keep scrapping the things casual players actually care about which is solo/arcade modes and instead they leave a super bare-bones training mode and an online mode and wonder why nobody is playing it. Then they blamed the barrier of entry on the complexity and dumbed that down further driving away competitive players.

Basically make a game with a low skill floor, a high skill ceiling and fun single player modes and it will do well.

>MvC Infinite is looking to follow the same path as Street Fighter 5.

MvCI looks more complex than MvC3 if you take the auto-combo shit out.

explains why they took sagat out of sf5

Yes it does.
If the player is actually good, that player will be able to compete.
There's no other way of cutting it: if you aren't capable of competing, you aren't good.

>gets laughed out of /fgg/
>takes his shitty video and exact same post to Sup Forums

Auto combos have been in Marvel since the console port of MvC 1, they also do shit damage and are easy as fuck to perform compared to almost any other combo.

>this angers the casuals.

Git gud fuckers.

>loosing competitive player interest?
The FGC is fucking tiny

>I mean shit I'm playing THPS3 right now, it's a godlike game. I wouldn't give a shit if I didn't feel like I had to earn those 50,000+ combos every time or like I wouldn't eventually learn how to get them to 100,000+ if I keep practicing
I am pretty sure you just watched that Youtube video that one guy made about Tony Hawks 3 and want to flaunt that opinion as your own. It's almost word for word what the youtuber said. That's absolutely pathetic.

>win the footsie game
>still lose
Look, I like my fair share of kusoge, but Third Strike should never be posted proudly, let alone M*koto wembs.

This. The problem with Capcom was believing that what kept casuals away from the game was the execution barrier.
Surely, high execution does matter, but what makes a casual interested in the competitive is content enough to make him love the game and want more.

If making a game more accessible means adding input lag to make sure it controls like ass for everyone, then I don't want accessible games.

>force a shoryuken hoping it lands
>gets rekt instead.


>win footsie game
>still lose because you made a mistake
I guess you play Laura in SFV or Seth in SFIV.
>gitting gud means 50/50ing your way to victory
You sure are "gud".

He got rewarded for beating the other guy at footsies, he went full YOLO with that H dp and paid the price, can't see anything kusoge about ittbh.

who let 'tismo out

yoooo mahbelbaybeeh

>He got rewarded for beating the other guy at footsies
He didn't win at footsies, he won after getting facefucked and doing 1 combo.

What is going on here?
You can't tell me that guys moves at wasn't predictable as fuck. You can see him trying to set up that shoryuken that's why he got his ass handed to him.
No it's street fighter.

>get fucked the entire round
>land a single grab
take off those nostalgia goggles

I'm curious, why would you program input lag into a game instead of adding the same amount start up frames to attack animations? Wouldn't the results be the same without the game apparently lagging?

It's called baiting an opponent user.

Gitting gud is a time investment in any fighting game, so I'd rather put that time into a good one like Xrd. Niche weebshit or not, it rewards good timing, execution, matchup knowledge, and creativity.

All things that are lacking in the SFV experience and what decides who wins in that game. There are rock, paper, scissors elements in all fighting games but that's all that is happening in an SFV match. You jump sometimes because you think they're looking for your dash-in, you buffer normals sometimes because you think they'll dash in, you wait sometimes because you think they'll jump, you shimmy sometimes because you think they'll tech your throw, you throw sometimes because you think they'll respect your shimmy, you hit buttons on wakeup sometimes because you think they're baiting your ex dp, you meaty sometimes because you think they'll hit buttons on their wakeup. This is the extent of "mindgames" and "reads" in SFV, and whether you're aware of these situations or not as a spectator it makes the game boring as fuck. The only people still invested are the idiots that want "upsets" and to talk shit about how "washed up" their e-sports celebs are when they lose to a shimmy mixup because SFV has no defensive options. The FGC is complete cancer for letting this game live on as long as it has.

>ST has ToD
>Perfectly fine guys!
>A3 has long ass Original Combos
>Perfectly fine
>Makoto has full meter and the other player makes one of the most punishable moves in the game and dies because of it
Yeah right, because other modern fightings don't let you kill your opponent at full meter.
Learn reading comprehension senpai

probably because overwatch isn't about aim dipstick, it's about ult management and awareness

>people can't deal with zoning

Of course you get more people bitching about Deadshot because, big fucking surprise, a whole lot of casuals who just want to button mash and do the super moves bought the game.

Casuals should ALWAYS be ignored when it comes to mechanics. NRS does a good job of feeding them extra content like story mode and arcade-like ladders, and now even gear that lets you dress up your character and make them stronger. I remember everyone bitching about Jaqui in MKX being cheap for the first month, them everyone figured her out and that was that. Same with Sentinel in MvC3. Same with Sagat in SF4.

Casuals will ALWAYS bitch, and catering to them is not the way to go.

Ain't startup frames the amount of frames a move does before getting a hitbox, and not the amount of frames it takes for a move to start? The only thing it would happen is that jabs would look like mediums.


how r*ddit can you get

and FUCK these tryhard complainers. 1 frame links and FADC made SF4 almost unplayable for no gain in depth

actual criticism of SFV is about the mechanics like backdash and crush counter and vtrigger cancel. Xrd has a 3 frame input buffer too

>because other modern fightings don't let you kill your opponent at full meter.
not from full fucking HP they don't. 65% at the absolute highest unless you're talking about TAP's or some meme like that

>i was merely baiting him by losing 70% of my lifebar
too many dimensions of chess for me user

Most Sup Forumsirgins started with SFIV so ToDs are broken and scary for them, no wonder why V was so shit.

>what's going on here?
Your webm?
>it was predictable
Yes, doesn't make it any less trash. Do you condone losing the game for making a mistake against Laura/Balrog?

The fuck are you on about? I bought it and picked it up for the first time in February and just been having a good time.

>not from full fucking HP they don't. 65% at the absolute highest unless you're talking about TAP's or some meme like that
Nope, look at Marvel or KoF XIII.

you're right actually, was more talking from a street fighter POV