>Drink estus flask
>Animation takes 10 hours long
Drink estus flask
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every fucking action in das2 takes forever to do.
>Drink estus flask
>It's just a piece of plastic
This, the whole appeal of the franchise is that everything is chill and play in slow motion.
When you're drinking Estus, is it just sips you're taking, or does it refill like magic?
Good. It means healing is a risk and you have to time it well.
One of the issues with DS3 is estus chugging. It makes the game very easy and makes pvp a fucking joke.
Is this a DaS2 hate thread?
>drink 3 estus flask
>still have enough time to roll away from being punished
The DSII stat that controls how fast you use items is fucking dumb.
>ordinary doors can be rolled through halfway into their animation
>trying to roll through a big door will make the player slowly close it and have you try open it again
It's actually a really cool idea. You can either level it or not, and if you do you're given more leeway with relying on items and using iframes in combat. With how easy it is to level in DS2, you're more than capable of leveling it without much soul investment.
Use Life Gems, ya cunts
Better than the shit it was in 3.
Takes just as long but hey you get to move an inch while using it
Put some levels into Adaptability it makes the game hundred times better
>drinking animation takes 8 seconds
>health takes another 8 seconds to actually heal you
>shields take 5 seconds to raise
>every weapon moveset is awkward and fucking weird
>game consists of walking backwards with 4+ enemies with infinite stamina and poise running up to you, which you have to plink to death by attacking once every 2 minutes
>can't walk in a fucking circle
How do people enjoy this game? Serious question
Most rolling issues come from fat lingering hitboxes that adaptability only fixes partially, it often doesn't do much good
Yes we like to refer to this as balance
Go back to Roll Souls 3 : Prepare to Sip edition if you're having too much trouble sweetheart
No, DS1 is way slower, especially weapons.
>Trying to find a level in the game I like during a playthrough
they're sips, in dark souls 3 you can see the flask get more and more empty in the slot
At least in Dark Souls there was only one boss that had multiple enemies at once
>enemy encounters mostly include just a bunch of dudes whose movesets include charging at you with their weapons over their heads
>nothing is ever concerned with their own well being, their only purpose is to bonzai at you in hopes of getting one good hit in, except this is done in groups of 4
Game has bad design issues for sure. I personally enjoyed it more for the PvP and some of the zones. While it brought its own negatives, the respec system was really nice. Those soul respec things were always the one thing I would CE in.
>another thread where DaS2fags and DaS3fags argue over whose game is less shit
DaS3 is obviously less shit, but it's still funny to watch happen in every thread
What's the matter, sweetie? Did the other players having fast animations make you angry because you can't beat anyone who isn't a turtle? Awwwww there there.
That's complete bullshit and you know it.
>It's another Sup Forums blames Dark Souls 2 for things that were taken straight from DaS episode
OP here. Fuck you. It's all about Dark Souls 1. I understand why people like 3, but how can anyone enjoy the absolute abomination that is dark souls 2?
>Fuck you
>Timing doesn't matter
What is consequences: The post
Revenge of chuggers
>mindless hollows attack just like they did in the first game
>it's only bad when Dark Souls 2 does it
I somehow knew that Das2 was gonna be shit when I picked up one of these.
>just like they did in the first game
no faggot, enemies would pace around you and at least act like they were waiting for a moment to strike
In Dark Souls 2 they literally do nothing but charge you and swing. Go fight some Ashen Warriors in Brume Tower. Go do it, right now
DS1 has 5 bosses that are more than one enemy.
>DaS 3
>Timing matters more than it ever has before because you have TINY windows of opportunity to punish opponents, therefore you need extremely fast decision making the instant you see the first few frames of certain animations
>DaS 2
>You could go drink tea and watch a movie while your opponent uses an estus flask and still come back in time to R2 them
>Drink potion
>Feel so good you can't help but flex
Who's that semen demon?
Everything in Dark Souls 2 feels slow and horrible.
Mixed bag on that front, not a uniform answer. Varies from weapon to weapon and move to move. Dark Souls 2 has a ton of empty visual space at the end of animations that make it feel way slower though.
an underage girl with autism you fucking freak
Even the mindless hollows of undead burg were smarter than the late game enemies in dark souls 2 that just run at you and spam R1 while having 500 fucking poise so you can rarely effectively counter them, especially since B team thinks the best way to make the game challenging is to add 4 enemies at once to every location and take away invincibility frames for anything
DS2's weapons have the best combos by far, especially the normal attack with a slash and thrust of the halberds, unlike DS1/3's poke, poke, poke spam with normal attacks.
>you can chug in front of a player and he'll do less damage than the chug you just had
They cazualized the shit of healing and basically made a no risk safety net where the only problem is running out of estus, not how well you time it.
Worst comparison I have ever seen. The same happens in different windows in both games, and the windows are effectively made the same due to frame recovery being equally long for you and bosses.
And timing only matters if you use anything other than a longsword. Otherwise you can just poke them twice with the speed of a saw cleaver while they switch animations, even though there's not really an opening. The same can be done in DaS2 with a rapier, but it wasn't actively crippling to use anything larger.
Literally only weaker enemies did this. It was like they were effectively scared of the player.
Eh. You can make the argument that Dark Souls 2 had some interesting things going on with the movesets on some weapons, but I wouldn't use Halberds as my example when things like the Black Knight Glaive and Gundyr's exist. Granted, Red Hilt was best(when I last played a lot, anyway) which is as you described, but I had way more with that weapon class in 3 than I did with any of the other games.
Except maybe Mirdan Hammer in DeS because I'm an asshole
I like how slow the flask is. Drinking estus is risky and you cant do it in the middle of battles. It forces you to plan each encounter and escape if you need to heal.
No it wasn't. Play through Dark Souls 1 again. None of the enemies have movesets that are "just charge the player"
Meanwhile in Dark Souls 2 you have shit like Royal Swordsman and Ashen Warriors that literally do nothing but gang up on you and charge spam you, and even then it's taken to another level by jamming fucking BONZAI MUMMIES INTO HALF THE FUCKING GAME
You're an oblivious retard, your taste is abysmal, please leave this board
>drink from estus flask
>slaps the flask against the forehead
No wonder you need agility to properly drink out of it.
>he's actually getting killed by the slowest ganks of all time
Why don't you leave Souls games period you're obviously a massive scrub.
Fucking impressive. Maybe you should have leveled dex.
git gud shitter, you bb babies need to gtfo
No. You chug in front of a player and you get smacked, your poise gets broken, and they follow up with 2 more hits and suddenly you're down to 20% hp.
Sure, that sounds good on paper, but it plays like trash in Dark Souls 2 because of how enemies and encounters are designed.
Dark Souls 2 is nothing but decent ideas implemented extremely poorly, wrapped up in some nice "every level sucks" wrapping paper with an "every boss is terrible" bow.
>Those ladies at the start that laugh for like 10 minutes
>That monument in Magula that shows how many people died
>A fucking trophy for dying
It seems to me like the creators for Das2 never really understood why the original two were such excellent games.
They just presumed that players wanted "muh difficulty" and focused on that instead of thoughtful game/level design and enemy placement.
It's my favourite DS game because it's the only one that doesn't rely soley on rolling.
Try playing 1 or 3 with fat roll, it's nearly impossible. But with the right stats it can totally work with DS2. More build variety = better game.
Slow drinks don't just sound nice on paper, they contributed to an enjoyable experience playing the game in practice. I really liked Dark Souls 2, sorry you did not have the same experience.
>tfw only played ds2 but i love the entire series
I hate being a poorfag.
I've been here since the beginning of the franchise and I can complain about bad enemies in Dark Souls II if I fucking want to
BB = DaS > DaS3 > DeS >>>>> DaS2
>Royal Swordsman and Ashen Warriors that literally do nothing but gang up on you and charge spam you
Pic related, it's you.
They die in 1 hit from almost anything, you really need to stop sucking ass.
>but it plays like trash in Dark Souls 2 because of how enemies and encounters are designed.
There's a reason Lifegems are faster to activate than estus. They were put in the game strictly for what you're complaining about.
How do you love the entire series if you've only played 2
>Drinking estus is risky and you cant do it in the middle of battles.
What? Estus is literally made for boss fights, they have huge openings after you dodge shit.
I watch other people run the games
non-boss battles
>waaaah I want to be IMMORTAL while opening a fucking door
literally git gud
Armor was so fucking well balanced in DS1. Why did the later games have to fuck it up so fucking hard? Finding the perfect balance of poise, defense, and rolling speed was absolutely key in how your playstyle developed. Heavy black iron normal rollers with insane poise and heavy weapons were a thing. Min maxer 24.9% 25 poise fast rollers with moderate defense were a thing. Ultra light 0 poise ninja flippers with low defense and fast weapons were a thing. Havel-tier fat rollers with infinite poise and infinite defense maining ultra greatswords and great hammers were a thing. Heavy poise heavy defense normal rolling pyromancers with balder swag swords were a thing.
Then it just became a fucking pointless stat. Poise got nerfed to hell as well as defense. There's literally no fucking reason to wear heavy armor anymore and it pisses me off. It doesn't feel like people min max towards specific builds anymore. People just wear whatever random ass armor happens to give bonus secondary +stats or whatever shit. All you see in DS2 for example are fucking jesters and half of them are hackers.
I handle the situations just fine, it doesn't excuse how shit they are as enemies
Not to mention how every larger enemy does nothing but flail around infinitely
>make an ok game shittier
>compensate with infinite healing
>muh balance
It's also a sidelong punishment because of how it interacts with scaling level costs and Soul Memory.
The funny part is that you are immortal while opening doors, you're just not immortal while grabbing the doorknob
That's a real shame, man. I feel for you. Now that you've played DS2, you're going to defend it religiously and immediately hate the other games because they're not DS2. You'll never get to truly enjoy the masterpiece that is DS1 because you'll be too busy getting pissed off at shit like WTF I CAN'T USE ESTUS AS A PHANTOM WOW THIS BULLSHIT GAME or whatever. You're doomed to become DS2 fan.
DS1 is like $5 when it goes on sale, just pick it up next stela sale
You mean like this one?
Here's a tip for newbies like you: stop blocking all the time and enemies will attack spam less.
>Now that you've played DS2, you're going to defend it religiously and immediately hate the other games because they're not DS2.
Yeah, that's a load of bullshit.
SoTFS was the game I started the series with and I thoroughly enjoyed Bloodborne and DaS3.
they couldn't have the headpiece be that large in DaS2 because the levels weren't made proportionately to the player in the first place. The levels don't feel like they were made with the player in mind
Most people only play the game with medium weight, a kite shield and an r1 spam onehander or r1 spam twohander. they don't understand variety.
Why didn't you enjoy the original Dark Souls?
Going from backstab to backstab is easy as hell with DS2's locked on multi direction rolling, this is why there are more enemies but it's still as fair as DS1.
If you had forced 4 direction rolling, then a lot of parts would indeed be BS.
>implying poise and END wasn't OP
If you buff your armour with Titanite in 2, it's pretty good. And poise makes you recover from staggers faster, I think, so it's far from useless.
>expected some big tutorial section like DeS and DaS with a boss at the end
>it's a straight line with mob enemies and fog doors
It didn't take long to realize that we had been taken advantage of.
Notice how he didn't say he enjoyed DS2/SotFS
Because I don't have it yet?
Kinda looking forward to playing a Souls game with no warping.
It's not useless but it's still complete dogshit compared to DS1 where even a difference between 20 and 40 poise was enormous and decided whole playstyles.
Good thing we're not other people and can actually try some other builds.
You did try other builds, right user?
Seo is beautiful. I want to marry her.
I upgraded it solely for the i-frames when rolling, drinking estus faster was a minor bonus.
>he needs more i-frames to roll
Yes, but not fatroll builds, and they're usually DEX oriented :^)
>tfw you post a Webm to try and defend something but it only ends up hurting it even more
Da fuck are you talking about? DS1 was not impossible with fat roll. In fact fat roll turtling with big shields was a hugely popular playstyle in DS1. Fat rolling casters were also a thing since you couldn't stop their casting with poise break. Let's not forget fat rolling heavy sweepers using ultra zweihanders and the like
Well I did.
Sorry? That I'm capable of liking more than one Soulsborne game?
>It's not even the one people complain about
DS1 is easymode with armor, especially with the wolf ring.
You can do a slowwalk run with over 100% burden and it's easily doable because poise is broken.