This is Estelle.
This is Estelle
And this is Mail.
I bought your first game on Steam, Estelle.
I'm about 30 minutes in and it seems VERY boring so far. I'm really hoping there isn't any romance that develops between you and Joshua, because that would be emotional incest.
They fug
Don't worry PCbro, Rean will save you from the boredom that comes with Estelle's games soon. His games are the Persona of Trails.
They met when they were 11, almost teens. They haven't known eachother for longer than a measly 5 years. There is nothing incestous about that.
I thought Estelle was like 5 based on her behavior in the intro.
This is Juna. Pre-order her game.
I love this piece by the original Popful Mail artist
Just started playing today?
There is no incest. Joshua's only an adopted brother who takes the Bright name because he can't remember and tell Cassius about his former family. But that eventually changes. He's more like a lodger who Estelle considers her brother so she can try and boss a boy around. Things change later on in FC, and majorly by SC.
What else is boring? Prologue is the biggest hurdle to clear. Make sure you use Cheat Engine's speedhack (bound to hotkeys) to get past slow battle animations, and double-check NPC dialogue between plot beats. These games are all about the small details building up to something big.
She's immature enough to wear little girl clothes when friends her age are in dresses. And she's overly physical in general.
Yeah I did too at first.
Turns out Estelle is just a little special.
You're such a fucking little bitch. Always with this telling people to use cheat engine to skip the animations which aren't slow at all, ADHD kiddo.
Yes, that is indeed Estelle.
Mail a cute.
Estelle is a brainless bimbo
t. Linkara
Can't argue with fact.
I'm so sorry
>double-check NPC dialogue between plot beats. These games are all about the small details building up to something big.
I'm so tired of this stupid meme.
I didn't even use CE for FC/SC first time and loved them. Not my fault some people bitch about how these games are slow when there's a workaround to help them.
Gaw too
Mail and Tatto = Juna and Kurt?
Elie a cute.
Sir, you seem to have posted an old version.
Who Osbro here?
Thanks user.
Why is the Cold Steel fag calling Sky incomplete? I don't think that's a very stereotypical CSfag argument. Boring, too old, don't wanna play as a lame girl would be more like it.
Will Tita use a firewall or NoScript when browsing the Orbalnet?
Kids these days...
Just die
Elie is lewd.
It was my pleasure.
all this shit
Will Renne browse orbalchan's Sup Forums?
For people who played Zero/AO do you think the new third Anguis will show up in Sen III? She was a horrible bitch who is pretty much way worse than Weissman ever was, and even if it was momentary defeat, she pretty much won in the end. I'd like to break off her smug and make the 3rd seat of Anguis vacant again.
They list browsing the orbalnet as one of her favorite pastimes in the Zero special collection book.
Haha, time for AT Delay!!!
Renne will become the ultimate shitposter and dodge IP bans
Wasn't orbal network still in a beta stage by that point? Or was Liberl's already better?
I believe Espein was going to partner up with ZCF to test it, but apparently another Crossbell tech department proposed a better deal in price and benefits so they started the testing there.
>be Vita
>mfw I have to get Rean and Crow to battle on top of Infernal castle
>mfw to achieve this I try my hardest to obstruct Rean climbing infernal castle by throwing dudes who can kill his entire squad in 3 seconds flat
>mfw the only reason he managed to fulfill my objective was because surprise guests fucked over the goons I sent to obliterate Rean
Crossbell has an orbalnet, it's a prototype of a much larger system.
I think she will. Crossbell plays a big part in the new game and we aren't fully done with D yet. I think that resurrected Crow will become a new vessel for Demiurgos' power.
>making any sense
choose one
my dad works at falcom, he gave me an early copy of Sen III
This is the final boss
Calvard when?
Vita was worst anguis just like the vita is the worst platform.
It's not even far fetched idea.
My cute wife Towa is so reliable.
TOWA IS BEST GIRL. I will fight any faggot who says otherwise in the street
In all honesty, this could actually happen.
>crows the bad guy all along like Officer Doofy from Scary Movie but not played for laughs
>Kills Osbourne but doesn't
>Thicc af Emma trying to conceal she's hiding something is so painfully obvious to the player it's insulting
Why do people like this trash?
Daytime soaps are better, and actually run at 60FPS
eww, you faggot
Pleasure yourself
Towa is a Mary Sue
My dad works at a higher division of Falcom and tells me Osbourne is Rean from the future
Alright, you are dead mother fucker. Give me an address, street fight time is now
but that's Mcburn my dude
all i care about is what his theme song sounds like
please vocaroo yourself singing it