Post a pic of yourself and Sup Forums recommends a game

Post a pic of yourself and Sup Forums recommends a game

Postal 2

Super Columbine Massacre RPG



How long until we get the fidget spinner version of the zodiac killer?

This is me.

playerunknown's battlegrounds

FFXIV: Stormblood

Call of Duty.
Ahh late '10s culture and life. What a world.


>no trigger discipline

h-here I go! give me your worse Sup Forums!

I've gained a little weight since this pic was taken


>Hey dude can I borrow your bb gun for a sweet meme?

>we're now in the late 10's
killl me now!!!!!!!!
i cant take his laugh of sitting at my computer anymore

sucking please someone just knockdown my door and shoot me in the head!!!!!

>posting yourself when all boards get archived by at least 3 different sites

Granblue Fantasy
Silent Hill 2
Final Fantasy VI
Lunar 2


anything for 12yo and below
and I know this is bait but just in case you're this retarded

I don't know if it's nostalgia but pre 9/11 internet, tv, movies, music, school, toys, and life in general was so much better.



The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
or preferably go back to /fa/ggotville

one of the DBZ fighting games
Disgaea 5

It's actually me

Thanks doc.


>Disgaea 5
user, I played that already!

Bladestorm: The Hundred Years' War

Redpill me on fidget spinners. My gas station sells them for 5 bucks. Are they any fun?


something with great voice acting in it, maybe Legacy of Kain series
Mario Galaxy 2

>finger is on the trigger
>not ready to fire


Pre 9/11 internet was dialup, it wasn't better than now

>not sure if boy or girl
>look it up
Eh, I just don't care anymore.




animal crossing happy home designer

Russian roulette.
by yourself.
With a fully loaded shot gun.

impossible creatures