How can Sony win E3 this year?
How can Sony win E3 this year?
Nothing. They've already won.
>post by same IP
This is fucking sad, OP.
By showing Ape Escape 4
pic related
By giving me a new Sly Cooper game.
If they announce a new console they'll automatically lose. KH3 isn't coming for another few years, and we can expect them to show more of that butchered god of war so that won't help them either. They'll have that new spiderman game which they'll undoubtedly show more of, but the new footage will determine if it's good or if it's another moonswinging piece of shit. They'll probably have another remake to announce like they usually do, so they'll have to pull a miracle out of their ass if they want to come out of E3 with a passing grade. E3 is usually a massive disappointment though for all parties involved.
Came here to post this.
KH3 releasing on the day of Microsoft's conference
It requires three things.
>Microsoft and Nintendo under-deliver
>Sony finally has firm release dates for more upcoming games
>Sony has trailers for exciting projects
First is half-guaranteed. Scorpio is looking to be what its been advertised as but MS have no real surprise exclusives to show off and none of their upcoming ones are significant enough to impact their current standing aside from MAYBE Crackdown 3, which as of now seems to be in a shaky place.
Nintendo however seem to be going into E3 strong and will likely do pretty well for themselves with it, unless they do shit like massively delay Odyssey and release the new Pokemon only on 3DS.
Second is very unlikely. I expect few release date announcements that aren't just "2018" or maybe "Q2 2018" at a stretch, unless its for smaller games like Pyre.
Third is all but guaranteed, Sony will have Spider-Man, Death Stranding, Final Fantasy VII Remake, etc. at it for sure.
It'll probably be a tie between Sony/Nintendo.
Release dates
It wouldn't be a win, but that Death Stranding game (Remember that?) better have gameplay or I'll probably lose all hype for it. It's been what, 2 years now?
stay the course. Literally all they have to do.
nintendo needs to do a LOT, and in the fiscal year, for the switch to keep pace. The scorpio is gonna have to be at least $400, which is way too high compared to the ps4 which goes on sale for fucking $250 all the time, especially considering it's gonna be seen as an "upgrade" to the xbone and not a new console like it actually is, since ms forced devs to support the dead weight xbone.
They just need to not fuck it up. Couple cool new games, couple demos TONIGHT, couple of release dates.
Sony always wins baby, Xbox never even has any real exclusives
With their MGS5 and Death Stranding is Silent Hills reveal.
Death Stranding was announced June 2016
IT was last year's e3, m8. Well, leaked like a day before but still, e3 reveal technically.
They already did. LWA was announced for PS4.
Nintendies are still in aftershock
By showing up.
I own a PS4 and that game looks completely unappealing. I don't know why they do the most generic enemy design when they could ask someone like Trigger to do it for them. Bandai Namco are a bunch of retards.
Wild is showing up with an early game/young shaman trailer. Just hoping it's not fucking horrible. I hope they don't get all caught up in horizon's shit and make tons of dumb crafting for no reason. I know crafting will be a part of it, but I really hope it's not an enormous part, and rituals/summonings are a bigger part than not.
fuck it's shaping up so good.
>ms forced devs
>" Developers are free to choose how they use the power of Project Scorpio for games. We have no requirements limiting framerate or fidelity. "
by entering the hall of e3 convention.
its like f1 racer is 3 laps ahead of wheel chair man and a turtle
there is 1% chance that sony will somehow fuck up so badly that will drop their rating but not enough for others to get in the lead
No, but there's a requirement that games must be backwards compatible. That's a fucking heavy restriction and no dev wants to release a game that plays so much better on one system that it's almost impossible to use on another. Can you imagine the backlash if, as a for instance, the battlefield 1 thing happens again, where scorpio users have 60fps and xbone users have 30? People would fucking LOSE. THEIR. SHIT.
I really like sony games but holy shit I hope this fucking company dies just so this stops. That's sad OP
Wild is showing up? You got a source on that?
this is how
will pcbros ever recover?
As shit as theives in time was, I'm fine with no more games
None I can share freely, and I'm not sure if it's got a stage presentation (though it'll be on the show floor, playable), but I can say that michel ancel posted lots of wild pics on his instagram over the last year (including some in january, the one I posted and another one), and he's posting more vidya related stuff leading up to e3.
>@The_CrapGamer May 20
Not real clear though. Are you saying it'd be ok for Scorpio versions to be 60fps and matched against XB1 versions at 30fps?
>@shannonloftis Replying to @The_CrapGamer
Developer choice, but as a developer I would bet no one chooses different framerates for mp games ever.
What I'll say is, I don't really care. The devs will make the Xbone game anyways because it's the one that people have anyways. It's not like they stopped making games for the normal PS4 since the Pro came out? While Scorpio is a massive jump over the PS4, Bone and the Pro, they won't stop making the normal Xbone games anyways.
Green Goblin, Venom and Doc Ock in Spider-Man game over 10 hours worth of story not including sidequests
people didn't stop making games for the PS4 because they can't. I can't imagine that the dev kits don't have a clause stating your games don't have to work on the xbone as well. MS is trying to cultivate this retarded "family of machines" garbage and killing off one of the machines they want to be a frontrunner is a terrible way to do that.
People always satly they win when they reveal a game that's 5+ years from release. So maybe they should get a Final Fantasy XVI reveal from SE.
If this game isn't cancelled Sony won
Well, It'd be fucking retarded to kill a console that's sold 26 million off 4 years after it's launch.
Given that he said that he will not be bringing BGE2 to E3 this year, it makes sense that he would show WiLD off.
I live for this shit.
so much autism in one thread.
i can't fucking grasp why you fuckers care about it
Bloodborne 2 or some new souls ip
Are you seriously expecting anything out of the company that went to 3 consecutive E3s with shams?
No interest coming as a PS3 owner. Sony went full Jew this generation, pales in comparison to anything Microsoft and Nintendo are doing these days. I mean, do I have to bring up to the PS4 Pro? Serves PS4 owners right for buying into Sony's meme.
Why are you typing in caps?
Their show is going to have last of us 2 and RDR. Normies are going to flip their shit over it.
You know MS will have the big guns, they're being suspiciously silent so people underestimate them.
MS will win this E3, mark my words.
Sour grapes: the post
Sony is too shit to win anything. They literally lost last years E3 against a single trailer. There is no hope for that company.
what about the ps4 pro? it's pretty much garbage and no game really supports it at launch now. prey STILL doesn't have a fucking pro patch.
Cool, you own a PS3. That's great.
Why so mad though? The PS4 isn't great by any means, it pales in comparison to the PS3 or even PS2, but it isn't that bad. Blame Nintendo and Microsoft for shooting themselves in the head when revealing their consoles.
PS4 wouldn't have done so well if those two didn't have their head up their asses.
They can't
I kinda hope so. It's fun rooting for the underdog
>december lol
>expansion pack
>musou shit
>probably not even launching this year
come on man, put up some good games like snipperclips, at least.
They could stop charging for online play. But they won't.
Ironically Sony has the most to lose this E3
If they announce a new console. Done fucked up
Show off how casual Dad of War is. Done fucked up
Show off how SJW Last of Us 2 us. Done fucked up
Literally almost anything they do, they have done fucked up.
>Arms is the only non-sequel
Really wews my lad
I'd imagine he's trying to emphasize the enthusiasm with which the presenter shovels the shit at the audience.
I don't think last of us 2 will be too bad, unless you just mean the dumb shit like they've pulled with uncharted recently, but that's not really SJW, I don't feel. Just really fucking stupid, but ultimately inoffensive.
Leave E3 to me.
>SJW of Us won't be politically charged even though the director drank so much kool-aid he could bust through walls
If they try it, they'll deal with shit sales despite massive internet cred. That's what always happens. Remember me, mirrors edge 2, SFV.
Not him, but normies are still gonna eat it up regardless. Doesn't matter what Neil Cuckman does at this point, Expect 8M sales.
>game flops because it's full of terrible bugs, game isn't fun, and it shoves a message into people's faces so hard that they actually feel uncomfortable
>Naughty Dog shuts down shortly after
One can dream
it will be Valve.
By doing the same thing they've done these past few years. Laugh when everyone that comes before them has absolutely fucking nothing worth showing.
I don't think they can
Even Bloodborne 2 wouldn't be enough.
All their other offerings like TLOU 2, GoW, Days Gone, Death Stranding are cancerous garbage I wouldn't pay 5 dollars for.
>Hating on Naughty Dog
It's a possibility. Just not likely.
>2.6 million in a month followed by a massive drop then Sony inflating the numbers by making it a forced bundle so it comes with every console letting Sony say they sold 8 million like with Uncharted 4
Fixed. Sony games bloat at month 1 and then fall off a cliff because normies don't care and everyone else buys them used. Gamestop's can't get rid of used UC4 copies, there's so many of it and it's a pretty shit game on top of that (Walking sim, shooter section, QTE, SJW)
They haven't made a good game in over 10 years
Suck neogafs dick by announcing games that will be released in five years but that make everyone go "omg muhhh I can't even"
Sony blew their announcement loads over the years. I expect a safe conference from them this year with games we already know about and maybe two surprises.
Oh boy I live to see shit like this on Sup Forums it's almost always wrong, and or has the opposite effect. Quick, say "The Last of Us: Part II" will flop miserably.
Also gay black mains.
Seeing as they have decisively won every E3 since 2013, I doubt they'll do anything BUT win this year.
>Sony inflating the numbers by making it a forced bundle
Who cares? Didn't Nintendo do the same with Wii U and Nintendo Land? Or even further back with Wii Sports?
every company does it, yeah.
>Kingdom Hearts 3 Release Date
>actual Final Fantasy 7R update with video
>God of War 4(?) Release Date
>Ps4 Backwards Compatibility Update
This is all I want. Hell, I'd take two of those.
>"actual Final Fantasy 7R update with video"
>He doesn't know yet
>backwards compatibility
it can't happen. Like literally can't, the retarded architecture of the ps3 makes it a factual impossibility. PSnow is the best solution to it, and that thing sucks too.
>FF7R News
Ohhh you haven't heard have you?
like every year i suppose
Anyone think ms will announce halo 6 for pc? If they do that Sony might not have a realistic chance.
>spiderman gets 4 minutes
>god of war gets 3 mnutes
>cow of doggy and ass creed get 8 minutes each
it might be an interesting game but it's clearly not a console seller
normies have shit taste remember
All they have to do is show a trailer from whatever Naughty Dog is shitting out next, people love movie-games and Sony has plenty of those coming up.
Open world Monster Hunter. Make it happen, Sony!
>Crash Team Racing
Im sorry, what?!
Monster Hunter 5 rumored to be a PS4 exclusive user.
Also throw out Zelda and Mario Kart. Thems are Wii U games.
>the retarded architecture of the ps3
You know that multi-core/threaded architecture is now a industry standard and all consoles revolve around it? Or are you just confused about x86 and PowerPC architectures and think they are detrimental when literally every console lastgen was a PowerPC
Show us something truly surprising.
Try to move video games somewhere.
To be fair you can say that about everyone. There haven't been any genuine GOOD surprises in a long time
that's just it, it was based on x86 architecture but modified heavily. It's like you're one of those retards saying "why don't they port every game to PC? It's all the same hardware!".
a yes, (((rumored)))
Battle Arena Toshinden 5, PS4 exclusive.
All I see is a bunch of multiplats and shitty dudebro games, is this supposed to be impressive?
Literally Google FF7 Remake, SquareEnix hasn't even hit full steam production. It's all over the news, surprised you haven't heard how fucked up the development cycle is that Square is introducing new management into the project lmao.
All rumors are true nowadays.
I just want to see more of my snake waifu please.