Holy FUCK this game is boring shit

Holy FUCK this game is boring shit

>Shoot a tear arrow at a robot
>Parts fly off
>Repeat until it falls down so you can press R1 and take off half its life
>Repeat forever
>Traveling is tedious and slow
>Story is generic video game shit
>Lifeless world with nothing going on but at least its pretty to look at

So...an open world?

Go on melee user.

So you didn't like it.


Yup. Western games are shit, I regret buying this.

>I like the combat
>I like tearing off stuff
>I love traveling in open worlds
>Story is great
>Agree on the lifeless

It's more a pitfall common to open-world design than a fundamental part of it. It's just that a game can sell based on aesthetics and exploration and have kind of shitty mechanics, but a more on-the-rails game can't get away with it

Your post is even more worthless than OPs, do you realize that. At least he is sharing an opinion about a videogame you know what this board is supposed to be for?
Furcking retards

apart from the focus, you are nothing special, just a regular human

somehow you are treated like the dino messiah who is the only one able to kill robots other than the basic and harmless stuff

>how did you kill that thing?
Oh that one? I just used these exploding tear down arrows to rip off all the vital parts

How the fuck is this an excuse for the inability of everybody else in the game?

Your post is even more worthless than OPs, do you realize that.

I really hope you are underage.

Stop posting

You just described Shit in the Wild, but without the pretty to look at part.
Are you sure you posted the right picture to your thread, OP?



It's well executed but every single part of it feels borrowed from another game. At least the Decima Engine looks great.

ye I played it a bit but this game is indeed trash and I don't get the praise it, even on here, gets

I could 100% guarantee you aren't playing on very hard. Game is cakewalk in hard, let alone normal.
I don't know why the developers tried to dumb down the entry base difficulty. Probably wanted a cinematic approach a la uncharted.
Play it on very hard... Well not you, since you are gonna shit on the game no matter what.
But for everyone who is slightly interested in getting this game for $40 or less, it's totally worth it.

>make a new IP
>single player no co-op or online multi

haha xd but breath of the wild is GOTY!!!!

Not entirely lifeless.

Horizon is every flaw in open world games combined into one.

That is just not fucking true at all.

agreed ! looks great but super hollow. nothing feels real or pulls you in at all.

No, he's post is okay pointing out how you don't contribute anything other than being mad because your favorite game gets shit on. Hope you think about it twice the next time instead of posting irrelevant crap.

>desecrating Giant Bomb with weebshit
suck a shotgun, gook.

I generally liked the game, but i guess it's autism, but it bothered me how they crammed 4 biomes into 20 square km

>western AAA trash
i don't know what you expected

>no co-op or online multi
fuck off cancer

We have these exact same threads for every popular Sony exclusive. No one gives a shit.


Oh boi here we go, it's a "i didn't play Horizon but the games looks boring. Play Zelda instead" thread.
>Shoot a tear arrow at a robot
>Parts fly off
>Repeat until it falls down so you can press R1 and take off half its life
>Repeat forever
Against a Strider. The first enemy you encounter and doesn't fight you unless it's trapped. Congratulations, you discover the effective method of destroying the first mob in the game.
>Traveling is tedious and slow
If you haven't destroyed the Strider with tear arrow you could have rode it to be faster. You can fast travel. You can buy a map to get the landmarks of the world, that way you do little sidequests and gather collectibles along the way.
>Story is generic video game shit
Character > story. Every time.
>"but Aloy is a shit"
personally, i care about gameplay. But if you want good story + good character + good gameplay, you won't find any flawless game like that. Only in games you like. How convenient, eh?
>Lifeless world with nothing going on but at least its pretty to look at
This is false. But even if you think its true, its still better than a lifeless world with nothing going on and runs at 11fps and weapon durability

That's an open world game

chill out nintendog

>Holy FUCK this game is boring shit
>modern western game
>open world
>from the guys who brought you halo killer

I know this webm is supposed to show the bad AI, but that bow and arrow shooting looks awful

>western sjw game
>is shit
its your own fault for getting it

Not everyone, I mean Persona 5, The Last Guardian, Yakuza, Nioh and Bloodborne are cool.

But Horizon, Infamous, The Order and Uncharted 4 are just shit.

Sorry for having friends in my life

Everyone with a brain saw from miles ahead that this game was gonna be bad, it has every fucking ingredient.

>western open world
>fucking guerilla games
>all the focus is on graphics

The sad part is someone screencaped and save this false facts for the sake of shitposting.

Go and suck your friends dicks then faggot

So ps4bros, I was thinking of getting either this, Persona 5, or Nioh. Which one would you guys suggest?

Nah I'll just play Rocket League and Smash with them and have actual fun

What's false about that? Everything seems right.

Depends on your taste. Do you like jrpgs? Then Persona 5. Do you prefer Souls games? Then Nioh.

Avoid Horizon, it's shit.

Are you strapped for cash?
Gameplay time:
Persona 5>Nioh>HZD
My personal enjoyment:

>ubisoft towers
You don't climb towers made by ubisoft. Those are 2 false facts right there.

No you just have cancer.

I just want to play a good game regardless of genre t.bh. I don't mind either genre.
Yeah I'm a poorfag. Persona 5's length is one of the things that are making me lean in that direction.

Then go for Persona 5, it's the best one of those three

Not my fault your lack of social life forced you to have shit taste

I wish there are more monster specific parts and more uses for them. The monster fights are well done especially on the highest difficulty (which everyone should be playing at from the start), but really there's no incentive to fight the harder ones except that they will really try to kill you if you pass their areas.

Not my fault you are cancer.