It's still Monday for the next 8 hours and 40 minutes

It's still Monday for the next 8 hours and 40 minutes.

Let's keep celebrating this wonderful Luka Lunes!

Also post scores.

Other urls found in this thread:

It's Tuesday here now but sure.

Does anyone even play this from time to time?

You're probably the only one who has it.


>Even THAT song is better.

This game or idolmaster ps4


It's MikuMeiko monday

this game

Meiko who?

Best girl Meiko


>Decide to hop on FT after a couple months without playing
>Suddenly the beast awakens on the very first track I play and I perfect it first try
>Turns out you can get OVER 100% on a song

>Only the best


You, yeah. YOU.

Post your recent song finds or addictions.

For me:

>tfw unplugged my VitaTV to clear some of my Wii backlog

I promise to put double the effort in my Miku time at a later date.

デジネコポップヌコミックス by OSTER Project.
It's from one of her albums and I don't have a link on me sorry

>Applied for Miku concert twice
>Both S Rank seats
Kill me

You see all my songs over there? You can play them.

Don't even bother posting a song if you don't even have link ready you shit.

The tuning on this is pretty good, art is cute and I like 音街ウナ's voice

This pleases me greatly. Thank for your shares!

>ywn dance good

We had a thread with a fat miku in the OP earlier, why was it deleted?

Probably because it was fat Miku and the thread was just starting to get taken over by fatfags.

Posting two from popular artists that should really be in Project Diva.

When mirai 3?






>Only download of Comic & Cosmic remaster album is 128kbps


There's a Miku concert in Japan in September. Seats are divided between S area and SS area and what seats you get depend on a lottery

Where's Rin?

Between Kaito and Not-Miku

That's Meiko's boytoy.

Thought I'd post it anyway since I wouldn't get the chance to find/post it until now and the thread might've dead by then.
Here it is though

That's what I thought, punk.


I agree. More of his stuff in PD would be amazing.

I haven't heard of Pinocchio before, but this song is beary good.

Glad you can see it from my side.

>>I haven't heard of Pinocchio before
He's got a very quirky style of music that's strangely catchy. It's all turned to shit now that he's singing more than Miku does in his recent songs

Just listening to Hanatan and Yuyoyuppe again, or both at the same time

Love Yuyoyuppe. I'm a big fan of metalloid stuff, even if a lot of it is shit. I like Utsu-P. That might just be me. I've heard this song before, but know nothing else by this person.

>been working on Negaposi*Continues since early 2014
>still can't get excellent on Extreme

I'm still trying, damnit.

Maybe you could do it if you stopped being stupid.

Anyone ever been to Miku Expo as part of Magical Mirai? Are there actually many stalls or is it pretty sparse?

Will somebody stop her?

Nothing can stop it now. It's too late.

>Face looks like it has a different skin colour, almost like clown makeup
>The left hand is like a claw
>Right hand looks strangle small

Are you happy, user? I FINALLY got an Excellent.

Now to grind for a Perfect.

Are you dual wielding? That's how I managed to E it.
Might have to revisit this song after playing so much Future Tone and X but I prefer the ds4 over the vita.
Finally got my first EX Perfect so it's been stuck in my head.
Also been listening to a bunch of Tohma and keeno lately in general.

>looking through this thread
>all this bad taste
out of the fucking way

That doesn't sound like a perfect to me.

I love fucking Meiko!

snow miku 2018

I don't understand, have you been only trying once a year since 2014 or what?

Nice, grats on your first ExP!
Haven't heard any of these before. Thanks for the recommendations, they're great.

That's the one I voted for! I loved the hood.

That reminds me I still gotta hunt down 2013's Nendoroid. 2013 is my favourite Snow Miku. This one looks really good though. I hope it wins, although I'd be ok with 1 or 4 as well.

Damn, MitchieM has a good taste in music

Post screenshots.

Do people still follows the weekly ranking?
glad Senbonsakura is no longer on top but now worse memes are taken its place.

I have some

If you're implying Senbonzakuna is bad then fight me mate


What did Luka mean by this?

Looks self-explanatory to me.




it's bad because its popularity comes from memes alone and not because the quality of the song.
same thing can be said for the new fresh meme in the block, some martians thing song and it's 4 variants

>no shimapan

Miku doesn't even wear shimapan.



And that's about all the screenshots I have which aren't reposts

Why is Luka such a bully?

Damn, nigga you gay

So when does operation L.U.K.A begin?

>meme meme meme meme

NayutalieN is the best new producer and is one of the few producers actually worth a shit right now. A new producer post 2015 that has three Hall of Legends songs with three more closing in on one million hits is crazy. His other songs are sitting at all over 500,000 hits and even his album crossfades broke over 100,000.

Thought I'd go out of my way to tell you these were all awful.

No, I just look at whatever's on the charts for vocaloid category on NND

Once we find enough tuna rations

Once she makes more rapping songs.


hey sorry if I sound harsh. but something triggers in my head when I see the "same" song in different positions on the ranking. something fishy, also the preview doesn't do much for me

I have to say I like none of his songs, most of his melodies dull me and it sounds like the lyrics themselves are what makes it so popular.

What's a song you really hate but enjoy playing anyways?


>playing Diva X
>Brain Revolution Girl with Magician module
Good lord, that was way too much for my penis, could barely concentrate on the song

I got plenty in the opposite case, biggest one being Grumpy Waltz extra extreme. Love the song but if there's a song unsuited the most for the dualshock it's that. You can't even macro it effectively.

