Are miniguns OP in real life?

Are miniguns OP in real life?

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30 × 173 mm delpleted uranium shells at the speed of 3900 RPM say yes.

Paid $500 for 15 seconds with an M134. They're pretty OP. No recoill and a solid fucking stream of fire. The thing is, tracers reveal your position in a heartbeat due to the rapid fire/constant stream. Also, you need a battery pack to power the gun.

>Also, you need a battery pack to power the gun.

Wrong. It's powered by the recoil of the bullets.

They're built to serve a very specific purpose.

GAU-8/A is a fantastic gun but it was barely effective by the time it was brought in service and is only good for spraying camel farmers nowadays.


No, it needs a battery for the initial spin. But you're right, after it spins and starts firing, the force of the discharges propels the gun but you still need the battery for when you start off firing.

I'm not an expert but just one round from most miniguns is enough to go through a wall or two and then definitely kill somebody.

Is this the biggest meme weapon system currently in service?

I mean, OP in what sense?

It's not like there's some high council actively buffing and nerfing guns somehow.


No, they're very effective. The biggest meme is probably a grenade launcher. I donated $2,500 to my sheriff's reelection campaign and got permission for my destructive devices permit. I bought an M79 Thumper 40mm grenade launcher. The problem was sourcing ammo. I could only get 2 HE rounds, 4 smoke rounds, and 5 training rounds. When shit goes down I'm blowing my load in less than a minute. Fucking waste of money to be honest.

Man I wish they buffed the mosin nagant into viability again

M134 is fully electrically operated. There are some Russian Gatling-style autocannons that use gas to operate and pyrotechnic cocking charges to start up.

"Minigun" usually refers to M134, which fires your average .308 rounds.

>No, they're very effective
Why use it over missiles or smart bombs though?

>implying real life weapons obey an arbitrary ruleset of "balance"

>implying it still isn't

I mean you gotta play on shitty third world servers but still

Is a hand held Mini-gun even feasible? Is there some egghead shit stating the force is so much that it'd tear someones arms off?

They're very effective, but they are also expensive as fuck which is why only Rangers and SF get them.

Everyone else still uses the M2


M2 is a much more practical gun, as much as I love Gatlings.

iirc the minigun used in the movie predator is a real minigun but you can see how swole the actor is as he uses it so it's probably not very practical as an infantry weapon

What would you call the geneva convention?

But wouldn't a Minigun work great at supressing targets? Granted an LMG does th3 same job and is lighter but a Minigun being much more powerful and can probably tear walls apart.

That one at the bottom is straight up just a fallout 4 weapon

A handy piece of toilet paper?

They have been made just for fun
google it and youll probably find it.

They're usually powered externally, though. And you can see the recoil.

However, a 5.56mm Gatling gun can be fired from the hip pretty easily:

Fallout 4's weapons are an affront

>But wouldn't a Minigun work great at supressing targets
Not with the rates of fire they operate on.

I never understood why it's called a minigun when it's quite large compared to other rifles

LMGs and grenades are way easier to use and cheaper

It's "mini" compared to cannons

It wont tear your arm off but you wont be able to fire it for more than a few seconds without falling over and you won't be able to hit anything


Fucking hilarious weapon. A-10 is best planefu as well.

it is funny joke like when the big guy is nicknamed tiny

Because you run out of ammo extremely fast, and carrying a fuckton of ammo ontop of the minigun is completely impractiacle

>A-10 is best planefu as well.
Shit fucking taste

It's quite small compared to 20mm M61 Vulcan cannon that preceded it.

It eats too much ammo. For suppression you want lower rates of fire. Gatling-tiers rates of fire are for plane and heli-mounted guns, because your targets are moving very fast relatively to you and being able to pump a lot of lead at their direction helps with getting hits.


because they're a mini version of an even larger gun

is that a gun with another gun taped on it?
because it looks like some kind of AV weapon with a regular bolter on the side

Compare the m134 with the gau 8 in OP image

probably because they fire too fast
4000 rounds a min? thats almost 67 rounds a second

- I am Heavy Weapons Guy...andthis
>grabs Minigun
- Is my weapon.
>lays both hands covetously on Minigun
- She weighs one hundred fifty kilograms and fires two hundred dollar, custom-tooled cartridges at ten thousand rounds per minute. >looks intently at viewer
-It costs four hundred thousand dollars to fire this weapon...fortwelve seconds."

not wrong. right. trust me i know things.

Because they did a study that showed you can suppress a lot of people at like, one round spent every couple of seconds.
Spending, like, 50 rounds every second means you get less suppression time for your given supply.

You need to go back.

suppressing works just as well at 10 rounds a second as it does 100 rounds a second

Kill you'reself

They're miniature versions of the larger Gatling guns you'd see mounted on the A-10.

With that many bullets isn't that the definition of suppression fire?

Anyone ever wonder what's so "mini" about them?

Sure they're obsolete but I am more than a little biased.

the definition of supression fire is shooting the enemy enough to keep their head down



the sr-71 blackbird is best planefu

No that's just removing the cover

the calibre senpai, you cant have a huge calibre with 6 barrels.

Terrible post, my man.

what's the difference between a rocket launcher and a missile launcher?

for 30 seconds, then you have to move 2000 bullets and all the shit around

>meanwhile we're getting railguns that have a range as large as the horizon and can blow a ship in two

The next world war is going to be some fun shit.

If you let your taste in planes/ships/tanks get dictated by that, then you're a faggot and not my nigger
BF-109 is my perfect planefu


fuck off fascist bootlick

StG was a revolutionary gun, though, I can respect it.

The A-10 isn't obsolete at all, it's a fantastic air-to-ground support craft and was spared from retirement for another five years because of the failings of the F-35 which was supposed to replace it.

In the modern landscape, the A-10 is the most fucking relevant aircraft the US military has. it's cheap, takes a punch, and can hover around ground units for an extended period of time before disengaging. All areas that the F-35 failed in.

>The future of warfare will be swarms of hyper mobile minigun wielding drones
I want to get off this ride

One launches rockets and the other launches missiles.


real life guns are so fucking gay

>No recoill
either you shot it from a stand, shot blanks or you're super fucking buff, because it does have recoil.

Fuck you all, i tried to bring some joy to this board even tho posting from my phone and i receive this. Fuck you guys, thats why we cant have nice things


Not an argument

>either you shot it from a stand
lol, you think he's going to fire a minigun handheld?

of course he shot it from a stand, he probably refers to vertical recoil

are you stupid?


>not shooting it hanheld
what are you cucks?

Nothing. Both terms refer to the same type of basic weapon system with the only real distinction in the class of weapons being if it is shoulder fired or not.

>The A-10 isn't obsolete at all
It really is, though. I love the old bird but the only reason it's still used is because it's up against targets that you could safely bomb with a Cessna and a few passengers armed with strong throwing arms and grenades.

a lot cheaper, have you seen the price of ordnance?

What is he shooting at?

Stay with me for a moment.
Minigun propelled drones!

>The A-10 isn't obsolete at all
OK, you go fly one against a group force that has a SAM system or air support/fighters.

Anyway, y'all need to watch this:

And then this:

why can't you find more

Hello friend please research what "roles" are.
Not all airplanes are air superiority fighters or deep penetration bombers!

>got permission for my destructive devices permit
should've bought a Street Sweeper, kiddo

Someone post that smartphone footage of a Mexican military chopper taking out criminals with a minigun, the sound was almost like the tripods from War of the Worlds.

so a close support aircraft being vulnerable to basic AA is not a problem as long as you are fighting enemies without basic AA

In modern parlance a rocket is generally unguided while a missile is guided, E.G. an RPG-7 is a 'rocket launcher' while an FGM-148 is a 'missile launcher' despite the launching mechanism (a rocket motor) being generally analagous.


So the main opponent that the US military faces? Why the fuck would you send in a delicate, expensive piece of shit like the F-35 when the A-10 is the superior, cheaper option that can land on makeshift runways and provide superior close range fire support to troops against Achmed and co. on trucks with LMGs.

Name a fucking country the US has faced that has modern countermeasures against its aircraft. The most those jets ever face is some AK-47 spray and pray in the sky and the occasional RPG, all shit that the A-10 shrugs off for a fraction of the price.

The "A-10 is obsolete" meme is a fucking ploy by big business to push the F-35, still upset that troops prefer the A-10 over that expensive piece of trash of theirs.

A missile can change it's course during flight, usually they are guided too. A rocket just propels forward.

Undo yourself

Yes, basically.
It sounds dumb but that's the doctrine and in that context the A-10 is still good at it's job.

>Why the fuck would you send in a delicate, expensive piece of shit like the F-35
Because it have much more advanced fire-control system.

No, IRL have ideal balance desu
Almost every thing that looks OP are expensive af or can be used only in certain situations and useless in other

I laughed user