Exactly how nostalgia driven do you have to be to actually think Half Life 2 is a good and fun game?

exactly how nostalgia driven do you have to be to actually think Half Life 2 is a good and fun game?

Other urls found in this thread:


Played it for the first time last year, and it was great. There still hasn't been another game that would do what Half-Life does.

i played it for the first time 2 years ago,and its the best FPS game Ive played since perfect dark

I think that it's got a good atmosphere and I enjoyed playing it, although I don't like how they split it up into episodes and how they didn't finish it despite it not being a technically demanding game to produce. It's just a linear FPS after all.



You gotta remember, this was most of Sup Forums's very first game. They don't know any better. Just humor them.


give me one reason why you don't like this game, one reason that makes sense?

The game came out in 2004 and did literally wrong, yet Sup Forums wants to hate something?

I know how it feels like to have low self esteem and wanting to look better and/or smart. But this is not proper way to do it, so fuck off man

am i the only one that thinks the first half-life is better than the second?

yes, you are the only person in the world who thinks that

there hasnt been a better FPS story game since HL2, nostalgia or not

go back to playing nudoom and borderlands

HL2 is better than every fps in the last decade

Exactly how much of an autist do you have to be to have a problem with people finding a game you don't like fun?

Reminder: if your opinion on anything differs from my own you are OBJECTIVELY retarded and autistic.

It's one of the few 3D games with cel shading that still looks good today, there's something timeless about the graphics that's missing in stuff like Doom 3 or FarCry, it might be the animation quality

Because cinematic mods.

They hate it because it was popular. That's seriously the only reason they make these threads.


But you are an autistic retard when you act like your opinion is a OBJECTIVE fact.

Let me teach you something

>How to get a thread with replies on Sup Forums

Praise a good game

>How to get a thread with a lot more replies on Sup Forums

Shit on a good game

but I liked borderlands 2 and everyone says bad things about it :c

yea gameplay is dull n boring but I always get bored, as long as there is a mission/quest I'd do it.

Unless you're talking about borderlands 1


>yea gameplay is dull n boring but I always get bored, as long as there is a mission/quest I'd do it.

Skinner box personified

same old Sup Forums, they hate ow for the same reason as well.

Yeah, I've seen people do that with Silent Hill threads. Those usually turn into postive things said about the games. But all I ever see in Half-Life 2 threads is hate for it and the usual complaints like "I don't like the vehicle sections. The guns are booorrrinngg..." blah blah blah
These HL2 threads are made with hate, not love.

>How to get a thread with even more replies

Shit on a shit game for so long it becomes a self-perpetuating circlejerk that keeps going long after everyone else has forgotten about it

Once you learn about the original storyline of Half-Life 2, you can only think that the retail version of HL2 is just bland. Shit was just way more grimdark and visually cooler.

And let's not forget about all the cut content.

The only people who hate it are halo fags who got BTFO by HL2

God damn, there's a lot of butthurt people on Sup Forums. Just how much of a loser do you have to be to come into a thread you know isn't for you and shit it up?

>yea gameplay is dull n boring but I always get bored, as long as there is a mission/quest I'd do it.


>most of Sup Forums's very first
but user that would make Sup Forums over the age of 18 which isn't true.

Badda bing
Badda boom

Me too. I hate the weapons in HL2. They felt much better in HL1. They were intentionally made weak to force you to kill with the gimmick gun

>Manhacks used to be controlled by kids thinking they were playing arcade games

That won't work with our playtesters, cut it.

>he modeled Alyx after a tranny
Why are germans such fucking faggots?

>Half Life 1 and 2 are immersive because you can't skip cutscenes

>Deus ex isn't immersive because you can skip cutscenes


Half Lifefags explain yourselves

most people think that, but HL2 is still better than 99% of shooters

It's good but Valve's degeneration proves that it was basically a tech demo. Another team with more passion for actual gamedev could've made a better HL game. They simply must give the Half-Life brand to Arkane.

Half-Life's story has never been good, and while the games had good storytelling, they got carried away with exposition scenes in the 2nd game.

Also Doom 2017 is a better game than Half-Life 2

There aren't any "cutscenes" in HL, you have control of your character at all times.

I'm glad that wasn't in, that sort of thing has been done to death. Wasn't Alyx supposed to get raped by some electric blue snake creature?

>There was barely oxygen and the air was filled with toxic gas thanks to the air exchange factories, hence why both citizens and combine units use gasmasks

>These aren't cutscenes! They just lock you in rooms with unappealing characters like Alyx Vance and force you to listen to them!

Really joggened my noggen

Except when they lock you in a room for 10 minutes to wait until other characters go through their motions. There aren't even any puzzles to solve! You effectively have no control when the doors are locked, and the interactions are limited to jumping on tables like a madman.

>OP is butthurt and underage
Mmm, I taste your tears nigger.

You mean this?

Of course not. I think the first is still the best. Blue Shift is also pretty great.

I should have prefaced that with the word "technically" since it's important to the point he's trying to make.

The hydra, and no, it was a showcase in the 2003 E3


That's untrue, take Kleiner's lab for example, you can look through the photographs and various other bits of world-building pinned to the walls, teleport small objects with the miniature teleporter, see Gman on the security camera feed etc.

Am not trying to "look cool" as you see my opinion is getting flamed and I'm totally fine with that

My problems with it: Very boring gunplay most of the time, I think we can all agree on that one. Also, the "puzzles" very often are stupidly annoying to do as at times they're unnecessarily complicated, don't make any sense and don't feel rewarding one bit.

PS: title was just kinda clickbaity ;)

Man, HL2 beta bullsquid looks something straight from Subnautica.

>The puzzle are unnecessarily complicated and make no sense

You might have a learning disability, the problem with the puzzles is that they were completely contrived reasons to show off the physics engine. All of them were very simple.

I've such mixed feelings about it. I don't think HL1 is special either and I didn't give a shit about the story. HL2 makes me give a shit about the story right at the start and then drops the ball hard to make you drive vehicles and play with the physics because in the end it's a tech demo.
I guess if you really enjoyed floating objects around, then it distracted you from how there's absolutely NOTHING GOING ON, save for some average shooting, for most of the game. But then some parts are really fun. Basically everything in the city is fun.

And then I actually really liked Ep1 and Ep2. At least they made me care about what happens.

>He found the puzzles complicated
Man, they were the most basic of basic physics puzzles that looked flashy to showcase what the engine could do.

I don't think that a basement-dwelling modder is representative of his entire nation.