Who is the best company of the big three...

Who is the best company of the big three? Ignore the consoles for a minute and focus purely on who is the least shitty when it comes to delivering to their consumers.

Neither did Ape Escape 4

But what if they're all equally shit and horrible companies?

Sony has a plethora of boring games.
Nintendo is a high class hooker that loves your money but not you.
M$ just being M$.



How is this even a question?

A couple years ago I would have said Nintendo, no contest.
Now they're all equally shit.


Nintendo for sure.

Nintendo and Microsoft

pre 2010 nintendo

Wut? They barely deliver to their consumers.
>Release the Switch
>Instead of focusing on it they still continue to support the 3DS leaving the Switch high and dry with next to no games other than ports, leaving their consumer who bought a Switch thinking it would get a lot of support behind in favor of people that have had their 3DS since 2011
They also have that shitty "you don't know what you want, WE know what you want" attitude then act surprised when no one wants games like Color Splash, Star Fox Zero and Federation Force.

Do you know how game development works?
Just because the 3DS is still getting some titles throughout 2017 doesn't mean Nintendo is ignoring the Switch. Those things were in development long before the Switch came out and there is nothing wrong with it.
Clearly Nintendo didn't know the Switch would be this huge of a success, or else they wouldn't have had to up their production twice since launch.
Not immediately saying "the 3ds is dead everyone go home" is a good idea, if the Switch had massively flopped and no one cared about it then they'd at least still have that.

Objectively Correct

Was Wii Music E3 not before '10?

If you're just looking at the games they release, not the consoles, it's hard to beat Nintendo's output. Nintendo's also been the slowest and mildest of the three in adopting anti-consumer trends like DLC and paid online.

Sounds like Nintendo is just held to a higher standard.

Sony and MS shit in your eyes, ears and mouth with AAA multiplat garbage, timed exclusives, online-only games, TV, Doritos, cameras and paid line for a decade, all is well, but Nintendo makes plastic toys and games you happen to not like a couple years ago and they're literally Satan-incarnate.

>Everyone yells at Nintendo to stop living 10 years in the past and modernize
>They do
>"wtf i hate nintendo now"
They just don't know what they want.

>what is Zelda Breath of the Wild?
That game shows that Nintendo does listen to their consumers on backlash for their last game, Microsoft does this too, because of Halo 4's backlash Halo 5 had a far better multiplayer and Forge along with Beta for all future Halo games, and because of Halo 5 backlash, Halo 6 and every mainline FPS Halo game will focus on Master Chief while every FPS Halo in general will have Split Screen.

>because of Halo 4's backlash Halo 5 had a far better multiplayer and Forge along with Beta for all future Halo games
Is that why it sold half as many copies?

Forge wasn't out at launch, we had to wait months for it. They didn't listen to any fan feedback, if they did they would have dredged up the original Halo 4 pitch and used that, because it played like fucking Halo.

Instead they listened to corporate feedback, and Halo 5 got stuffed with a bunch of "modern" FPS tropes and mechanics to attract a younger audience and turned the campaign into a Marvel movie utterly devoid of any sense of stakes or tension.

Not Microsoft

Microsoft. Xbone is backwards compatible and the next gen Xbox will be compatible to Xbox, Xbox 360 and Xbone games. Will be amazing desu

Not Microsoft since they basically ruined console gaming for everyone with their shitty practices.

>E3 2013 happened, this alone should be all you fucking need
>BC is emulated and not hardware based and included at launch like it should have been
>Cancelled games and lack of quality first-party titles
you're cute.

They're all pretty scummy if we're talking business practices

I guess Nintendo puts out games I like the most often, Sony used to put out lots of amazing games but it dropped off in amount a lot after the PS3

It sold like shit because they sideline Master Chief ignoring the backlash that past Halo games got for this and because they axed split screen, MCC not being fixed also helped to fuck them up along with the game barely having any content when it released.

>after the PS3

PS2, I don't know why PS3 is in my autocorrect

But it's there. That's what counts. And I get 4 games with gold per month (also nice games).

>Fans want Chief
>Fans want splitscreen
>Fans want Halo gameplay
>343 delivered too little/none of the above in Halo 5
Well then they didn't do such a great job of listening to what fans wanted, now did they?

Sorry, I'm still pissed about Halo 5. It couldn't have been more obvious the intent was to appeal to a younger audience used to things like ADS and the other "modern" fps features and the setpiece tour that was its sad fucking excuse for a campaign. 343 did not listen to what fans wanted, because fans have been telling them what they want since CE Anniversary and it wasn't Halo 4 or 5. The MP is not the best since 2, it's okay for what it is but its just not Halo.

>but you have to pay for a subscription

Then it's not free you fucking retard!

If it let me pop any of my 360 discs in I'd be interested, but for anyone with a collection of 360 games it's not that attractive.

Point being its just MS trying to desperately save face after they shot their own console and brand as a whole in the foot and made it abundantly clear to their consumers what their priorities are. I will never buy any of their consoles again without seriously thinking about it first.

Also games with gold is garbage on Xbone, it's just like PS+, you don't keep anything but 360 games, so I may as well just keep using the 360.

>Well then they didn't do such a great job of listening to what fans wanted, now did they?
Damn! You got me there. I find it sad that it took until their third game to start listening more. Sidelining Chief, removing split screen, and acting like WarZone was a worthy replacement to BTB shouldn't have even been on their list to begin with.

>Watch Dogs
>AssCreed 3

>Nice games

I bought DA: Origins for like $5 three years ago

Nintendo probably. They've had a lot of bumps over the years, but now they're making a big comeback with the Switch.

Microsoft seems to have no identity of it's own anymore. It's library consists almost entirely of whatever third-party games they can get.

Sony (get ready for an angry rant here) is only slightly better then Microsoft in that they have exclusives, though it's attitude towards some of them are saddening. They're taking mascot platformers like Ratchet and Sly and trying to make them into movies, to cash in on the Pixar/Dreamworks style. I really have my doubts we'll ever see Ratchet and Clank anymore after the movie bombed, and I'm worried about Sly as well. They're even digging up God of War and turning it into freaking The Last of Us to homogenize themselves themselves further. Naughty Dog itself as given up on doing anything but cover-based shooters with heavy cinematic drama because they think they've 'out-grown' the days of Crash and Jak & Daxter, which is just a pretentious attitude.

Ugh, that was depressing to write. Have a fluffy cow.

I never claimed these are free.
I have both consoles, but Live is still better than PSN. I get only Indieshit on PS4, PSN+ games on PS3 and Vita are very good though.

As a company, I think Sony. They haven't been doing so well due to poor management but their products (except for the playstation brand, which always cheaps out on components) still manage to be high quality. The only reason they're failing is due to their hands-off approach with consumers

Microsoft is trying to move to a games as a service and total control system, so not them.

Nintendo has fully embraced a really shitty disc locked content dlc approach, and is now charging for online that won't have built in features that were standard 14 years ago, so not them.

It's pretty much sony by merit of just staying middle of the road.

If anyone says Microsoft they are baiting.

sad, but true.

I hate nintendo, but it's not even a question that it's them, since they at least deliver a thing or two here and there.

Sony can't figure out what its customers might possibly want, so they leave it up to everyone else making content for them.

Microsoft in no way, shape, or form, gives a single fuck about delivering to their customers. Everything they "deliver" is tailored carefully to make not only you, but the entire industry dependant on and locked in to them - you think they're delivering to you, but you're really delivering yourself to them.


It's Sony, and I exclusively play Nintendo/PC games. Sony doesn't do anything crazy but they win simply by not being the most retarded. Microsoft are retarded and focus on what they want instead of the consumer. Nintedo are archaic as hell and make the most random stupid decisions. A lot of the time they're more interested in trying to capture lightning in a bottle than satisfying their fans.

Microsoft or Nintendo. Sony is not even in the race as they don't deliver anything, they just provide a platform for other companies to deliver on.


All of them have downsides that completely negate any positives they have. So none of them, at least not anymore.

For video games? Sony

Outside Video games? Microsoft.

one question please.

What is the best video game console, for someone who does not play anything violence games?

I look for a console, where there is no type of violence or inappropriate content

It is that only play video games rated E for Everyone by the ESRB

They're both garbage because they're rentals. I don't care what they're offering, I don't want to rent anything at all, I want to own if money is involved.

The single year I subbed on 360 wasn't a total waste, I at least got a few games I'd have bought anyway, but I'd still have preferred a physical copy.

>Nintedo are archaic as hell
But when they're not it's a problem too. You want them to not be archaic? That just means more expensive paid online, more and more expensive DLC, the same games you can already play on PC. Sony does next to nothing themselves, they succeed because they have the biggest playerbase for western games. Microsoft had that last time, nothing Sony can or will do will guarantee they keep it next time.

Sony makes decent enough hardware and has a good relationship with third parties.
Nintendo makes the best first party games but makes dumb decisions a lot.
Microsoft should fuck off.

Not sure who's better between Sony and Nintendo. I might lean towards Nintendo because I personally like a lot of their games.

Vidya is all Nintendo does while Sony and M$ have wider product ranges and still more games.

So far? Sony.

Nintendo = Apple
Microsoft = Microsoft
Sony = Google

Obviously Sony.

Customer service wise Microsoft with out a doubt I phone Sony customer service it's a shit show. I don't know about Nintendo

Ninten drones think making the same game over and over counts as having more exclusives.



Reasonably priced and powered hardware
Tons of games and third party support and occasionally really good first party support

I can talk shit about Nintendo and MS but I'll just answer the question

>Sony stops existing
>We lose little/nothing, third party games go elsewhere

>Microsoft stops existing
>We lose little/nothing, third party games go elsewhere

>Nintendo stops existing
>No more Nintendo games

Obviously Nintendo is the one worth keeping, we can get AAA bullshit somewhere without MS and/or Sony.

PC fag here

Sony is literally harmless - they are the ubisoft of console maker, or at least they hasn't fucked up the industry as bad as the other 2.

Nintendo is responsible for bringing in casual and literally grandpop, not to mention their favorite blue ocean strategy just mean their shit performance will always be standard in jap land

I'm not even going to touch Microsoft since these fucks came up with paid online, xbone and RROD

Sony on the other hand only flaunt their exclusives and force a bluray onto their consoles. They are incompetence sure, but the years they dominate nothing too terrible bad has happened

>nintendo stops existing
>all nintendo employees suddenly died

>Nintendo is responsible for bringing in casual
Nintendo made the PS2?

sure did made the Snes, Purple Children Lunchbox and the Waggle tho

They are all bad

They are the baddest

Sega was bad as well, take off your nostalgia googles. They were just more incompetent.
And I say this as a sega fag.
I am glad they are out of the console race.

because we all should ignore what a casual cashgrab the wii was

Nintendo games are like Sony games at this point 90% garbage with 1 or 2 stand outs. Sony innovates software and investst in development of iriginal IP far more than Nintendo dose though.

Sony and Nintendo first party output shouldn't be isolated anyway, their ecosystems, hardware, third party relationships, etc need to be taken into account. And no third party games don't just go eelsewhere lmfao

Why not, you're ignoring what a casual cashgrab the PS2 was


None of them. Macroshit is a non-contender and Sony/Nintendo are both shit in different ways.

>least shitty

None of them. Macroshit is a non-contender and Sony/Nintendo are both shit in different ways.

You two idiots realize if 90 million casual gamers adopt your system the market for core game still exists with or without, right? Only when the system itself like the wii, is specifically built so that core games can't run on it dose it matter when casual adopt your system. 90% of the PS4 userbase are casual but the market for core games like Neir, Persona, Nioh, Bloodborne is booming but that simply couldnt happen on the wii because the system itself was entirely designed specifically for casuals and to push away core gamers. And the wii was the ultimate cash grab, being basically a gamecube clone with a higher clockspeed. PS2 was actually a new system

it's just handy to ignore that fact because that way you can try and shift blame in this regard away from nintendo and to sony

no one in their right mind thinks PS2 had shit to do with games getting more casual, especially considering how things like hardcore action games developed on the system and during its time

>And no third party games don't just go eelsewhere lmfao
Why wouldn't they? PCs exists, other consoles exist. It's exactly what happened between 7th and 8th gen. MS had the majority of the userbase on 360, they went to Sony when MS fucked up. They ultimately don't care what they play on, and Sony could play all their cards right and still lose the next time around.

> Sony innovates software and investst in development of iriginal IP far more than Nintendo dose though.

What Sony first party games are innovating? Who cares about IP when the gameplay is stagnating? That's what matters, the gameplay, not the coat of paint it has on top. Sony's big first-party games look and play pretty similarly. Uncharted, TLOU, God of War, they make lots of photo-realistic, story-heavy games.

Nintendo gets crap all the time for messing with their IPs and doing new things with them and they've made plenty of new ones, they experiment more than anyone else with their own games. And why is innovation in software important but not hardware? Motion controls have matured and are basically standard in lots of devices and games now, the Wii was not just a gimmick, it had a lasting impact on the industry. Better hardware hasn't meant better games either, 8th gen has been wholly underwhelming with games still running like dogshit despite this so often-touted better hardware.

Nintendo. They are the best developer of the three

>built so that core games can't run on it
You mean like how most multiplats were gimped on both GC and XB because PS2 was the lead platform? FUNFACT: Lots of PS2 games were 240p/360p and had to be upscaled in addition to having less detailed visuals, while GC and XB pushed native 480i/p and XB could even do 720p on a handful of games.

Another FUNFACT: Call of Duty sold pretty well on the Wii early on, and plenty of other "core" games came out on the console. It had the most and best exclusives, I don't get how you can say the consoles that popularized and perpetuated the modern story-game trend and constantly pushed for better visuals over better gameplay were the "core" consoles.

Sounds like it's only a gimmick/cashgrab when Nintendo does it. The Wii had lots of games and had a pretty decent attach rate, it sold almost 1 billion units of software.

You lose Microsoft and Sony fucks your ass over harder than Microsoft ever did, do you really want that future, faggot?

>The Wii had lots of games and had a pretty decent attach rate,
I honestly havent seen even semi-serious discussion about literally any wii games on Sup Forums before except for maybe meme threads about skyward sword. That's how forgotten it is here seeing as most of the half decent games were ported elsewhere anyway like xenoblade, kings story and muramasa, etc.

The PS2 was actually more powerful than the gamecube and even if I take your statement as truth for the sake of this argument, the PS2 was not an entire generation behind in power like the wii was compared to the competition. Just admit it the wii was made for casual gamers and you literally had to fucking beg Nintendo to localize Japanese games like Xenoblade with operation rainfall once they started rolling in casual bucks. It was a dark time for Nintendo but they've done a complete 180 since then

>I honestly havent seen even semi-serious discussion about literally any wii games on Sup Forums before
That's nice, it still had a good attach rate and lots of niche exclusives.

>The PS2 was actually more powerful than the gamecube
No, it wasn't.

I'm already not buying either of their consoles because they offer next to nothing I can't get on PC.

I'd say Sony is the best for the sole reason of disappointing the least out of the three.
Maybe because I don't know what they're capable of, like with Nintendo who just won't release the games their fans want.

The thing is you can isolate 3 games from 3 fp sutios while ignoring everything Japan Studio is doing, things media molecule are doing, Kojima productions, Polyphony Digital, From-Soft partnerships, Insomniac, etc. Sony has a range and balance of story heavy games to core games to innovative stuff like Dreams, Bounds, Eldtrich Fintch, Tearaway, Gravity Rush, TLG. They just invest more in the production of games and create lots more stuff than Nintendo dose. It would be wrong for me to isolate Nintendos offerings using games like steel divers, pushmo, code name steam and 3d land for example. Sony just dose innovate more though but 90% of Nintendo and Sony's output is still kinda shit regardless.

>And why is innovation in software important but not hardware?
97% of consumers have basically established that it wants a standard non gimmicky control scheme. I can't even say I appreciate what Nintendo dose with hardware innovations anymore as much as I feel like they need to do it simply to differentiate themselves from the competition. I see no practical use or long term need for hardware gimmicks at this point and see them as a burden and obstacle to fulfilling 100$ software needs but if others find enjoyment in the Nintendos switch multi-use aspects then that's cool too, I just think in terms of hardware, power is relevant up to a point and tons of software should define it and it's value. Being fair though Nintendo is going to define it';s hardware with features AND software but of course we don't live in a perfect world and concessions will have to be made in terms of things like power and por4tability although I actually wish that wasn't the case and secretly want a reason to buy the Switch

meant for

>What Sony first party games are innovating?
Not him but Gravity Rush, Tearaway and Little Big Planet come to mind.

Didn't read all of it before posting, forget what I said. Clearly bait and you got me.

I left the console train in 2000

So, basically, it's bad when Nintendo does something, got it. You're pretty biased in your language.

> but the market for core games like Neir, Persona, Nioh, Bloodborne is booming but that simply couldnt happen on the wii because the system itself was entirely designed specifically for casuals and to push away core gamers
Except it had plenty of core games and Japanese games.

Why do you assume niche Japanese games couldn't happen on the Wii? Because it didn't meet an arbitrary hardware standard? Because you personally found the controller off-putting despite it being the reason the console sold well initially? It had lots of Japanese support.

>Sony just dose innovate more though
No, they really don't, not as much as Nintendo does. They might have some fun smaller games but their big first-party output is astonishingly stale. And again Nintendo has received tons of flak for doing exactly what you ask, taking risks with new IPs or changing up old ones. SF0, Mario Party, Other M, Paper Mario, you may not LIKE the changes these franchises have seen but Nintendo is taking risks and trying to do more than just deliver more of the same with some of their IPs.

> I see no practical use or long term need for hardware gimmicks at this point
But that's what drives innovation, not making the same console four times. Motion controls are standardized now. VR is better now than it ever has been, though still not great. The dual-screens on the DS turned out to be fine, and touch screens on gaming deices are now also a standard feature in many places.

They didn't really innovate but they're solid games.

Then I don't know any Nintendo games that innovate. Especially not from Wii U or later era.

>Clearly bait and you got me
Anyone that disagrees with you is baiting?

No but if he/you think photorealistic is the correct word to use, it's got to be.

Their selfless Play Anywhere program is good for the industry and they're the only ones trying to deliver real backwards compatibility. Also releasing Phantom Dust for free was pretty dope

>Why do you assume niche Japanese games couldn't happen on the Wii?

The same reason games like Bloodborne, FFXV, Nioh, Neir simply would not be able to run on the wiiU only the wii respective to that generation was even further behind in terms of power. Those aren't arbitrary walls, it's a plain as day power disparity.

None of them delivers.

Uncharted, TLOU, new God of War, Beyond two Souls, Killzone, Gran Turismo, etc. are striving for realistic visuals, yes.

Nintendo has a lot to prove with the Switch, seems that they are doing fine but i wouldn't hold my breath

MS stopped being a game company long time ago

Sony wins by default

Honestly probably mobile since it's mostly limited to puzzle games and stuff. There's non-violent games on every system, and Nintendo probably makes the best games for what you're looking for (depending on how you want to define violence, Mario likely has the highest bodycount in gaming).

>The same reason games like Bloodborne, FFXV, Nioh, Neir simply would not be able to run on the wiiU
Why do you assume this though? They'd just have less detailed visuals.

You could say parity is the problem but that doesn't necessitate "powerful" hardware just a smaller gap.

If anything we'd be better off not pushing for better visuals anymore, we'd have more games as they'd stop getting increasingly expensive to produce.

I'd say that's because Nintendo is primarily a software company that puts out proprietary hardware to further their software, while Sony and MS are larger companies with gaming hardware divisions, and provide a platform and some funding for others to make games. Nintendo makes good games, but they can't match the output of the rest of the industry combined.

Sony has a lot of IPs.

Hradware innovations are useless without the software to utilize it which is why I place important on software. If Nintendos experimental sector can figure out a worthwhile way to replay games I've played with an entirely new input method that completely changes the game then yeah I'll give credit where it is due but we've been through the control scheme phase and it keeps returning to the point where the majority of people want a standard gamepad to play video games. You know the
Switch is an interesting piece of hardware but I personally wanted other things from it like android support and a GC and wii VC selection out of the gate to play some of the games I've missed.

For Europe it's Sony, no contest.

>Why do you assume this though? They'd just have less detailed visuals.

I assume it because I doubt the developers of games around the world are really interested in having their games revolve around sub-standard hardware so Nintendo can pander to the casual/non gamer audience. There's been a linear progression of power via generations of hardware and developers and publishers a like have come to expect that. You know I actually completely agree that graphics in a way have been killing this industry and stunting creativity and innovation of gameplay mechanics. However, if you were to ask me to have eaither the wii or PS3/360 level of graphics for the industry to remain at for eternity I'd pick the PS3/360 era, game like Sly cooper were just beautiful AND had fun gameplay. Graphics today are kind ofout of control now though

>Hradware innovations are useless without the software to utilize it
But that's also something the Wii got tons of shit for, having too much "waggle," games that used the hardware.

Again motion controls are basically standard now, the DS4's motion features use the same stuff the Wii remote used, just a gyroscope and an accelerometer, same with the Wii U's gamepad. the Switch's gimmick is just that it portable, and I don't think we'd have a significantly more powerful home console without that feature present.

>but I personally wanted other things from it like android support
Would be neat but not a realistic expectation at all.

>Again motion controls are basically standard now
Xbone doesn't use it and PS4 has it in a regular controller as well as a wand because they know it's not the same market.
Gyroscope aiming is great and should be an industry standard on controllers, but shaping your controller weirdly is another thing.

I'd say Nintendo but Microsoft seems to be really trying ever since they got that wake-up call at E3 2013.