Just got this what am I in for?

Just got this what am I in for?
Can I kick Nobunagas ass like in Onimusha?

>what am I in for
Stop fucking doing this. Play the game and find out for yourself you fucking faggot holy shit.


Just fucking die already

No idea; haven't finished it yet (I just unlocked the fifth region).
The game is fun as fuck.

>Can I kick Nobunaga's ass like in Onimusha.
You can humor him, yes.

he'll fuck off before you can the first time and the next fight is a 2v1 with his shitty wife.

The game is great

Then make a fucking thread saying "Hey i just started this game. Lets have a discussion." Instead of acting like every other completely retarded consumer and having people tell you what the game is about when you have it in front of you.

It could be the same user that made this thread last night. And with the same image.
The thread turned out well with minor shitposting so he's trying his luck just so more people could shitpost.

>mfw whole plot of the badguy for the last chunk of the game is to revive Oda Nobunaga
>Oda then proceeds play fight you for a bit and just fuck off, telling the badguy he's stupid for reviving him
>every side mission involving Oda is retardly hard unless you use ninjutsu or are overleveled

I loved that shit. Also I learned a lot about this period of japan from this game. Knew nothing other than some general character names, now actually looked up the history of some of these people and it's cool as fuck.

It's alright. The combat is addictive but unrewarding. You kinda play the game and wonder what the point is.

The co op was a selling point for me but I have yet to find someone to play it with.

Only on his own, If he's with Yuki Onna get ready for Nobu and Yuki's wild ride.

The story of the game is just a glorified history lesson.

William's birthday is the same day as mine. 24th September. I thought that was cool because I don't know anyone with the same birthday.

So I take it they captured Oda's "I don't give a fuck" attitude from the Sengoku Musou games in this one?

kind of but musou Nobunaga literally does not give a fuck, this one is just pissed off that he's alive again

>pissed off that he's alive again
That's hilarious

Nobunaga and Dango OTP

Yeah I know, but I love "almost true history" type stories, and knew pretty much nothing about this time period.

Never played Sengoku Basara, but Oda's whole attitude is that he did what he believed in, and died. Reviving him is just an insult because his journey is over and he's okay with that, and would rather just rest.

Wish Yusuke didn't have to die but they have to keep it true to history with him just... disappearing. Didn't think he was a real person until I googled him.

>behold! the return of warlord nobunaga!
>man fuck you I had a good run and left a strong legacy, I got no reason to be back here
>im going to back to the afterlife you piece of shit, you mortals can have your petty feuds, I was done with that shit when I died

I'm surprised considering the game is centered around the end of Sengoku Jidai they didn't resurrect Hideyoshi

Noh best waifu


we got cucked with the cover in the west

I think in Basara he's just a dick

The game is more on Ieyasu and Mitsunari, Hideyoshi is a background character and Nobunaga just show up for the final stage

>Nioh is a westerner (William Adams) going around Japan
>Nioh 2 is an easterner (Hasekura Tsunenaga) going around Europe

Or Nioh 2 could be about Miyamoto Musashi. If that side mission is anything to go by, it seems like they're setting him up for something.

Just play the game faggot fucking nigger
god this board is retarded

every Nioh thread devolves into shitposts by people that haven't played it

My wife Tome is so cute and talented!

so is Maria supposed to be fucking bullshit? She gets a pseudo living weapon mode with no stamina drawbacks and nearly all of the super armor and positive aspects. how the hell am I supposed to deal with this? Masamune spamming his stupid water spirit AOE shit was less bullshit then her.

nioh 2 is obviously three kingdoms

They could take it pretty much anywhere.

3 Kingdoms China
Ancient India
Vikings and Shit
South America and the New World (Amrita powered Aztec Empire vs Cortez anyone?)

hit and run, be aggressive. don't block her beams

just finished her on Way of the Demon a few days and it's pretty intense, but certainly not bullshit. in fact nothing in the game is really, the player has more options available to them than any of the enemies or bosses do which to me is one of the only flaws the game has. the AI simply can't keep up that well when you get really good with the movement and positioning

yeah but Koei has a boner for 3k and sengoku

Try and land a headshot on her with a bow. I just ended up killing her solely by final blows.

is it possible to knock her out of the living weapon mode if you deplete her stamina?

For obvious reasons

Fuck man now I want a Musou in India or South America

>gross mole on face
>stupid hat


it wears out eventually. best to just avoid her as much as possible until her living weapon is done. I've fought her quite a few times and have only rarely been able to drain her stamina without her being able to trade hits and rape me

you can still get some pot shots in when she recovers from some attacks though

By the way, is the DLC good? How long it is?