Wraitful Staff was a mistake. Shoud've just removed the limiter on healers

Wraitful Staff was a mistake. Shoud've just removed the limiter on healers.

Your bonus heroes for this season are:

I feel sorry for the man that marries Cordelia
Imagine marrying a woman that will never be faithful to you and is fucking black men every single day


The part where she crossed dimensions into Tellius to meet Devdan and Danved is the best

I am scared.

I am starting to think we won´t get a swimsuits banner.

>not wearing stockings
Fucking hell, what a goddamn slut. I bet she took at least 4 dicks before she got to the altar.

Posting in this thread to so the dual one isn't used

We will. It'll be male only though.

>no cavalry units


Well, I guess I will have to keep saving orbs until something I want drops.

Soleil when?

Goddamn, Caeda's art is absolutely beautiful. Lyn and Cordelia look nice too.

What a slut! Who could ever possibly love her?

>STILL no doujin of Basilio getting all the women in a giant NTR harem
C'mon Japan


pretty good season honestly


EZ mode.

least her artwork is very nice

it's not even summer bro. Chill

Her artwork is shit, just like the character

How low they can reach?

Gacha games do this all the time and Awakening had a fucking Bride class

I was going to try for lyn but
looks like I'm still saving my orbs.

shes marrying me

Her new staff seems pretty good though

>completed my arena run early
>spent the rest of the week handing out free defenses to teams I liked
>just gave one to a cute F!Corrin lead

feels good

Being colorless sucks but if her stats are good then the weapon + wrath could have some use, I doubt they'll make her slow, so she most likely won't be ORKO'd unless Braved.

I am incapable of thinking for myself, tell me if Lyn is good

wait until all info is out

She's a healer so she's never gonna be the best unit or "meta" but her unique weapon and skill does seem like it has some uses and it could be fun to play around with. Like I said though, will never be the best option but could work with the right team comp, looks to be one of the best and most unique healers so far

>least her artwork is very nice

Agree, regular Cordelia´s face looks weird in this game.

Silly user, if anything it's Lyn that's a slut, showing all them stockings when damaged.

The only function of lingerie is to make sluts classier after all.

being able to 100% safely lock down a single target is pretty fucking baller in this fucking Nino meta. I think she'll probably be what healers were supposed to be all along, which is a supporting character that actually really makes a difference to your other units

I'd lick Lyn's armpits!

>Nino meta
okay so is there a punchline I totally missed or is the joke just saying something that's not even close to correct

>2 grey, 2 blue orb focus units
ffs ISIS, stop it with this retarded focus distribution
inb4 the next limited (summer?) banner is single colour only

Outside of blue horse dick, blade tomes are the meta.

Blade tomes

I Have a +hp -str sanaki what could I do with her?

Her art is horrendous so no waifu material, catria's ass is better than her by miles

Also, is Gwen a good armored unit for someone who doesn't has effie?

>he doesnt know about blade memes
sub 4800 shitter detected


I know about them, I just don't have trouble with them since I'm not a sub 4900 shitter

>Her art is horrendous so no waifu material
Way to out yourself as a massive faggot.

does that mean we get more orbs?

>4711 points
>still ranking down
I need the feathers from the arena in order to improve my score too. But then I'll already have ranked down.

-atk snaki = free ta3, no other use case for her
gwen is a below average unit so dont bother with her

>the units are Hector for the barafags, fujobait Taco, new waifubait FCorrin and OG waifubait Eirika
>they're all colorless so nobody will get the one they want

Seems pointless to pull, but I do want that
>prevent counter


Sideline her. -atk is her worst bane so she will never be competative. But hold off throwing her into the SI grinder for TA3 unless you really need it for someone else. Even a -atk Snacki with TA3 will destroy green mages, and there's a couple of very scary green mage units (Veronica etc) coming up in story mode.

Yes, daily orbs will be back as well as new paralogues and later this week new quests for june

Good. I won't be spending them for these shit units though

you clearly are if you never run into teams with Draw Back +8 Nino that just hugs her support and is literally impossible to approach without losing a unit because she hits even your reds for 40x2

She can fully recover any unit with 7 or less HP.
And she can damage enemies and render them unable to counter. And she can do this without them even being able to counter.

>only way to reach that rating is whaling
>spending real money on gacha emblem
o I am laffin

Didn't they confirm a while ago that the summer characters are Lyn, Roy and Ike?
I hope FCorrin is not in, I want to skip the banner to save my orbs

>Her art is horrendous so no waifu material

Offing yourself is the only solution.

>Didn't they confirm a while ago that the summer characters are Lyn, Roy and Ike?

Reminder that we get maintenance in a few hours. DATAMINE INCOMING

Really?! I'm going to stay sharp for that maybe they will datamine the swimsuit banner.

Don't expect for them to find actual new characters, we haven't seen that kind of thing since Alm's banner, and even then, that was the only time.
We might, however, see maps for new events, GHB, possible quests and shit like that.

How are fellas passing time during maintenance?
Recently started Return to Dreamland and should be able to finish it by the end of the night.

If Genny gets turned into a 3 star after her banner it won't be to bad.

masturbating to Lyn's new art into a lukewarm Hot Pocket

>first season without ranking up since day one

Hello darkness my old friend

>dress tears open to reveal bare leg when she's damaged

nintendo not even being subtle with waifu bait now

I use Olivia and Sharena all the time anyway

so everything above 18 is a Whales Only club just due to merges?

is Dazzling Staff going to be for staff users only?

It's cool user, no one here will actually bother with Tier 19-20, except the mad whales.

Who's gonna be the GHB this weekend?



I don't have problems because I use horses

I can't believe people still care about such a shitty mobage. FE really is as good as dead.

She is a direct counter to all the range counter/vantage memes. She could also pair well with Nino (or any fast unit) as Nino would no longer need Desperation and lose HP to immediately have Desperation active, but space will be an issue, as attacking the same enemy twice with two different ranged units will be troublesome.

>tfw ranking up to t18 despite having less points than you
guess I'll enjoy my brief 4 orbs before going back to t17

Should be Camus but we don't know for sure. We had a schedule with the dates for all GHB heroes until Llyod. hope that after Camus, they make new story chapters where we fight new enemy-only heroes, as a preview for future GHBs.
And Aversa better be in it, or we riot.

then you are a sub 4800 shitter because of horse's low BST, and you aren't running into true meta teams. unless you've merged them all to +10, in which case you're a whale and fuck you for entirely different reasons

I don't even know if I want to spend orbs for this one, I have 118 right now, which is what I save up for a single banner ussually since six tries is ussually enough to grab one random 5 star but i'm not super crazy about any of the waifu's in this one, I guess Lyn would be interesting to get just with her abilities, I rather spend orbs on focus 5% banners and limited banners that I actually want something from.

>dress tears open to reveal bare leg when she's damaged
Is that seriously what made you realize that? Not the literal fucking wedding dress she's wearing?

Nope only for this week
Come tomorrow tier 18 will be made up of roughly 7-8k people, most of them non whales
I was simply too arrogant, thinking I could reach rank 19 with the whales instead of waiting at 17 for the rest to catch up

Mistakes were made

at least you linked the jp video this time

>have a friend who likes flavia
>chances of flavia being in anything is almost zero

yeah that's something I should be doing to, giving up 3 fights isn't much hassle I guess if I already got my 4,700+ score

Where did this meme come from? What game is Cordelia a slut?

Is it me or does bride Lyn's JP voice sound extremely off?

a limited banner 5 star isn't going to be a meta unit if only two and a half people have her wants it's over

when did it die?

She's supposed to be 15 in Japan, so it's not that strange.

Passing the time with my 3DS and getting comfy with DW

the moment someone enjoyed a game he didn't like.

>a limited 5* isnt going to be a meta unit
Tell that to bunmilla

Spoonfeed me Sharena builds please

What was Bride's niche in Awakening again?

rally x/reposition


First Bite+
Rally Attract
Fortress Defense
Renewal 3
Hone Def 3

First Bite+
Rally Attack
Speed +3 / Furry
Lance/Sword breaker
Hone Atk 3

Could use bows staves, and lances. Came with some support skills, iirc.

Has any unit that was introduced after release become a 3-star? They all only become 4-star or remain 5-star, right?

They could wield spears, bows and staves and had support skills.

Cookie-cutter build:
Threaten or Hone whatever

Debuff Build:
Seal Spd
Threaten Def