Post the most disappointing video game you've ever played in your life...

Post the most disappointing video game you've ever played in your life. And I was genuinely hyped for games like gothic 3 when I was younger.

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No Man's Sky

I already knew 15 would be a shitshow.


Literally the worst FF with FF13 trilogy and FF2

Since I just went back and rewatched the FFXV ending and saw this thread I'll just post this here

I just cried listening to this song

Going back and listening to it makes me think it may be one of the most appropriate uses of a track in a videogame. Playing this at the final journey you ever take with your group of friends after finally excepting the fact that you will die at the end after traveling with them for so long...

FFXV was a letdown for me, but I really liked the story, just not how it was paced and told. It could have been a fucking masterpiece, and the fact that I really only fully appreciate what happens after reading up about it online because I could barely tell what was going on in game is a massive bummer.

Halo 4

Nier Automata was much worse than FFXV and was supposed to be much better if Sup Forums is anything to go by

Uh.. cool, but why you gotta drag another game down?

my life


FF9 & FF6

FFXV wasn't the most disappointing game I've ever played (that was probably MGS4, then MGSV) but it was definitely up there. I didn't quite "get" the battle system, and the majority of battles seemed to be genuinely broken in the open world, but were somewhat tolerable in controlled environments (dungeons, the last part of the game, etc), the car seemed like a massive waste of time to hide loading screens or some shit, the story didn't interest me at all, and even doing a good few side quests, I somehow managed to get through the game in 18 hours or so.

Zero Time Dilemma

Where did it all go so wrong?

Assassin's Creed III.

Is this from the beta?

Nah, the engine just can't handle SSR, i mean no game does it perfectly, but Luminous tries to do everything in realtime including lighting and reflections even indoors. Square is retarded as always, as soon as you slightly move the camera water reflctions break in XV


At the beginning, everything that could go wrong did
Now wait for that xv fanboy to come and scream at everyone again

Hopefully he killed himself already.

Not even memeing or baiting. I waited 8 years after the shit show that was P4 hoping that P5 would restore my faith after stupid spin-off after spin-off, what I got was a stylish but ultimately shallow and mediocre game that treated me like I was stupid. I had high hopes for an engaging story all I got was a game that refused to challenge me in any way and just wanted to stroke my ego at every fucking turn. I don't hate P5 (fuck the fandom though) like I do 4 I'm just disappointed in it and not really hyped for P6

He's currently ban evading, so I doubt it
I truly believe that his butthurt is the only thing that keeps him alive

It's okay, user. Sup Forums is known for being contrarian about almost everything so you fit right in.

It was too complex for me to handle


Are you fucking retarded? The OP asked us to post the most disappointing game.

MGS4, I bought a PS3 just for it too.

2013, when Tabata took over.

Probably the right answer. It really feels like he wanted to make this his profile game that elevates his status into the skies, therefore almost all the old content had to go, doesn't fit HIS FF version.

I don't buy the PR bullshit that guy is constantly blabbering even one bit.

But you're factually wrong. If you said "Nier automata" then it would be fine. Saying it's worse than FFXV is just wrong.

Nier Automata is definitely a worse game than FFXV. In many ways.

no chance pal


Its only worse in the amount of development money that has been thrown at it.

FFXV is actually fun to play. Nier Automata is a poorly-designed slog. Both have stories that are pretty bland and uninteresting, but one actually has gameplay that makes up for it.

>FFXV is actually fun to play
Oh, I see how it is. You were just shitposting. I was worried that you actually might've been serious there.

This game. Waifutards are so annoying.
>uh it's worth it
Probably for you for jerking off to 2b's ass.

>Be EA
>Kill off Pandemic
>Get Star Wars licence
>Make Battlefront 3
>Turn it into an even worse BF4

Fucking disgraceful

Not shitposting. Nier Automata gameplay is pretty shit. FFXV is vastly superior.

Put some effort into it user, your shitposting is as bland as tabatas writing skills.

>Not shitposting
So just shit taste then.

>not shitposting
>continues to shitpost
Yeah sure.

>I literally cannot comprehend that someone would have a different opinion from me
Face it, your ass game isn't very good. You can try to justify your purchase by pretending it is, but that doesn't make it so.

>Face it, your ass game isn't very good.
Which would still make it better than the dumpster fire that is XV.

That's your opinion. FFXV certainly has its fair share of flaws, just like any other game, but to pretend that it is somehow worse than every other game is just nonsense. I have to wonder whether you've even played the game or if you're just a PCfat standing up for the multiplat.

There is a difference between an opinion and a general statement like
>Nier Automata was much worse than FFXV

It's pretty clear that "In my opinion" was implied. I'm not the one accusing others of shitposting just because they disagree.

>to pretend that it is somehow worse than every other game is just nonsense.
No one's doing that though.

Your pic related. I wanted Versus XIII and that is NOT what I got. I'm not getting over that any time soon, if ever. 8 years for such a motherfucking letdown.

I dont even like Automata but know thats bullshit

And they can't admit that all the ennemies having the exact same face is kinda boring.

And I told you earlier that nobody would care about it if it was just your opinion, but a) you made it a general statement and b) you compared it to another game. You brought this upon yourself. You made your post deliberately this way so that people would tell you that in their opinion you're wrong. I don't know why you're trying to play the victim card here.

>tfw Somnus will always be Versus 13s song
>whenever I hear it in a XV context it just feels insulting, especially in Kingsglaive

My opinion is that Nier Automata is much worse than FFXV, and it's pretty obvious that's what I meant. You're the one acting the victim, as if I somehow baited you into accusing me of shitposting because you can't handle a difference of opinion. Spare me that nonsense.

If you can't handle a difference of opinion without accusing someone of shitposting (because of course nobody could ever disagree with you!) then you need to get off the internet.

And my opinion is that you're wrong. Apparently you can't handle different opinions though.

One of us accused the other of shitposting. Which one was that again? Certainly wasn't me.

>FFXV is actually fun to play.

No offense but how is a game where you literally HOLD ONE BUTTON TO FIGHT be fun to play?

Not me either. But it's not unusual to question a contrarian opinion. Especially on a place that thrive on shitposting.

You don't "hold one button to fight"

It's two buttons

Someone help me understand how square managed to release a masterpiece like nier right after the disaster that was FFXV.

It wasn't made by Square.

Guild Wars 2 very easy, couldnt stomach that shit for more than 2 weeks.

Having a low budget often leads to better results than having infinite budget

>the guy who developed this game is a black guy who went on to be a Brietbart supporting gamer gater


I have certainly played far worse games, but no single game disappointed me more than FFXV did. When I reached the credits that was the most soul crushing disappointment I've ever felt in my life. I'd never felt anything like that before.

wasn't it outsourced to PlatinumGames? They have a pretty reasonable track record, and it came off the back of Bayonetta 2, which was fucking immense

Fallout 4

It was a different kind of disappointment than XIII. I was by far more hyped for XIII and because of XIII being so bad I knew better than to hope too much. But I never expected Square to release something as terrible and poorly made as XV.

Fucking spoiler this shit you dumb faggot. Goddamit you fucking asshole.

Yoko Taro
Automata not taking 10 years of development
Atuomata not changing directors

>That's your opinion.
My opinion can beat up your opinion. XV is garbage.

>FFXV certainly has its fair share of flaws, just like any other game
Most other games aren't dumb enough to have auto dodge, including Nier.

>I have to wonder whether you've even played the game
I've played them both. Nier >>>>> FFXV.

>wasn't it outsourced to PlatinumGames?
It was Platinum's idea in the first place. Square approached them about making a game and a guy at Platinum suggested a Nier sequel.

>Yoko Taro
Taro is an idiot on par with Tabata who directly stated Platinum took his piece of shit scenario and made a good game out of it.

Yoko Taro is a memegod who is losing his touch, but he's no Tabata.


>FFXV certainly has its fair share of flaws, just like any other game
No, not just like any other game. It's flaws exceed what should be acceptable from Square

there can be only one

publisher not developer, learn the difference